I mean for one;
Don't listen to any broad on this thread or forum....its bad enough fish are giving fiahermen "pointers" on how to fish, but many are on here thinking they understand game....thousands of years of form and function, and a pair of t*ts, thinks she knows what she wants....spoiler; they never know what they want, what we do know, is that women crave emotion, regardless of how they get it. Endgame; put your Infinity Gauntlet on, and snap her into submission.
-Create Space between you and your target, keep her wanting.
-Have the Power to control any scenario or event. Don't like the conversation? Change the topic. You should ooze strength, both mentally and physically, walk tall, chin up, chest out, proud.
-Your Reality is the only one that matters, she wants to get into your club, not the other way around, she's a groupie, you're the rockstar.
-Always keep peace of Mind, she'll shyt test you, lie, and demand something of you...give her nothing while being aloof and fan her shyt tests with self amusement. What makes you laugh, annoys her, use to your advantage.
-Time, more importantly yours, is valuable, its a rare gem, something used for your profit, never allow someone to waste it. You're the king of your dominion, you being late to an event should still be a blessing.
- You, the conqueror of lands, the victor of wars, and the mind behind invention, your Soul is the spark of creation, its the music that we make and the dreams that inspire those to be dreamers.
You are, are, inevitable.
Don't listen to any broad on this thread or forum....its bad enough fish are giving fiahermen "pointers" on how to fish, but many are on here thinking they understand game....thousands of years of form and function, and a pair of t*ts, thinks she knows what she wants....spoiler; they never know what they want, what we do know, is that women crave emotion, regardless of how they get it. Endgame; put your Infinity Gauntlet on, and snap her into submission.
-Create Space between you and your target, keep her wanting.
-Have the Power to control any scenario or event. Don't like the conversation? Change the topic. You should ooze strength, both mentally and physically, walk tall, chin up, chest out, proud.
-Your Reality is the only one that matters, she wants to get into your club, not the other way around, she's a groupie, you're the rockstar.
-Always keep peace of Mind, she'll shyt test you, lie, and demand something of you...give her nothing while being aloof and fan her shyt tests with self amusement. What makes you laugh, annoys her, use to your advantage.
-Time, more importantly yours, is valuable, its a rare gem, something used for your profit, never allow someone to waste it. You're the king of your dominion, you being late to an event should still be a blessing.
- You, the conqueror of lands, the victor of wars, and the mind behind invention, your Soul is the spark of creation, its the music that we make and the dreams that inspire those to be dreamers.
You are, are, inevitable.