Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Brehs, i need some advice...BADLY...

as ya'll know, i'm getting divorced. i brought up paperwork last week in a conversation with my ex and she hit me with the :merchant: face. ever since then, she has been going OVERBOARD and CRAZY trying to get me back on board with her. but after her telling me point blank to my face that she doesn't want to be with me and she thinks we should end the relaionship a month ago, i have been on some :shaq2::manny: type shyt. i don't want to be with her anymore, but i also don't want to be an a$$hole to her and say "fukk OUTTA HERE!!! I DON'T WANNA BE WITH YOUR ASS ANYMORE!!!!" i'm trying to be delicate with her. i woke up last night to her sucking my dikk :mindblown: she is really going hard trying to convince me, but i don't believe anything coming out of her mouth. what do i say to her to get her to back off? i'm fukking outta ideas!!!! :wow::snoop:
This happens to all worthwhile men. a woman pulls some bullshyt then tries to double back and patch things up. first off it doesn't work because if you take her back she just knows deep down she has control over you.

Let me tell you when it comes to relationships women don't make mistakes. If she did something it was both thought out and intentional. So when your chick that tried to break it off with you comes back and tries to call that off its not an emotional or genuine act its a strategic one. she probably does want you back because for right now you're the best option of the moment. almost all women are opportunist.

the ugly truth is she probably doesn't feel like you're the best option period just the best for the short term till something better comes along. once a woman mentally checks out of a relationship you and her are finished. you can play along and keep things going temporarily but in the long run she's gonna drop you at some point.

why you'd feel enough loyalty to her to try and protect her feeling is beyond me. i don't even know why you accepted head from her. those are the type of things women do to soften your defenses. they will have "the talk" with you or grant you sexual favors and if you have "the talk" or accept the favors its because at some point deep within you you're still soft for her.

when you no longer have that softness you'll probably want nothing to do with her and any interaction with her will only be if mandatory (children ect) and won't extend beyond what in necessary.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Random Observations
One thing I've learned is to never put your business on front-street with a woman and do all this boldly claiming in public about how you are so in love and all of that. 9 times out of 10, those relationships end terribly. Like you might be on facebook and see a guy holding his girl talking about, "I LOVE MY BABY" and every other post is about how love he is in. For some reason, when I see that kind of stuff going on, it never lasts. The joints I see that usually work out is where it seems like the man hardly even claims the woman. She might be all over him, but he doesn't really put her on that pedestal like that. Always keep your cool and your emotions in check when dealing with a woman.

Don't let a woman push your whip around, don't 'upgrade her', and don't pay for her school. Guys that do that are made to look stupid. Women will do these types of fellas wrong real quick.

Women that want to deal with you don't require you to take them to dinner. The kind of women that are the best for you like you naturally so much that you can be anywhere and they'll want to be there.

Never sacrifice your self-respect in an attempt to please or appease some chick. Even if you get the reaction you want in the short-term, you will end up looking stupid and being disrespected later. If you don't respect yourself, she won't respect you, and if she walks out on you, you'll still have your dignity and your ability to pull other women easily based off how you carry yourself.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Random Observations
One thing I've learned is to never put your business on front-street with a woman and do all this boldly claiming in public about how you are so in love and all of that. 9 times out of 10, those relationships end terribly. Like you might be on facebook and see a guy holding his girl talking about, "I LOVE MY BABY" and every other post is about how love he is in. For some reason, when I see that kind of stuff going on, it never lasts. The joints I see that usually work out is where it seems like the man hardly even claims the woman. She might be all over him, but he doesn't really put her on that pedestal like that. Always keep your cool and your emotions in check when dealing with a woman.

Don't let a woman push your whip around, don't 'upgrade her', and don't pay for her school. Guys that do that are made to look stupid. Women will do these types of fellas wrong real quick.

Women that want to deal with you don't require you to take them to dinner. The kind of women that are the best for you like you naturally so much that you can be anywhere and they'll want to be there.

Never sacrifice your self-respect in an attempt to please or appease some chick. Even if you get the reaction you want in the short-term, you will end up looking stupid and being disrespected later. If you don't respect yourself, she won't respect you, and if she walks out on you, you'll still have your dignity and your ability to pull other women easily based off how you carry yourself.

