Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Leading The Regime
Dec 26, 2012
The Concrete Jungle

Man I need to stop reading these stories. I can't believe there are men this spineless. Dude watched his wife smash this guy and still isn't sure about leaving. Bunch of red flags. He blatantly ignored his instincts just so he didn't make any waves. Forget that. She's got him all messed up in the head because he's guilty after she's the one who cheated. Such a lack of respect, not only for her marriage but for her own body. Cheating while carrying your husband's child, unforgivable.

International Playa

Playa with a Passport
Nov 26, 2012
Man I need to stop reading these stories. I can't believe there are men this spineless. Dude watched his wife smash this guy and still isn't sure about leaving. Bunch of red flags. He blatantly ignored his instincts just so he didn't make any waves. Forget that. She's got him all messed up in the head because he's guilty after she's the one who cheated. Such a lack of respect, not only for her marriage but for her own body. Cheating while carrying your husband's child, unforgivable.

If the man leaves, the men will be blamed for breaking up the family, looooooooooool
May 1, 2012
treat a woman like a star...she treats you like a fan

treat a woman like a groupie..she treat you like a superstar


May 2, 2012
"Imagine if, back when you were a child, instead of going to school every day your parents gave you the option of doing whatever else you wanted. Maybe you would choose to sit around all day and eat chocolate chip cookies. Or build a fort in the woods. Or play basketball with your friends. The point is, simply imagine if you had the freedom as a child to choose to do something besides that which you were compelled to do by your parents and the law. Is there any chance you would have been going to school five days a week? Even the most studious and responsible children would have regularly skipped out to partake in activities that were more fun.

Modern, educated, affluent, Western women are like the children in this example. They simply have so many seemingly fun, exciting, self-fulfilling options in life that motherhood cannot compete. We educate women and fill their heads with feminist propaganda which tells them that it's very important for them to have a career, and that being a mother is boring, thankless and degrading in comparison to the glamorous, big city professional life they could otherwise lead. At best, marriage and children are an afterthought, something to be considered when 30 is approaching and a woman knows that her best years are behind her.

Is it any wonder, then, that women who are in a position to choose, choose fun over the responsibility of motherhood? Who wants to be changing diapers when you could instead be having mimosas with your girlfriends? Or spend thousands of dollars on childcare instead of blowing your entire paycheck at Nordstrom? Or commit to one man when you can leverage your physical prime looks for the attention of several alphas?

Feminists would counter that this is equally the fault of men who refuse to grow up and get serious about marriage and children, but of course this is nonsense. We all know that it is women who control the sexual marketplace through their monopoly of p*ssy. It is women who determine the price of access to their vaginas, be it lifelong commitment and support or three strong cocktails and some smoothly delivered dialogue. Men simply respond to the reality of the sexual marketplace that women create through their choices. If for some reason every woman suddenly decided that she would only fukk men who wore chicken suits, by the end of the week we'd all be discussing tips on how to keep our feathers from being ruffled when we sit down and the best techniques for drinking through a beak. The undeniable fact is that female lifestyle choices dictate the choices that men make in response.

For this reason, for most of history female choice was artificially limited by social convention and law. With few exceptions, women simply did not have a realistic option of choosing to be anything except a wife and mother. In turn, this meant that in order to get p*ssy, your average man had little choice except to become a husband and father. Both men and women had fewer choices for individual "fun" and "self-fulfillment", but the species thrived because of it. Feminism, or female empowerment, completely upends this historical arrangement and thereby destroys the family. With the freedom to choose, many women choose themselves over their potential children, and the population is no longer growing at replacement rate as a result.

The elephant in the room that no one wants to address is that this is an inevitable consequence of female empowerment. If you give women affluence and the ability to choose what they want to do, not enough will choose to become young mothers of multiple children. It's hard choose the socially responsible thing over the fun thing. And perhaps this is not a female weakness, but a human weakness. It's hard to imagine that many men would do any different in the same situation. But whether or not men would do the same is simply irrelevant, because whether one likes it or not, women are the ones whose choices dictate the outcomes of the sexual marketplace, the strength of the family structure and ultimately population growth or decline.

The unspeakable, monstrously politically incorrect conclusion is that societies that empower females will thus inexorably slide toward demographic oblivion as a consequence of low birth rates, while those that retain a more patriarchal structure with limitations on female choice, independence and affluence will continue to grow. And this is not some gross conjecture. All you have to do is compare the birth rates of Muslim countries to Japan, the U.S. and Western Europe to verify this fact.

