I need some advice brehs, this is a code red. Hit the panic button lol.
Nah but all jokes aside I've been talking for this chick for a minute now and when things are great we really have a great connection and we always have an amazing time even if it something as simple as walking through a supermarket. However it always seems like ever so often things go wrong or like we don't speak the same language so it's hard to get through to her. She is also a woman who prides herself on being independent so to speak.
So last night we were having a conversation and she brought up a past conversation where she said she was "Young, Wild and Free". Me personally I don't like the term due to the connotation of it and I expressed that to her and asked her not to use that in a conversation with me. While she agreed I could tell she was upset. I pressed on it a little bit and she told me it bothered her because she says some things "differently" from the way others do and to her Young, Wild and Free means she can do what she wants, she can make goals in life and go out and conquer them and basically that she was independent. She said she now has a fear that other things she says will cause me to ask her to censor herself when she wants to talk freely.
Now this morning she says she didn't like how we ended the convo last night and she wanted to apologize about it and agreed she wouldn't say it but I wanted to make sure she understood why. To make a long story short I told her I wanted to just take the rest of the day to myself and when she asked if I would say goodnight I told her I don't know and she started crying. Now I'm not sure what to do, Do you think I should break up with her or do you guys understand her perspective? Am I bugging?
I get the young wild and free part u didnt like and yall talked about and she apologized
But no offense u want the day to yourself and not say goodnight over that seems petty as hell or immature
She took the time to apologize and u basically shot her down breh which in return she may not even want to tell u stuff anymore if that upset u that much means cant say shyt around u
Unless I'm understanding it wrong she was wrong and out of line for young wild and free but u were the next day after she apologized
U explained y and ya she didnt like it and that's fine she dont got to like but needs to understand use certain words properly also
Dont get bent out of shape over it also there are worse things and they will happen eventually in a conversation that come where I can see y u wouldnt want to talk to her at that time and not say goodnight