"No matter how many great qualities I have, apparently no man wants to be a father to children that's not his..." uh yeah, no shyt.

Obviously coming with three kids in tow rules you out in the eyes of most men who are single, no kids and have their shyt together. A woman having one child might get some support, but three?

fukk outta here.
This is interesting. I used to be Facebook friends with this chick like 6 years ago and at the time she was married to some hotep rasta dude on some polygamy shyt. Obviously things didn't work out, because now she's single and posting raunchy pics whereas before she used to be covered up. In all fairness to her, she was actually married and had her kids by one dude, so she's better than these chicks who have several baby daddies. But at the end of the day who the fukk is gonna want to take on a woman with three kids when they don't have any of their own? It's just not happening. I seen too many dudes get disrespected by the kids and the mother when they try to do the noble thing. No man wants to be that sucker who gets played. Miss me with that "it takes a village" shyt too. A woman with no children of her own wouldn't want to take on a man with three kids either. Besides, men get ruled out for way less every day.
Her post has got the typical lowkey entitlement a lot of these single mothers have, cos if she was really loving it all like she claims she wouldn't have said anything. These chicks think just by being somewhat cute the whole world should be handed to them. That video I posted earier speaks of this mentality in depth.