Approaching a new woman every day for a month, Day 26:
There's a hot blonde that works as a personal trainer at my gym. She's good motivation to get off my fat ass to go work out. I also like the fact that she is the kind of girl that seems so unapproachable to so many other guys, because the fear factor that she creates on her own is something that weeds a lot of the guys that would be going for her out of the picture.
Anyway, I saw her working the squat rack with a forty something housewife. She was looking real good as usual and she looked over at me. I had to react quickly. If a girl catches you looking at her you can't make it seem like you were just staring. That's creepy. You have to react somehow. So I smiled in the only slick way that I know how, and said, "Hey there." She seemed pleasantly caught off guard and responded with a smile and a, "Hi!"
Her client finished her set and left for the locker room. I started talking to her about certain hot spots around town. I pretended to recognize her from some place that I go to regularly downtown, because if she did frequent the spot I could ask her a bunch of follow up questions and ask her to meet there, but if not I could proceed to tell her about the place and invite her out next time.
Anyway, got her number and stuff. She is so fukking hawwwwwt.
Gonna bring her out Saturday, I think.