The battle against feminism will ultimately be one of survival."


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Something i found while surfing the web, long but worth the read.

“Well, then, since it is not immediately obvious, allow me to explain.
Women have much more power in relationships than men do. Not just by social convention (which, believe me, is power enough), not just because others are more sympathetic to their side of any story (which, believe me, is also more than power enough), but via the full weight and majesty of the law.

Let us construct, in our heads, a hypothetical scenario. I shall use you and I as examples, just give some sense of the impact of these events on people’s lives.

Let us suppose that we meet, by chance, in some gathering place in some city where, at some time in the future, we both reside. I am tall, handsome, muscular, well-dressed, and confident; you are pretty, intelligent, charming, and you get my jokes.

Nature takes its course.

About a year later, you decide that I am a good catch, the best of your available options, and you would like to be married. You drop hints, but I demur. I like you well enough, but you want children and I do not. Not to mention that I am still considering my options and am unready to enter into any sort of lifelong pact.

(This is the branch point. This is where we tell the story of what you could legally do, were you so inclined.)

You simply stop taking your birth control pills, without a word to me. This is not a crime, because legally, I have no right to know. They are your pills, and it is your body.

After a couple of attempts which I did not know were attempts, you become pregnant. You may have attempted with other men as well. Let’s leave that matter unresolved for the moment.

You do not tell me until you start to show. This is also perfectly legal.

Once I figure things out, I offer to pay for half the termination procedure. You decline to undergo one. This, too, is legal. The law allows you the “right to choose”. I, however, have no such right.

I do a little snooping, and discover unused quantities of birth control pills in the bathroom cabinet. Since they come in those neatly dated little wheel-things, I am easily able to deduce the exactly day you stopped. I terminate our sexual relationship post-haste.

You are angry and accuse me of putting you in this delicate situation and then abandoning you. I demur, arguing that you placed yourself in this situation. Negotiations deteriorate.

I demand a paternity test, not feeling very trusting at this point. You refuse. You can do that. You have the legal right, it’s your body, I cannot force you to undergo amniocentesis.

You give birth to a daughter, and name her Zoe. I am named on the birth certificate as the father, simply because mine was the name you gave when they asked. I was not even there.

Now, I have refused to marry you. I still have that right, in most situations. (Look up “common-law” marriage, a law that allows a woman to force a man to marry her.)

So you legally demand that I provide you with the benefits of marriage anyway, to wit, a large portion of my income. You have the legal right to do this. It’s called “child support”.

In court, I demand a paternity test, but am denied one. You see, because I offered to pay for an abortion, I acknowledged the child as mine. And my name is on the certificate. And, most important of all, the very court that is ruling on the matter receives a cut of all child support payments. (Bet you didn’t know that, did you?)

Legally, the money is for Zoe, but the checks come to you, in your name. You can spend them however you like, with no oversight whatsoever.

I’m not even sure Zoe is mine.

Now I’m in a bad situation. But the story does not end here.

The tanking economy causes budget cuts, and my cushy job as an engineer at a major defense contractor is lost. The only thing thing I can find to replace it is a job hawking cell-phones in one of those mall kiosks. This is not, however, grounds for reducing my child-support payments. The initial amount of them was determined by my income at the time, but legally, they are a right belonging to Zoe, and determined by Zoe’s need, so my income is not a factor.

Now I cannot pay. I am a “deadbeat dad”, according to society. And the newspaper my photo is published in. And the website my picture is posted on.

My failure to pay tanks my credit rating, too, with all its attendant woes.

The economy loosens up a bit, and I reapply to my old firm. They’re keen to hire me, but they can’t. With a record of delinquent child support payments, I cannot pass the background check. Now my career is blighted, too.

Many years have passed at this point, and I’m in deep trouble. Broke, no career prospects, poor credit, spotty criminal record (failure to pay child support is a misdemeanor in some jurisdictions), depressed, no means or confidence to attract another woman even if I could ever trust one again.

But the story doesn’t end here.

Desperate, I manage to find some pretext to visit you, and I steal some of Zoe’s hair from her hairbrush in the bathroom. I pay for a lab test out of my meager remaining resources.

Zoe isn’t mine.

I take you to court, and lose. Yes, lose. Because I had already been paying child support, I am the publicly acknowledged father. (If you do not believe this could possibly happen, I sympathize. It’s crazy. But google “joseph michael ocasio” and prepare to be shocked.)