If you upgrade a chick she will leave you as she thinks she can do Better. Now that she has her masters you paid for she wants a nygga with a doctorate.

Pay for those implants someone else will enjoy them as she attracts hotter guys

It's sad but a lot of women nowadays only two ways you can keep em, having them thinking you are te best they can do or letting them know they can leave whenever they want and you won't care


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
If you upgrade a chick she will leave you as she thinks she can do Better. Now that she has her masters you paid for she wants a nygga with a doctorate.

Pay for those implants someone else will enjoy them as she attracts hotter guys

It's sad but a lot of women nowadays only two ways you can keep em, having them thinking you are te best they can do or letting them know they can leave whenever they want and you won't care


Getting a woman's hair done, nails done and buying her all of these outfits and all you're doing is making her look pretty for the next dude. Why women don't appreciate this, I have no idea, but I guess she associates it with tricking in some form or fashion. When you're out there rushing to buy her things, she starts thinking she is above you, as if she manipulated you to splurge on her, and thus, she loses respect for you.

The 'not caring if she left' is what happened in Steve's case. That's why they call it game. It's a big game. If he would have been like baby you're right, let's work it out, I really don't want you to go... she might have taken a completely different approach to the situation and would have jetted off. When he was nonchalant like he didn't care at all, all of a sudden she wants back in. Like just him being nonchalant instead of quickly rushing to accept her staying is something that could actually make her really want to stay. Like if a girl threatened to leave me, and I was like "Aight, cool. Do ya thang," you can bet she is much more likely to be like wait, I don't want to go... as opposed to me saying, "Nah baby please don't leave me." She'll be out the door in the latter case.

Something else I've learned is to always keep your emotions under control. Sometimes when you have a great night with a woman, you want to hit her up with something corny like, "Hey, I had an awesome night. I'd really like to see you again." It might be better to say something along the lines of, 'it was cool, let's up with each other again" in a matter of fact, non-impressed manner." Basically, you have to avoid being overly enthusiastic. Keeping your cool and not acting too impressed with a woman goes a long way in keeping your value high. The best reactions I've gotten from women are the ones I don't really pay much attention to and never really felt like that. They just loved my nonchalant demeanor.

On another issue, the worst thing you can do is to allow a woman to set an ultimatum of sorts for you. If she can set one on you, she will keep on escalating... If you don't do this for me, then I'll leave. If you don't do that for me, then I'll leave. One of the greatest tools a man can develop is the boot-- the ability to let a woman go, to kick her to the curb and keep it pushing without looking affected. Now I'm not saying to kick women to the curb for every little infraction, but if she starts trying to usurp control and really starts disrespecting you... or tries to set these ultimatums and box you into doing something you don't want to do, then you'll have to tell her she has the option of accepting that you aren't going to be forced into anything or she can keep it pushing.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Here are some other things I've learned along the way
Estrogen based game- a lot of guys get put into the friend category because they approach a woman like he's her homegirl than an interested man. Think of the 'nice guys'. They are the perfect example. Their approach is indirect, and their mannerisms are passive and nurturing. Instead of telling a woman what it is he wants, he uses covert tactics and attempts to make HER react instead of being proactive. Those so called thugs and bad boys aren't over here hinting at what they want. They tell babygirl, I want this and if you ain't down with it, get out.

Women respond mostly to how you act SOCIALLY. I've found out that with women, it's all about the manner in which you socialize. Men, we attempt to deal with women logically. We say, Oh, she's been down, she's held me down. She doesn't have an attitude. She cooks and cleans for me. She'll make a great mother. I'm going to wrap that up. On the other hand, you can have all kinds of qualifying characteristics, but you will end up having huge problems with women because the way you socialize with them is all wrong. When it comes down to it, that's what women are. Social creatures. If the government didn't interfere and try to push women into math and science, what fields would women gravitate towards naturally? For the most part, the majority would go into some sort of social field, whether it be psychology, sociology, or even literature or nursing. Nursing has elements of science behind it, but for the most part, it's a social job as in dealing with people.

