Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
These bytches want the love and hip hop emotional rollercoaster:heh:

Their brains are completely fukked up:francis:

Constant drama
Constant attention

By any means necessary...

She would rather get called a bytch than to get ignored...

That's how fukked up this shyt is..

If you want peace of mind, buy a dog:francis:
nah hoes like being ignored
she would rather be ignored than called a bytch than to have somebody actually respect her


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
Yeah we been stressing that you gotta be in the game even when your not...its a completely different ballgame brody...

They have way too many options for you to act like the next nikka...

The less you give a fukk, the more they seem invest..:ld:

It's a shame it has to be this way:francis:
a man should always keep satellites floating around. not saying you should fukk them, go out with them, call them or even spend face to face time with them lol. but keep a dialogue going. shyt is crucial for men

cause a girl will involuntarily always have backups waiting for you to fukk up


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
So much truth in this video

I'm guilty right now
got a shorty who is like an 8. same tribe, smart, doing well for her self and personality wise is very similar to me.

but i cant pull the trigger lol.

ima see what my two other prospects who are dimes, also doing well for themselves and also (seem to) have good personalities are saying and then make that decision


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Man something I've found out is that you just have to love improving yourself and stepping yourself up. When you really get to a certain point, your mind eases up a lot because you know if one woman messes up, then you aren't starting from square one because so many other women want to take her place.

I'm always an advocate for treating a woman fair, but I'm also an advocate of putting yourself in a position where she's going to do you fair as well or lose her shot at a 'once in a lifetime' type of guy.


Dec 11, 2015
before i had a car and my own place bagging chicks was mad long

now shyt is glorious now that my bag is on point

been having sex all night now its time to chill, how my new chick got the same sex drive as me? shyts wild brehs , ive been enjoying april :takedat:

cant stress this enough guys, things get easier once your life is on point always remember that
How long did it take for you to get your life on point? I dont have my own place yet and dont have my own car.


Leading The Regime
Dec 26, 2012
The Concrete Jungle
I’ve been giving my girl a lot of subtle game since we’ve been together. I say subtle because it doesn’t come across as if I’m speaking about her directly, even though I am. It’s like a coach addressing his team through the media, without saying it outright but people get the message. She’ll tell me something about what one of her friends did and I’ll say something to the effect of “a dude with sense wouldn’t bother putting up with x,y, z....” then she’ll take a second to ponder what I said and we continue our conversation. Now you never know how much anyone really internalizes the things you say, so I’m not arrogant enough to think this woman literally hangs on to my every word but it seems some things have stuck.

One of her friends came over to her place the other day and she asked my girl if I told her I loved her yet. This particular friend is a head case and is very self destructive in her relationships because she still hasn’t gotten over a dude she hasn’t been with for almost two years, who no longer wants her and has moved on. Go figure. I peeped her bs from the jump and told my girl about it in passing. Anyway, my girl says nah he hasn’t and her friend tried to spin it as if that’s a problem and she should address it with me blah, blah, blah. My girl didn’t take kindly to that and told her off for it, saying “Unlike you, actions are what matters to me, not words. Words mean nothing. I’m not gonna cause unnecessary problems and chase off a good man because of something so silly.” Brehs... I was surprised only because it was as if she pulled pieces of various conversations we’ve had before to dose her girl with the truth.

Obviously this can only work if you’re dealing with a sensible woman to begin with so you gotta take the necessary time to feel them out in the early stages.


May 1, 2012
I’ve been giving my girl a lot of subtle game since we’ve been together. I say subtle because it doesn’t come across as if I’m speaking about her directly, even though I am. It’s like a coach addressing his team through the media, without saying it outright but people get the message. She’ll tell me something about what one of her friends did and I’ll say something to the effect of “a dude with sense wouldn’t bother putting up with x,y, z....” then she’ll take a second to ponder what I said and we continue our conversation. Now you never know how much anyone really internalizes the things you say, so I’m not arrogant enough to think this woman literally hangs on to my every word but it seems some things have stuck.

One of her friends came over to her place the other day and she asked my girl if I told her I loved her yet. This particular friend is a head case and is very self destructive in her relationships because she still hasn’t gotten over a dude she hasn’t been with for almost two years, who no longer wants her and has moved on. Go figure. I peeped her bs from the jump and told my girl about it in passing. Anyway, my girl says nah he hasn’t and her friend tried to spin it as if that’s a problem and she should address it with me blah, blah, blah. My girl didn’t take kindly to that and told her off for it, saying “Unlike you, actions are what matters to me, not words. Words mean nothing. I’m not gonna cause unnecessary problems and chase off a good man because of something so silly.” Brehs... I was surprised only because it was as if she pulled pieces of various conversations we’ve had before to dose her girl with the truth.

