One Of The Last Real Ones To Do It
That’s fair. Don’t waste her time or break her heart. Make your intentions clear and fall back a little.I mean when you phrase the talking everyday part it makes sense.
But I don't see how we agreed to not smash others while we're currently hooking up signifies relationship status. It's safe if you ask me. She proposed the idea because she doesn't want to catch anything and I don't want to get check-ups at the clinic because she's smashing others. That part made hella sense to me.
But the other shyt could be seen as mixed signals I guess.
Didn't mean to make it that way lol. Like I said I just moved here to the big city and don't want to be in a relationship and I don't know anyone else around here so I would always socialize with her.
We're gonna have to make the terms clearer because I'm not planning on getting in one.
If not I'm just going to move on because now that I think about it she's probably waiting for me to cave in and ask her to make it official.
Also bro I hear you on the stds concerns but exclusivity is a sign of commitment. Even if it’s for health reasons. That is part of the mindset conservatives have regarding contraceptives and condoms. If they made people limit their sexual partners due to a lack of safe sex. Even just for health reasons, eventually the familiarity will lead to getting married (or kids). Then both people involved will pretend to be born again Christian’s just like the rest of Conservatives do.
Safe sex = more sexual partners