Now what do I mean when I say women judge you on how you socialize with them? You could be the greatest guy on paper and have done everything for your woman, but she will chuck you aside real quick if your social characteristics aren't proper. For example, I've had females that really liked me when I didn't pay any attention to them, but once I started paying attention to them and telling them that I liked them, their whole interaction towards me changed for the worse. Now, I was the EXACT same guy as before except I just happened to express that I liked them and acted more enthusiastic. Everything changes. We have Steve's case now as a case example. He was the exact same guy that she wanted to leave, but when he acted cold upon her leaving and pretty much demonstrated he didn't care, all of a sudden she is rushing to get back with him. If he would have been on some begging, "Baby, don't leave", her reaction would have been way different. When dealing with women, everything comes down to the way you socialize with women and how the level of value your interactions signal. I'll go more into this on the next post.

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
Aight... I need some outside feedback.

I have a girlfriend She's cool. But I feel like I kinda rushed into the relationship because I needed something to prove that I could move on my ex of 7 years. Plus I liked how she basically told me that I was either going to have to make a move or potentially lose her. Not an ultimatum, but just making her stance clear. And that was really attractive to me because most chicks will put up with my nonsense just to be around a tall handsome guy with a career and no kids.

We've been together for about 5 months. Its cool but we're just completely different people. At this point in my life I'm evaluating potential marriage partners and I refuse to settle. In my heart of hearts I dont think I will marry this woman. But the relationship is cool so I really don't have any ground to stand on for breakup. I mean we have some good moments together and there is potential there. So I just try to stay patient and stick with it. She held me down when I had knee surgery so that holds a special place in my heart. But still, that can't be reason enough to stay with someone. I also feel like I'm holding a bias to what I was used to for 7 years. But hey, you like what you like right?

What should I do? I'd hate to mess shyt up with my new girl, for no reason.

I dunno what to do. I'm a man so all this "emotions and feelings" shyt is foreign to me. For the first time in my life things are going great with my career. I got a promotion and the only thing I'm missing is that person to start a family with.

For the record I don't NEED a relationship. I'm fine on my own. But I would like to get married. There are good women out there (believe it or not). I messed up my last relationship. I don't wanna make this same mistake twice and be the old guy on the dating scene. But I don't want to settle either. Because people fukking change. I've seen it happen with the last girl.

Cliff Notes:
I'm feelin like Donell Jones in "Where I Wanna Be" again. Should I just stick it out?


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Estrogen based game continued
A lot of men get tossed into the friend category because they come off as the woman's homegirl. The summation of your actions and personality when dealing with a woman will determine ultimately how she responds to you and what category she puts you in. A lot of men love to act like they are 'nice guys' by sitting around listening to a woman's problems, never expressing any interest, dropping hints, and just being overly passive. They will talk for hours with a female, go shopping with her and such actions. Then they get mad when the woman views them as 'just a friend.'

1) You never expressed any sort of real interest in her
- You shouldn't sweat a female, but you should let her know that you have interest in her.

2) Nice guys, instead of saying, I want this from you, they sit around being passive and dropping hints

3) They spend WAY too much time with a woman
- Familiarity is the bane of attraction. Once she gets too familiar with you, you become common. It's why you have the best interactions with a woman when she first meets you and knows nothing about you and you do better with her if you are vague and yet somewhat funny with her inquiries about you instead of explaining your points in detail.

4) You're engaging in actions that place you in the homegirl role.
- Babygirl is out here dealing with some dude and he disrespects her, and then she rings you up and you pick up the phone and tell her to come over... she's just crying and you're over there with your arms wrapped around her, holding her and telling her everything will be alright. That's something a mother does to a child. Another thing a lot of men get caught up in is talking about subjects they have no business talking about... talking about celebrity gossip or what somebody else is doing. Negroes out here going shopping with women, going to the grocery store with them, and just 'hanging out' with women. Is it any wonder you get put in the friend category when you come off as her homegirl?

5) You let her lead
Look at all the successful civilizations. They are 'patriarchies'. God gave man the onus to lead. You let the female lead and she will not respect you.. Unfortunately so many men are willing to take the subservient role because they were feminized.

6) You don't ever tell her nothing
If she acts up, instead of telling her what the deal is, you act like a catty female and start complaining behind her back. As a man you have to stand on your respect.

7) You play the background role
When you walk in the mall or anywhere, instead of being up front, leading, you're hanging back, following her around. instead of being the man and leading, you're playing the role of the woman and letting her take control.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Aight... I need some outside feedback.

