Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Aug 7, 2019
If you were a guy 25 years old and had 2 kids under 4 years old, but you’re well off financially. Would you date a woman 34 years old with 3 kids that make ends meet?

Her kids ages are 15, 12, and 7.


Nah. I’d say go younger and 1 kid max.

Plus I doubt she would be willing to birth a kid between the two of you.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
If you were a guy 25 years old and had 2 kids under 4 years old, but you’re well off financially. Would you date a woman 34 years old with 3 kids that make ends meet?

Her kids ages are 15, 12, and 7.


If i was 25 why would I want to date a 34 year old :dahell:
not one not two but three kids?


May 1, 2012
If you were a guy 25 years old and had 2 kids under 4 years old, but you’re well off financially. Would you date a woman 34 years old with 3 kids that make ends meet?

Her kids ages are 15, 12, and 7.


no and I was kinda in that position back in day. 1 kid is enough I’ll deal with 2 I won’t unless she is extremely financially stable and good head on shoulder but she can’t be that much older than me like 10 years and have kids that age. Scratch that the kids that age is more of the issue and cuz she has 3. 2 max I’m willing to deal with but have to be young like 6 max and under her age aint a problem I can handle that cuz I did In past with single moms
In the end I got with a single mom who had 1 kid just 2 years younger than my oldest and 1 year older than my youngest
12 years together shyt hasn’t been easy but we still good now we a family of 5


I Am A God
May 1, 2012
If you were a guy 25 years old and had 2 kids under 4 years old, but you’re well off financially. Would you date a woman 34 years old with 3 kids that make ends meet?

Her kids ages are 15, 12, and 7.


I was 32 dating a 39 year old woman with 3 kids. I had just left my job at Roc Nation and basically became a professional gambler and she was making 6 figures. I would have made her my girlfriend if things worked out but she's now just my best friend. I had a real connection with her. Honestly you just gotta do what works for you and makes you happy. Nothing else is important.

Rozay Oro

2 Peter 3:9 if you don’t know God
Sep 9, 2013

@Babyface i done came up nikka


All Star
Nov 11, 2017
If you were a guy 25 years old and had 2 kids under 4 years old, but you’re well off financially. Would you date a woman 34 years old with 3 kids that make ends meet?

Her kids ages are 15, 12, and 7.


Why? Hell no! You barely recovering and about to absorb 4 liabilities that’ll further deplete your resources?!! Choke yourself! Harder!!!


Dec 25, 2014
This could be its own thread in itself. How do you guys go about asking/verifying test results from women?

I use a site here called getcheckedonline

You can setup an account, go to a lifelab here in Vancouver and get your results in a few days. Any chick I deal with I’ve put onto that site and they’ve thanked me. Best of all we can both show each other. As you can log in and and get your results. I love it as it shows a willingness to respect each others sexual health.

The issue with the old way is you have to take someone on their word that they’re ‘clean’ I’ve had a few close calls with women. Never want to repeat how I felt before I got my all clear.

I straight up ask a woman before we get intimate when was the last time they had a STI check. I seriously don't play with my health. I’m happy when a woman asks me before we get down to it. For me its condoms until we both have our clear tests.

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
Why? Hell no! You barely recovering and about to absorb 4 liabilities that’ll further deplete your resources?!! Choke yourself! Harder!!!

dudes do this to themselves. We told breh numerous times what to do and he still wants to be an idiot. He deserves to crash and burn at this point.

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
I use a site here called getcheckedonline

You can setup an account, go to a lifelab here in Vancouver and get your results in a few days. Any chick I deal with I’ve put onto that site and they’ve thanked me. Best of all we can both show each other. As you can log in and and get your results. I love it as it shows a willingness to respect each others sexual health.

The issue with the old way is you have to take someone on their word that they’re ‘clean’ I’ve had a few close calls with women. Never want to repeat how I felt before I got my all clear.

I straight up ask a woman before we get intimate when was the last time they had a STI check. I seriously don't play with my health. I’m happy when a woman asks me before we get down to it. For me its condoms until we both have our clear tests.

Dudes shouldn't be going raw until they are are engaged/married.


Lookahere mayne...
Nov 30, 2015
Why? Hell no! You barely recovering and about to absorb 4 liabilities that’ll further deplete your resources?!! Choke yourself! Harder!!!

dudes do this to themselves. We told breh numerous times what to do and he still wants to be an idiot. He deserves to crash and burn at this point.

this isn’t advice for me. Chill. :whoa:

I’m 36 and don’t have any kids. :ahh:


The Patron Saint of Threads
Apr 30, 2012
The Bushes
Just 14 things I've learned along the way

1. The wrong person can destroy your life, while the right one can enhance it – choose wisely and be careful who you open up to, not everyone has your best interests at heart.