Obviously this can only work if you’re dealing with a sensible woman to begin with so you gotta take the necessary time to feel them out in the early stages.

I'm married and treat my wife like I have a roster and single
Meaning this=

While I'm loyal I still believe my time is valuable
I refuse to tolerate same shyt if I was single basically
Somethings I give more leeway cuz she is my wife
Like not responding to txt in a timely manner unless its important
She pisses me off I:camby: her by idgaf leave me alone time till u have ur shyt straight and can talk and listen with common damn sense

Roster wise I replaced that with books working out extra time with kids

I dont like complacency at all
As I write this
shyt bout to buy her some cat ears and tail and make her say meow and fukk her brains out


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
The more you've seen, the more you realize that women might have different temperaments and different quirks, but at their root core, they are the same.

They WANT to be with a boss. Something you might think that is a neg is actually a compliment. For example, a woman might converse with you and insinuate that you are a player. You might rush to tell her, 'Nooo I'm a great guy that just wants one woman.' She is really complimenting you by telling you that you are a guy that looks like a lot of women are attracted to. Never give a woman the impression that a lot of other women aren't attracted to you. Women have a herd mentality, so if her friends are raving about how fine you are and so are a lot of other women, she will feel validated in that. You have to spin that situation in a fashion to where you still affirm her notion that a lot of women are after you, but also alleviate her fears that you will be cheating on her if she gets with you, so you can say something along the lines of, "Look baby I can't help that a lot of women are attracted to me, but I'm choosy about mine. A woman has to be really special to get my attention." So with this statement, you are confirming that you are indeed attractive to a lot of women as well as providing an 'in' for her to be the one if she plays her cards right.

It's getting a bit late, but I'll discuss more on this subject later... but remember, a woman wants a boss not a worker.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
One more thing before I call it a night. Better to lose a woman being a man than to lose one being a boy. In other words, it's much better to lose a woman by staying true to your principles than to loser her by bowing down and letting her punk you and change you up. In the first instance you retain her respect and you can much more easily get her back or get another woman. I'm saying that to say this... don't be afraid to put your foot down and let a woman know what's cool and what isn't. You have to stand on your respect, even if it ends up losing her, but more than likely, she will respect that and stick around. If you really want to have a woman, you have to be willing to lose her first, otherwise you're going to be scared to stand on principle.

Straw Hat Luffy

Oct 17, 2014
Post 1

I think some of our charisma improves with women as time goes on because we get to see how trash women are with their interests in men
nine times out of ten I'm thinking ":gucci: she chose to get with this guy..."
Like literally if you a 7 or above, as a female the options for a partner is endless... but they really be dating corny or dramatic dudes you never even pictured getting p*ssy.

Then you be questioning yourself like
what makes those guys better than you?
And if you have that same mindset I have the answer is:
I'm a dope ass dude and any female should be lucky to have me in their life.

it's the type of mindset you need to have out here brehs

Straw Hat Luffy

Oct 17, 2014
post 2

In two weeks, I will be on summer break.

I got up to almost 4 months to be away from school..... I want to improve myself in every aspect.
aka... especially in the weight department.

Next year will be my last year at school.
I want to improve in every aspect.

weight.... looks..... hygiene.... charisma..... social skills...... knowledge.... making decisions as a grown ass man... etc.

I want my final year in college next year to be a blast.
and one major aspect is smashing nothing but the best women this campus has to offer.

I want the best version of myself.

Excited for the self growth.

Breh not looking to bang anything less a 7 next school year.

I feel like I can make a lot of improvement from may to the end of August.


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
One more thing before I call it a night. Better to lose a woman being a man than to lose one being a boy. In other words, it's much better to lose a woman by staying true to your principles than to loser her by bowing down and letting her punk you and change you up. In the first instance you retain her respect and you can much more easily get her back or get another woman. I'm saying that to say this... don't be afraid to put your foot down and let a woman know what's cool and what isn't. You have to stand on your respect, even if it ends up losing her, but more than likely, she will respect that and stick around. If you really want to have a woman, you have to be willing to lose her first, otherwise you're going to be scared to stand on principle.

This is exactly the point this woman makes from 1:50 -

The problem is when you have a scarcity mindset then you're afraid of losing a chick and putting up with things you know deep down doesn't sit well with you.