I have a girlfriend She's cool. But I feel like I kinda rushed into the relationship because I needed something to prove that I could move on my ex of 7 years. Plus I liked how she basically told me that I was either going to have to make a move or potentially lose her. Not an ultimatum, but just making her stance clear. And that was really attractive to me because most chicks will put up with my nonsense just to be around a tall handsome guy with a career and no kids.

We've been together for about 5 months. Its cool but we're just completely different people. At this point in my life I'm evaluating potential marriage partners and I refuse to settle. In my heart of hearts I dont think I will marry this woman. But the relationship is cool so I really don't have any ground to stand on for breakup. I mean we have some good moments together and there is potential there. So I just try to stay patient and stick with it. She held me down when I had knee surgery so that holds a special place in my heart. But still, that can't be reason enough to stay with someone. I also feel like I'm holding a bias to what I was used to for 7 years. But hey, you like what you like right?

What should I do? I'd hate to mess shyt up with my new girl, for no reason.

I dunno what to do. I'm a man so all this "emotions and feelings" shyt is foreign to me. For the first time in my life things are going great with my career. I got a promotion and the only thing I'm missing is that person to start a family with.

For the record I don't NEED a relationship. I'm fine on my own. But I would like to get married. There are good women out there (believe it or not). I messed up my last relationship. I don't wanna make this same mistake twice and be the old guy on the dating scene. But I don't want to settle either. Because people fukking change. I've seen it happen with the last girl.

Cliff Notes:
I'm feelin like Donell Jones in "Where I Wanna Be" again. Should I just stick it out?

If you feel like you've rushed, then don't ever allow yourself to get manhandled into a situation. With the way you're sounding, it's kind of like babygirl is cool, but I'm not really feeling her like THAT. It's pretty much you are with her because you got with her to prove something to an ex, who you probably liked a lot more... so you didn't enter the relationship with the right intentions and now you're finding out that you aren't really feeling it that much. She's trying to escalate, but you don't want the relationship to escalate, but you don't want to let her go and lose what you have, even though it's not really what you're looking for in a wifey.

Judgment call is up to you, but it sounds like you aren't really feeling her like that, but are with her because it's better than being alone and you don't really want to hurt her feelings like that.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
1) Never become too friendly with a woman you are trying to deal with
- Contrary to popular belief, being buddy-buddy with a woman you actually want to deal with is detrimental. There are different roles for different aspects in life. Think about football. Is it a positive when they say that the coach is a 'player's coach' or friendly with the players? No, more often than not it means that the players may laugh and joke with the coach, but they will lose respect for him and he will lose his ability to control and discipline his players. Look at guys like Tom Coughlin or Bill Beliceck. Do you think they are always sitting around yucking it up and going soft on those players? Absolutely not. But when those guys say jump, the players get in line and the results show up on field.

Being extra friendly to a woman is unfortunately another piece of simp advice many men were handed down through society or through their parents. You may have been told,"Find a woman who you have common interests in." "Your woman should be your best friend." Sharing interests with your woman is great, because it gives you something to talk about, but sitting around all day talking about your hobbies and interests will eventually get you friend zoned. Do ya'll think these so called thugs and bad boys women go crazy over are talking about their favorite board games or how fun gardening is?

When you get too friendly with a woman you are dealing with, she starts thinking you are soft and and will get comfortable. When this happens is when she starts escalating that nonsense and will start trying to run out of pocket things by you. Think about bosses that are too friendly and let you get away with all kinds of things. You eventually stop respecting that boss and you will start thinking you can run the company better than he can and you may start to do things to undermine him and to assume more control. When you're at work, you want a boss that gets things done, which ultimately will result in you getting a paycheck. You're not looking for a buddy. Same thing with women. They aren't looking for a 'buddy'. There's 10,000 simped-out 'nice guys' to play that role. What they are looking for is a man.

And to further this point, isn't it funny how all these girls that were your so-called best friends while in a relationship with you all of a sudden leave and couldn't care less about you once the relationship was over in most cases? As soon as she gets a new man, you don't really hear from her anymore.