2. What begins fast – ends fast, be patient and observant. People rarely change, what you see after the honeymoon period is usually who they are at their core.

3. Always be yourself and never take on another role to impress anyone, nor over analyze what you should do or say. Not everyone will like you and well that’s life. You may be humble and they may equate that to you being soft. You may be confident and they may equate that with being arrogant. You may be a good person to the core and they may equate that with being safe and boring. If someone does not like you for who you are well there is someone out there who will.

4. Never give away your feelings, love, and commitment cheaply. Respect paves the way for love. And without respect, there is no solid foundation for love or commitment.

5. Have standards, boundaries and a high level of self-confidence. When you have vigorous levels of confidence it’s like a domino effect that encouragingly stimulates every part of your inner composition. From your self-esteem, thought process, success in life and right down to relationships all benefit from self-confidence. However deficiency of self-confidence will keep you from maintaining beneficial boundaries. This in turn will lead to individuals overrunning the line in the sand so to speak over and over again losing all forms of respect they have for you. People who don’t revere your boundaries don’t truly love or respect you.

6. When someone traverses your boundaries, disappoints, frustrates or makes you enraged, if you reciprocate with anger you have handed over power of your emotions to them. When you counter without reacting (indifference) you are indicating that you are in total control and are not going to relinquish control of your emotions to someone else. It rarely pays to confront, be angry, or pour out your soul. You’ll never get the answer or reaction you are seeking, just drama, lies, trickle truthing, deflections, blame-shifting, and vilifying of you to justify their actions.

7. Relationships take a lot of work. Every day brings forth new challenges and emotions. You have to learn to pick your battles, and compromise in certain areas to make it succeed. Successful, long-lasting relationships are not built on sexual attraction.

8. Love and Relationships are indeterminate and they have no assurances. You may get cheated on, manipulated, lied to, fall out of love, drift apart or it may be the best experience of your life. No one can predict the future but you can either live in trepidation or give it a go, hope you did your due diligence and try to make the best of it.

9. Actions over words, people will always tell you what you want to hear to calm any fears. Always trust your gut feeling, if you feel something is not right – more than likely you are correct. Never think it can’t happen to you.

10. Without any consequences, bad behavior will continue to persist. When it is time to walk away, never wait and never look back. You may receive a big jolt of pain all at once but if you stay you get it little by little; day after day. Never accept demotion, breadcrumbs, nor cling to anything (words, individuals) – move on and enrich yourself. Never let anyone pick you up and throw you aside and pick you up and throw you aside whenever it suits them, if you have no self respect no one will respect you.

11. Recognize that breakups happen for an array of reasons and one of the main reasons is that somewhere out there is someone more suitable for you. So don’t impede the process in locating them by trying to recapture a relationship with an individual who isn’t right for you. Neuter the feelings that you never will get over your ex because it is all an illusion. So hope for peace in the world, hope for an end to bigotry, hope for the end of world hunger, but never hope for a person who no longer values you or loves you to come back in your life.

12. Don’t give into bitterness. It will seek to control you and eat away at your happiness. Reclaim your self-
respect and individual power. Learn from your mistakes and you’ll become a better person. Just remember that anything and everything is possible when you re-identify yourself. Make peace with the situation and accept it for what it was. Great things seem to happen if you have a positive mindset when you least expect it. So work on remaking yourself into a better person. The person you always wanted to be.

13. The path to absolute recovery is not a horizontal line, there will be ups and downs, left turns and right turns, step forwards and step backs. However in all things there is a lesson and in this you can learn the process of letting go and moving forward in life. You should never be reliant upon anyone else to bring happiness into your life. Since the day I finally came to the realization and understanding that I have no control over someone loving me, valuing me, respecting me or not – life has been so seamless. Why worry about things you can’t change its better to focus on the areas you can change and control, your thoughts, your happiness and your life.

14. Patience it’s not the end, everything in life teaches a valuable lesson. You can carry around baggage and be emotional unstable and lack empathy or you can take the viewpoint of being better prepared, wiser, stronger and realize life throws battles at everyone, you can’t win them all but you can win the war.
still the single most helpful thing I’ve read on the Coli in regards to relationships.

Thank you, Lord Scarf :handshake: