idk if he hit the first night but does that automatically disqualify her from serious relationship status?
idk if he hit the first night but does that automatically disqualify her from serious relationship status?
quite disgusting
Swizz out chere rocking a dress... wow
Coli brethren. Im stuck in a predicament...
i wifed up a girl at the end of highschool (shes in harvard) and we were fine all summer. broke before we left to school but still talked a little. eventually, like all long distance relationship, it stopped. But fukk shawty still on my mind. saw her in thanksgiving break after she showed up to a party unexpectedly
, but i was puttin the
on some other dime. She got jealous and ignored me all night. i played it cool and kept my game running
. We haven't spoken since, but i still want this broad..
Its about to be the end of the semester and both of us gonna be back home. wtf do i do to have this bytch back this winter before the nect semester come??
- first thing you got to do is get out of, "Get this girl BACK" mode. With thoughts like that youre putting yourself below her and gonna fail. I have never heard a non-fictional story involving a man going all out to "win his girl back" and succeeding. Dont let Disney, the CW and ABC's TGIF fool you breh.
- second youre gonna have to just wait until she gets back, link up with her and be yourself around her. You already know who she is and she's familiar with you so the hard part is out the way. She liked you in the first place because you were yourself probably right? So continue doing what you do.
- third be aware of the fact that she has been away from you, alone in college and is not yours but wolves' property since the break up. We all know how freshmen are during university when they're away from their parents...them Ivy League schools are just as bad if not worse apparently. Whats the point of resuming the long distance relationship when she gets back if she is just gonna go back to Harvard. What is gonna change? If anything she is likely accustomed to "having fun" as they say.
The first two points are all I can say as far as what you should do...the last is just food for thought I guess. If you dont mind...why did you breakup anyways besides long distance? How did the conversation go?
thanks breh.. just these past 2 weeks, bytch been just poppin up in my mind.. i be f-king other hoes and i'm still thinking about her
@Nudie she's in mass. im in upstate NY.. wasn't gonna try that long distance shyt, and if i got a girl, i aint cheating on her. so i needed other broads to fukk
figured this was the reason and it's a shame when you have to let go of a presumably good girl for such reasons
but in that case, the third point is all thats necessary unless now youre willing to do the long distance. Cambridge is a loooong way from the Upstate
I need this n*gga @kevm3 to drop some gems on my site.