2) You must be a boss
- I am not talking about a boss in the meaning of an economic boss. I am talking about the boss of your own domain. If a woman chooses to deal with you, it will be on your terms and you will never allow her to usurp control, no matter how hard she tries. Bosses have high value. They are at the top of the food chain. A lot of men, instead of embracing the boss role, embrace the butler role. We've talked several times about how women always look for a man they can look up to. Obviously, she will test you in different ways in an attempt to usurp your authority. You have to thwart it and cut it out before it begins. This is why I said you can never be too friendly with a woman. She will start getting comfortable and if you're too friendly, you won't be able to tell her what it is and what it isn't. You won't be able to set her in line and she will start losing respect for you and start escalating more of that drama. This is why, as her man, you have to be her MAN first and foremost and not her bud.

3) Your woman is not your shoulder to lean on
- This goes right back to the point of, your woman is not your friend. You should not be sitting around and complaining to her about all of life's ills all day. It makes you look weak. If you have a problem, hit up one of your comrades and chop it up and get a solution from him. As a man, you assume the heavier burden, which is why you have the authority in the relationship and you should not let a woman undermine it. This goes back to being the boss/king of your relationship. If you are at work and your boss is constantly relaying to you worries of the day and looking to you for guidance, do you trust his leadership? No, you start assuming he is unfit to rule and start thinking how you could potentially rule better than he.

4) As a boss, you do not allow a woman into your kingdom/domain that does not submit to your authority

- Feminist rhetoric perpetuated all throughout society has men acting ashamed of exercising their God-given authority. Instead, it is teaching men to be 50/50, compromising, appeasing, and pandering negroes... but let's be real. All of these females talk this 50/50 nonsense, but yet how many of them really get on that 50/50 and respect negroes like that? How many women really come up out of pocket and pay for their own stuff on her own prompting? How many women really respect a man who can't make a firm decision, but leaves things up to her to decide? How many men have truly experienced equality when dealing with these women? No, more than likely they've experienced a woman trying to get a better end of the bargain. Now tell me what successful team has two head coaches or a business with two ceos running it simultaneously? What amazing novel do you know that was written by two authors exercising equal say over it's direction? SOMEONE has to be the director of the ship, and as a man, it needs to be you. Just look at how increasingly feminized this country has become and how submissive men have become, and look at the divorce rates. You think that's not a coincidence? Even these brainwashed feminists detest the 50/50 men that they supposedly clamor for. They merely use them and toss them aside and reward the boss man with their resources. If a woman is not willing to submit to your authority as a man, simply do not deal with her.

5) You need to know what you're doing and what you're talking about
If you're the leader, you have to know how to make successful decisions. The reason a lot of men cannot maintain the authority of a woman is because they use their leadership to degrade and mislead women. A woman might trust a man, but that man tells her 10,000 lies and after she's dealt with him, she ends up in a way worse position. The next man she deals with, she will not trust. When a woman submits to you, BE RESPONSIBLE and FAIR.

6) Have high, righteous standards
- This is highly important. People will accuse me of being religious and that is correct. They probably would like me to tone it down, but I'm not here to pander. My standard of righteousness is highly based on the Bible. Having high standards based on righteousness is essential. As the Bible says, we do indeed reap what we sew. If you're building your ship around deception, lies, and all sorts of trickery, it will come back to bite you. I will delve into this later on.

The huge problem men have these days is that they have no foundation of belief in anything, and thus constantly shift their beliefs. This makes them very unstable. Men of compromise never truly know themselves, for they are given to change at any particular moment.

James 1:8
A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

This is why there is so much confusion among young men and why they are finding it hard to make decisions. They weren't taught firm principles or rules. They were taught to 'tolerate' everything instead of standing firm on what is acceptable and unacceptable.

A lack of righteous standards makes a man very easy to manipulate since he will change his decision making process on a whim. All a female needs to do is turn on the tearworks, start screaming and yelling, or flip the script on an issue she was COMPLETELY wrong on, and yet men will give in and accept it because they are double minded panderers.

7) Stop caring about and pandering to feelings
- A lot of men may read the things I'm saying and will sit with their mouth agape, like, how could he say that? He's so sexist and chauvinistic or some other feminist brainwashed response they've been taught. This goes right into the estrogen-based game I've been talking about. Men have been taught 'sensitivity' and how to be sensitive to everyone's decisions and to make their choices based on how everyone feels. Is that not what we complain women do? Make decisions based upon feelings? And yet how many men make choices based on whether or not a 'woman is feeling it'?

