Yeah they mostly are though there are solid chicks who do actually want to be friends not want a man to give them attention 2 examples.
Chick I used to see we stopped talking back in summer 2021, didnt hear a peep from her until a month ago, when she popped up saying hi randomly one night.
I asked her what’s up long time no hear etc, she's like she wants to be friends etc she misses me. Not sure why we stopped talking yada yada
I’m like are you still with your BF, she won’t even fully answer that question. Anyway I keep her at a distance as I know how she goes, a few messages for a week then she will disappear again and as I suspected she has low energy and barely reaches out but really want to be ‘friends’. Not going to even make an effort.
Another chick I used to see as a FWB we stopped as she met a guy, I stepped back so she could do what shes doing.
Then her and her man split after a few months and she got in contact and told me she missed me etc, the usual but she has shown through effort that she wants to make this friendship work, checking in on me, giving me heads up on freelance work she's heard of looking for particular people, pushing work from her business towards me, taking me out for dinner and us doing activities together, we had a conversation and both agreed, if we were not going to be honest with each other and also return energy this was never going to work.
Friendships are like romantic relationships you have to put in the upkeep and effort to keep things going well and it requires both people to want to make the effort.
Women like that I’m happy to have in my life. That first chick though she can

she cant even be honest with herself.