Yeah, this is my logic.
It doesn't even take a minute actually. It takes seconds to fiddle your thumbs and text someone.
I just told a chick this last week, and of course they deny it and are like "sorry, I've just been stressed out, and this person this, that problem that, blah blah"
But on an even deeper level remember this, it shows whether or not you cross their mind. If you cross somebody's mind, they will text you, especially a woman. If she's not replying in a timely fashion, it should be crossing her mind to be curious/check her phone to see if you have texted her, whether you did or didn't. So no reason your texts should sit for hours unanswered.
Some women are like, "I'm not really on my phone like that", that's a lie. If you texted anybody all day, you could say something to someone you claim to be interested in.
It may take you a min to see that and learn her behavioral patterns, and in that time you may be overextending yourself, double texting etc. I never like to accuse ppl right from jump so I give them rope. BUT once you see that behavior, either slowly abort mission or give that same behavior back to them.
Believe me, they notice when your behavior/texts go from being interested on level 10, down to a level 2.
I'm preachin to myself here if nobody else.