This is why I emphasized having a righteous standard that you actually live up to and also emphasized not being too friendly. Righteous standards produce good fruit and thus a more abundant life. Unrighteous standards produce bad fruit, and thus, eventual destruction. The problem we have in society and with men today is that they are afraid to take a stand on something, but instead shift their opinions based on what other people are feeling. This will lead them to engage in a lot of actions that do NOT WORK. It has no power. It is similar to charlatans who sell women 'relationship advice' that pander to what women want to hear. They'll buy these books of men and women praising them and telling them it's the man's fault and they are perfectly fine acting like men, etc. And yet where does all of this pandering advice get them? NOWHERE, and on they move to the next seminar telling them exactly what they want to hear again and getting them the exact same results. A lot of women may be offended by me saying I want a woman that can move out the way and let a man lead, they want a woman that cooks and cleans, is submissive and generally just a woman... and I really don't care. Let's be real here, when you see these 'single ladies' documentaries, do you ever hear about one where all the ladies were willing to cook, clean and be submissive to their man? No, virtually all of them were about 'independent' career ladies who won't 'let a man control them' and who refuse to cook or clean for their man. If I was a panderer, I would tell women that trash and have them nodding in agreement with me, but they'd be in the same screwed up position. On the other hand, I can tell them the real, have them be mad at me, but watch the few who actually take this advice find them a man.

1 Timothy 2
11 A woman[a] should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.

Is this not the truth? Is this not a root cause of many of the problems we have in this day and age? Women teaching and having authority over men? How many of you have really learned how to deal with women from a woman? How do women react to you when you submit your authority over to them? When you are taught a feminized way of dealing with women, because that's all women can teach you since they are females, you will often be met with disastrous results. When you allow a woman to have authority over you, she no longer respects you and will discard you... but apparently in this day and age, something like that is 'sexist' despite it being completely true. This is why you have to have righteous standards and stop pandering to society and women's feelings. Otherwise you will go right back into that foolishness and keep getting the same disastrous results you got before.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
1) Never become too friendly with a woman you are trying to deal with
- Contrary to popular belief, being buddy-buddy with a woman you actually want to deal with is detrimental. There are different roles for different aspects in life. Think about football. Is it a positive when they say that the coach is a 'player's coach' or friendly with the players? No, more often than not it means that the players may laugh and joke with the coach, but they will lose respect for him and he will lose his ability to control and discipline his players. Look at guys like Tom Coughlin or Bill Beliceck. Do you think they are always sitting around yucking it up and going soft on those players? Absolutely not. But when those guys say jump, the players get in line and the results show up on field.

Being extra friendly to a woman is unfortunately another piece of simp advice many men were handed down through society or through their parents. You may have been told,"Find a woman who you have common interests in." "Your woman should be your best friend." Sharing interests with your woman is great, because it gives you something to talk about, but sitting around all day talking about your hobbies and interests will eventually get you friend zoned. Do ya'll think these so called thugs and bad boys women go crazy over are talking about their favorite board games or how fun gardening is?

When you get too friendly with a woman you are dealing with, she starts thinking you are soft and and will get comfortable. When this happens is when she starts escalating that nonsense and will start trying to run out of pocket things by you. Think about bosses that are too friendly and let you get away with all kinds of things. You eventually stop respecting that boss and you will start thinking you can run the company better than he can and you may start to do things to undermine him and to assume more control. When you're at work, you want a boss that gets things done, which ultimately will result in you getting a paycheck. You're not looking for a buddy. Same thing with women. They aren't looking for a 'buddy'. There's 10,000 simped-out 'nice guys' to play that role. What they are looking for is a man.

And to further this point, isn't it funny how all these girls that were your so-called best friends while in a relationship with you all of a sudden leave and couldn't care less about you once the relationship was over in most cases? As soon as she gets a new man, you don't really hear from her anymore.

2) You must be a boss
- I am not talking about a boss in the meaning of an economic boss. I am talking about the boss of your own domain. If a woman chooses to deal with you, it will be on your terms and you will never allow her to usurp control, no matter how hard she tries. Bosses have high value. They are at the top of the food chain. A lot of men, instead of embracing the boss role, embrace the butler role. We've talked several times about how women always look for a man they can look up to. Obviously, she will test you in different ways in an attempt to usurp your authority. You have to thwart it and cut it out before it begins. This is why I said you can never be too friendly with a woman. She will start getting comfortable and if you're too friendly, you won't be able to tell her what it is and what it isn't. You won't be able to set her in line and she will start losing respect for you and start escalating more of that drama. This is why, as her man, you have to be her MAN first and foremost and not her bud.