Okay, end of scenario.

Look where we are. My life is indeed ruined. At no point did I have any power to stop it (except by remaining celibate my entire life). At every point, what you did, you had the legal right to do. You didn’t have to “get away” with anything. You could write a book about it, and nothing would change, because it was all legal.

The only thing protecting most men from this fate is nothing but women’s lack of inclination to do this. They are entirely in her power.

Would you accept being in an 1700’s-style marriage, where your husband owned everything, and had the legal right to beat you, simply because he was a “nice guy and wouldn’t do that”?

That is precisely what men are being asked, no, expected, to accept.

Is it any wonder we are distrustful and suspicious to the point of paranoia? It’s our only defense. The law will not protect us. The law is against us, straight down the line.

Think about it. Try to imagine how that might feel.”



Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Man I need to stop reading these stories. I can't believe there are men this spineless. Dude watched his wife smash this guy and still isn't sure about leaving. Bunch of red flags. He blatantly ignored his instincts just so he didn't make any waves. Forget that. She's got him all messed up in the head because he's guilty after she's the one who cheated. Such a lack of respect, not only for her marriage but for her own body. Cheating while carrying your husband's child, unforgivable.

breh there are alot of puzzy ass emasculated men out there

the same how there is a bnch of low self esteem women out there who can get beaten to a pulp yet still love em


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4


Come to bed with me, but stay up super-late using her phone
Add lockscreen passwords to her phone
Leave the room to take phone calls
Find reasons to leave the house, like holiday cookie runs

wasn't. From the comfort of my hotel room several hundred miles away, I had to watch their hours-long make-out sessions. I witnessed her do things to him that she's never been willing to do for me. There was sex, romance, and snuggling, all at the expense of my living room couch. The texts only made it worse, and I continued to torture myself my watching and reading both until I couldn't stand it anymore.

remember what kevm said before? how she';ll be miss sweet with you but ms freak with someone else?

Adding insult to injury: At the time, she was 20 weeks pregnant with our first child.


you still have folks saying "you have to trust": and all that



I Am A God
May 1, 2012
More and more I'm realizing how much women really NEED attention....I've come to the conclusion that women are just as thirsty if not more thirsty than guys.

I was in the studio all Saturday night, hadn't slept for like 3 days and was scheduled to go to NYC for this basketball game to play my homie....I was just gonna skip the whole trip but my homies were so mad i just ended up going. I drove to NYC yesterday to play my homie in a 1 on 1 basketball game. Me and the homies were hyping it up for a while, we had money on the game....I ended up winning.....Afterwards there was a Superbowl party at my homies crib. Honestly, it's weird saying this but I realizing now I'm not that big on Superbowl parties because I really really get into sports and tend to like watching games around people who actually give a fukk about the game rather than just people looking for an event to socialize and eat food. I think I've realized superbowl parties for the most part are just ways for hoes to bag nikkas. Like honestly 90 percent of hoes go to superbowl parties just to talk and eat, don't even watch the game.......I've dead ass smashed joints at Superbowl parties. When I was a little nikka who just thirsted for p*ssy over everything else this was great......but consequently I also didn't get as much p*ssy as I do now....but yeah I tend to bet on games so I really focus on ways to middle games, try to ingame bet online, etc so that's where my focus was.

So I'm watching this game and there happens to be this bad shorty sitting next to me who I can tell is feeling me. Anyways we chat briefly but I'm not paying her any attention. She might as well had not even been there. Between me chillin on the comp, checking the in game betting spreads, reading stats & watching the game & talking to my homie about the game. So during the blackout I finally engage her in a discussion, really getting to know the joint....then when the game came back I kinda got focused....I put in a bet for SF +14.5........& just stopped talking to her. I guess she was salty but she told my homie I was awkward and didn't understand why I stopped talking to her. lol He's comes to me like why aren't you getting after the jawn, she's feeling you, you need to hit that. I'm like fukk that hoe breh, the Superbowl is on,

So after the game, it's my homie 3 girls (the one joint who said I was awkward and was feeling me) lol So my homie didn't know I knew the 3 joints started introducing me to he announcing the one joint...I'm like yeah I know her, thats the one joint who said I was awkward for not talking to her. lol....So Later I'm about to leave or what not she comes up and gives me a hug and says I'm so sorry for calling you awkward it's just you are so cute :inlove:....I'm like yeah, thats wassup :smugbiden but I ended up driving her home since she didn't live very far and I was driving back to philly. Found out she went to my school and has mutual friends, I know if i want that I can bag. Not sweating it tho.


