Yikes. I remember dealing with something like this 6 years ago. I really liked this girl. She was gorgeous, knew how to dress and always smelled nice. I was smitten!
I didn’t find out she was talking to her ex until months into the relationship when I’d already invested time and money. I suspected she was shady but I needed proof. So I hacked her email and was able to justify everything. Don’t think they had sex during the time we dated cause dude was in another country. Needless to say, from the back and forth I read, she clearly still had feelings for dude.
I sat on this information for a couple of weeks because I just wanted to watch the behavior of a known liar who was under the impression she’d successfully duped me.
We had an unrelated argument one time in which I questioned her loyalty. I was like can u really look me in the eyes and honestly tell me you’ve been emotionally and physically faithful to me? U have not spoken to any of ur exes since we’ve been together? She answered with an attitude like no I did not talk to any exes. And even rolled her eyes for maximum effect. I paused then said don’t u know I know you’ve been talking to so and so? Telling him how much u miss him? How you got mad at him because he didn’t let u know when he came to the country to visit? Like u and I had met already and I had just spent a fucck ton of money for ur birthday and here u are telling another Man U miss him.
Man I tell u, the look on her face was priceless. She was copping so many pleas.
needless to say, the relationship had to end. But she did expose me to a very adventurous lifestyle, expensive on my dime, but adventurous nonetheless. This is why I’m an advocate of checking ur girls phones, emails etc. if you’re gonna get played it’s best u minimize how long it happens.
breh you're better off just cheating lol. Nobody has time to be inspector gadget.
Either be working on a goal that if your chick is cheating so what, when you find out cut her lose, and enjoy the rewards of your goal. If you don't have any major goal you are working on (you should always have one honestly) then just cheat if you sense something up, so at least you put numbers on the board when she eventually lets you down.

It's a dirty game out here and even chicks will say stupid stuff like "if you aint married you single" so if thats the case give them what they want

This is why I advocate for brehs staying with a goal and staying in shape, because women act COMPLETELY different when they know for a fact there is always a threat of someone else taking her from you. Even when/if you get married never fall off.