3) Your woman is not your shoulder to lean on
- This goes right back to the point of, your woman is not your friend. You should not be sitting around and complaining to her about all of life's ills all day. It makes you look weak. If you have a problem, hit up one of your comrades and chop it up and get a solution from him. As a man, you assume the heavier burden, which is why you have the authority in the relationship and you should not let a woman undermine it. This goes back to being the boss/king of your relationship. If you are at work and your boss is constantly relaying to you worries of the day and looking to you for guidance, do you trust his leadership? No, you start assuming he is unfit to rule and start thinking how you could potentially rule better than he.

4) As a boss, you do not allow a woman into your kingdom/domain that does not submit to your authority

- Feminist rhetoric perpetuated all throughout society has men acting ashamed of exercising their God-given authority. Instead, it is teaching men to be 50/50, compromising, appeasing, and pandering negroes... but let's be real. All of these females talk this 50/50 nonsense, but yet how many of them really get on that 50/50 and respect negroes like that? How many women really come up out of pocket and pay for their own stuff on her own prompting? How many women really respect a man who can't make a firm decision, but leaves things up to her to decide? How many men have truly experienced equality when dealing with these women? No, more than likely they've experienced a woman trying to get a better end of the bargain. Now tell me what successful team has two head coaches or a business with two ceos running it simultaneously? What amazing novel do you know that was written by two authors exercising equal say over it's direction? SOMEONE has to be the director of the ship, and as a man, it needs to be you. Just look at how increasingly feminized this country has become and how submissive men have become, and look at the divorce rates. You think that's not a coincidence? Even these brainwashed feminists detest the 50/50 men that they supposedly clamor for. They merely use them and toss them aside and reward the boss man with their resources. If a woman is not willing to submit to your authority as a man, simply do not deal with her.

5) You need to know what you're doing and what you're talking about
If you're the leader, you have to know how to make successful decisions. The reason a lot of men cannot maintain the authority of a woman is because they use their leadership to degrade and mislead women. A woman might trust a man, but that man tells her 10,000 lies and after she's dealt with him, she ends up in a way worse position. The next man she deals with, she will not trust. When a woman submits to you, BE RESPONSIBLE and FAIR.

6) Have high, righteous standards
- This is highly important. People will accuse me of being religious and that is correct. They probably would like me to tone it down, but I'm not here to pander. My standard of righteousness is highly based on the Bible. Having high standards based on righteousness is essential. As the Bible says, we do indeed reap what we sew. If you're building your ship around deception, lies, and all sorts of trickery, it will come back to bite you. I will delve into this later on.

The huge problem men have these days is that they have no foundation of belief in anything, and thus constantly shift their beliefs. This makes them very unstable. Men of compromise never truly know themselves, for they are given to change at any particular moment.

James 1:8
A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

This is why there is so much confusion among young men and why they are finding it hard to make decisions. They weren't taught firm principles or rules. They were taught to 'tolerate' everything instead of standing firm on what is acceptable and unacceptable.

A lack of righteous standards makes a man very easy to manipulate since he will change his decision making process on a whim. All a female needs to do is turn on the tearworks, start screaming and yelling, or flip the script on an issue she was COMPLETELY wrong on, and yet men will give in and accept it because they are double minded panderers.

7) Stop caring about and pandering to feelings
- A lot of men may read the things I'm saying and will sit with their mouth agape, like, how could he say that? He's so sexist and chauvinistic or some other feminist brainwashed response they've been taught. This goes right into the estrogen-based game I've been talking about. Men have been taught 'sensitivity' and how to be sensitive to everyone's decisions and to make their choices based on how everyone feels. Is that not what we complain women do? Make decisions based upon feelings? And yet how many men make choices based on whether or not a 'woman is feeling it'?