I Am A God
May 1, 2012
Take ecstasy, save your relationship -

"Women naturally product oxytocin bursts during sex which promote long-term emotional attachment to the man she's banging. This is nature's way of promoting an ideal two-parent family structure that is likely to endure at least until the children are able to start taking care of themselves.

But what we see now is that women spend so many years riding the cock carousel and fukking dozens of men that their brains become less sensitive to the oxytocin bursts they receive from sex. So over time, women gradually lose the ability to emotionally pair bond with the man they're having sex with. So the poor b*stard who settles down with the early-30s veteran carousel rider has no chance. As soon as she pumps out a couple of kids, her brain has no more use for the guy. Her emotional bond with him was so shallow from the get-go because she spent an entire decade getting pumped and dumped by a string of alphas. Her oxytocin receptors are shot from the constant highs and lows she received with every new pump and subsequent dump.

This is another reason why virginity was so highly valued in the past (and still is today by some). Beyond the guarantee of paternity, marrying a virgin greatly enhanced family stability. In the old days, the idea of marrying today's average carousel rider would have been as absurd and disgusting to most men as marrying a prostitute. But that's basically what men are doing now.

It's terrifying to realize that the average Western girl today has the emotional brain chemistry of a prostitute, and is so emotionally damaged from years of carousel riding that she needs ecstasy therapy to even have a chance of remaining emotionally bonded to the father of her children."



Ascended Member
May 28, 2012
Take ecstasy, save your relationship -

"Women naturally product oxytocin bursts during sex which promote long-term emotional attachment to the man she's banging. This is nature's way of promoting an ideal two-parent family structure that is likely to endure at least until the children are able to start taking care of themselves.

But what we see now is that women spend so many years riding the cock carousel and fukking dozens of men that their brains become less sensitive to the oxytocin bursts they receive from sex. So over time, women gradually lose the ability to emotionally pair bond with the man they're having sex with. So the poor b*stard who settles down with the early-30s veteran carousel rider has no chance. As soon as she pumps out a couple of kids, her brain has no more use for the guy. Her emotional bond with him was so shallow from the get-go because she spent an entire decade getting pumped and dumped by a string of alphas. Her oxytocin receptors are shot from the constant highs and lows she received with every new pump and subsequent dump.

This is another reason why virginity was so highly valued in the past (and still is today by some). Beyond the guarantee of paternity, marrying a virgin greatly enhanced family stability. In the old days, the idea of marrying today's average carousel rider would have been as absurd and disgusting to most men as marrying a prostitute. But that's basically what men are doing now.

It's terrifying to realize that the average Western girl today has the emotional brain chemistry of a prostitute, and is so emotionally damaged from years of carousel riding that she needs ecstasy therapy to even have a chance of remaining emotionally bonded to the father of her children."

too real
May 4, 2012
Take ecstasy, save your relationship -

"Women naturally product oxytocin bursts during sex which promote long-term emotional attachment to the man she's banging. This is nature's way of promoting an ideal two-parent family structure that is likely to endure at least until the children are able to start taking care of themselves.

But what we see now is that women spend so many years riding the cock carousel and fukking dozens of men that their brains become less sensitive to the oxytocin bursts they receive from sex. So over time, women gradually lose the ability to emotionally pair bond with the man they're having sex with. So the poor b*stard who settles down with the early-30s veteran carousel rider has no chance. As soon as she pumps out a couple of kids, her brain has no more use for the guy. Her emotional bond with him was so shallow from the get-go because she spent an entire decade getting pumped and dumped by a string of alphas. Her oxytocin receptors are shot from the constant highs and lows she received with every new pump and subsequent dump.

This is another reason why virginity was so highly valued in the past (and still is today by some). Beyond the guarantee of paternity, marrying a virgin greatly enhanced family stability. In the old days, the idea of marrying today's average carousel rider would have been as absurd and disgusting to most men as marrying a prostitute. But that's basically what men are doing now.

It's terrifying to realize that the average Western girl today has the emotional brain chemistry of a prostitute, and is so emotionally damaged from years of carousel riding that she needs ecstasy therapy to even have a chance of remaining emotionally bonded to the father of her children."


LMAO shyt is unreal with these harlots man.