Slow Moving
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dont feel too sorry for the men.Got a homegirl that's on Tinder, Bumble, AND Hinge. Over 50 unread/unreplied to messages on each, notifications blowing up. I asked you ever gonna reply to them? She goes ehhh...if I'm bored enough I might.
Godspeed to all of you on them apps. I salute your patience and determination. Those stats are worse than when I was in the Navy (10 hot dogs for every bun, and a Navy bun was usually a 2/10- She's a 2 in the real world, but a 10 in the Navy).
I know apps are an ego boost/validation tool for women, but what I saw was a whole lot of dudes waiting for a reply and probably never getting one. She also told me she met up with a dude, wasn't feeling him, and curved him afterwards. Dude called her up cursing her out, called her a c*nt, all kinds of angry incel energy.
Guess who's gonna pay for his outburst?
Good luck!
Do free and random vpns work on tinder or are finding filters for that something they do consistently?
so I have to buy tinder passport, then?vpns don't work
yupso I have to buy tinder passport, then?
I’ll pass with Africa. The way the women bash AA men online has given me a bad taste in my mouth.yup
Well worth it if you are travelling to an african country
wtf false alarm i actually don’t know who this isfukk my ex baited me into texting. i genuinely didn’t know who she was at first. i had to apologize for my actions during the relationship cause i felt bad
she shouldn’t be texting me though
I gave her ultimatum come back or gtfo so I haven't talked to her since that day she tried to guilt trip only reason I even spoke to her was I felt guilt how I treated her before.
I’ll pass with Africa. The way the women bash AA men online has given me a bad taste in my mouth.