This is why I emphasized having a righteous standard that you actually live up to and also emphasized not being too friendly. Righteous standards produce good fruit and thus a more abundant life. Unrighteous standards produce bad fruit, and thus, eventual destruction. The problem we have in society and with men today is that they are afraid to take a stand on something, but instead shift their opinions based on what other people are feeling. This will lead them to engage in a lot of actions that do NOT WORK. It has no power. It is similar to charlatans who sell women 'relationship advice' that pander to what women want to hear. They'll buy these books of men and women praising them and telling them it's the man's fault and they are perfectly fine acting like men, etc. And yet where does all of this pandering advice get them? NOWHERE, and on they move to the next seminar telling them exactly what they want to hear again and getting them the exact same results. A lot of women may be offended by me saying I want a woman that can move out the way and let a man lead, they want a woman that cooks and cleans, is submissive and generally just a woman... and I really don't care. Let's be real here, when you see these 'single ladies' documentaries, do you ever hear about one where all the ladies were willing to cook, clean and be submissive to their man? No, virtually all of them were about 'independent' career ladies who won't 'let a man control them' and who refuse to cook or clean for their man. If I was a panderer, I would tell women that trash and have them nodding in agreement with me, but they'd be in the same screwed up position. On the other hand, I can tell them the real, have them be mad at me, but watch the few who actually take this advice find them a man.

1 Timothy 2
11 A woman[a] should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.

Is this not the truth? Is this not a root cause of many of the problems we have in this day and age? Women teaching and having authority over men? How many of you have really learned how to deal with women from a woman? How do women react to you when you submit your authority over to them? When you are taught a feminized way of dealing with women, because that's all women can teach you since they are females, you will often be met with disastrous results. When you allow a woman to have authority over you, she no longer respects you and will discard you... but apparently in this day and age, something like that is 'sexist' despite it being completely true. This is why you have to have righteous standards and stop pandering to society and women's feelings. Otherwise you will go right back into that foolishness and keep getting the same disastrous results you got before.
I like this but certain things in this make it seem like the chick just there to be my sex toy/have my kids and nothing more.
I think its a slim line cause number 4 I agree but I think its for a different reason they lose respect. They so used to macho man paying for everything when you on that bytch up that money they like fukk that I can find a dude that does this thats similar to you. If you the only thing a chick is bringing to the table is sex why even be with her and thats how these articles sound to me at times. Let that bytch do nothing, you control her and if she ain't down with that roll. I'm good with rolling but honestly I don't feel like cracking the whip on grown folks to stay. We not little kids on that please be my friend shyt either that chick going to be down or she can get gone either way is cool with me.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
it ain't really about getting the sex like that, but more along the lines of you establishing your authority up front and maintaining it... which is critical in dealing with these women.

if a woman is trying to charge me, talking about she can find another man to pay, I'll let her go. I can find another woman like her who ain't trying to charge me. It comes down to what you deem yourself to be worth and whether or not you are going to get that price you desire.

I'm not saying don't have conversations and enjoy the company of a woman, but it's more along the lines of don't be TOO friendly with her to where you're her buddy and she can act up in 10 million ways but you won't say anything because you are too friendly with her. You got to be her man before you're anything else to her.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
it ain't really about getting the sex like that, but more along the lines of you establishing your authority up front and maintaining it... which is critical in dealing with these women.

if a woman is trying to charge me, talking about she can find another man to pay, I'll let her go. I can find another woman like her who ain't trying to charge me. It comes down to what you deem yourself to be worth and whether or not you are going to get that price you desire.

I'm not saying don't have conversations and enjoy the company of a woman, but it's more along the lines of don't be TOO friendly with her to where you're her buddy and she can act up in 10 million ways but you won't say anything because you are too friendly with her. You got to be her man before you're anything else to her.
Gotcha and agree with your post 10000% its just sometimes some of these posts (not yours specifically) come unrealistically hard where its like bytch service me and be gone and like I said I'm not looking for extremes on either side. I also think like you said in a previous post you have to not get to emotional and its hard to be "hard on these hoes" if you like them. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

Huellz Santana

May 3, 2012
Da city where the skinny nikkas die
i am. but i don't want to be a dikk to her. i want to be as nice as i can. i have said everything short of "I DON'T WANNA fukkIN' BE WITH YOU ANYMORE!!!!", and she doesn't seem to want to get the picture. :sadcam:

honestly, i don't see how anyone can switch gears that quickly. go from :manny: to :sadbron: in a matter of days....:rudy:

dont worry about being nice. let your actions tell the story.​