I gotta dead this shyt I got with this one girl. We matched on hinge last year. She would disappear and reappear weeks later, which didn’t phase me all that much cuz my rotation was actually unmanageable so there was no need to make it more so. We finally met in the flesh 3 months ago.
The positives: she’s lowkey a baddie, doing her PhD, has mad style and our bants are dope. The negatives: disappearing and reappearing act with some convenient excuse. Seems to be scared or unwilling to be intimate as she ignored proposals to kick it indoors, always suggesting a neutral ground
I can’t front, the lack of buns has gotten to me. I feel my patience is now exhausted. There are other girls tryna to get with a nikka, and granted she might be badder than them, but one must go where they’re celebrated. 3 months is a long time and I work way too hard to make plans for someone that might just want to be on a platonic tip and/or got a rotation of her own.
The M.O is only live hoes, no scared bytches
My only dilemma is if I should just go ghost or let her know it ain’t working for me. In my heart, I know the later is Hail Mary play, but something tells me I might have to do it anyway cuz it’s likely she’ll check in and highlight any perceived distance.