Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Dec 25, 2014
Was talking about this a few pages back. Chick who I was seeing for 11 months and broke it off in January hit me up last week. Talking about she had been thinking of things and wanted to meet for coffee. One of the many reasons me and her stopped talking was I was a bit too eager to get with her. Over messaging. Asking if she was gonna see me when she got back to Vancouver. asking how her day was going. Real lame shyt.

We've arranged to meet for coffee next Sunday. From my POV many of us don't get a chance for closure, and I was seeing and sleeping with her for 11 months in the tail end of my last relationship. I'd like to see her. She wants to be 'friends' so we'll see how that goes.

So this happened this afternoon.

Not going to lie it was weird seeing her after so long. But it was an real time educational experience for sure in how most females get down.

None of this is unknown to brehs in here, but it's good for clarification. Firstly she had seen my three messages to her over this year (as has been said multiple times in this thread, a woman always has her phone on her and see's everything) but obviously she had someone else she was entertaining, so she would reply to my messages sporadically.

I didn't make my relationship status clear to her when we met. So I understand a bit about why she aired my messages. On the other hand, now I'm single. Distance has shown me clarity. I've met better women than her who have encouraged and supported me through this year.

Whoever she was seeing is out of the picture for now, so she's checking in with me.

Tbh reading between the lines. She's a workaholic and it sounds like she's looking for known reliable dikk to sate her.

I'd probably fukk her one more time just for that feeling, but it's rich of her to reach out to me when she's feeling unwanted and unattractive saying how she misses me.

She tells me she wants to hang out. I could see it as friends as she is cool, but I'm not reaching out and chasing.

My energies will be spent elsewhere.

Straw Hat Luffy

Oct 17, 2014
I have this friend where I got a love/hate relationship for her.
Like the friendship is great, we talk whenever we can, and when both of us are in town-- we hang.
I hate the friendship because she leads me on a lot.
And I don't want to throw the relationship away because we are actually close friends.
I wouldn't mind being friends with benefits :ld:

She be calling me: daddy, sexy, baby, etc. Also, she recently been telling that she a freak.
But when I try to advance shyt between us with the:myman: she be like :whoa:
We already talked about how we both are attracted to each other, but no fukking can happen because she feels like it will damage the friendship:shaq2:
But when I agree, she be flirting still :dahell:

I'm not tripping like that. i be out here slanging that thang to them females:smugdraper:

Just kind of annoying when we can get this fukk over with and continue the friendship. But its whatever, I guess we all have a girl like that in our life.


Apr 25, 2018
My wild adventure last night, and the ones I have had the past month, proves to me one thing.
Social Media/Hook up apps are smoke and mirrors. You probably get no matches on Tinder, thinking you're trash/ugly.
That's not the case at all. The truth is that the social technological field just favored for women.
You're basically a small fish in the giant ass ocean.

Don't let shyt get to you bros. Go out and hang with chicks, you'll have a better chance.
Also, don't be constantly texting a chick unless shes your gf. Matter of fact, don't text her at all unless its about meeting up.

I agree with everything you've said, however I think this Tinder Gold thing might be worth a look. It allows you to see the girls who are interested in you first, AND also it allows you to 'boost' yourself to the front of the line in the swipe page. That could be good for finding high interest girls right off the bat instead of swiping and hoping.


Nov 19, 2016
I have this friend where I got a love/hate relationship for her.
Like the friendship is great, we talk whenever we can, and when both of us are in town-- we hang.
I hate the friendship because she leads me on a lot.
And I don't want to throw the relationship away because we are actually close friends.
I wouldn't mind being friends with benefits :ld:

She be calling me: daddy, sexy, baby, etc. Also, she recently been telling that she a freak.
But when I try to advance shyt between us with the:myman: she be like :whoa:
We already talked about how we both are attracted to each other, but no fukking can happen because she feels like it will damage the friendship:shaq2:
But when I agree, she be flirting still :dahell:

I'm not tripping like that. i be out here slanging that thang to them females:smugdraper:

Just kind of annoying when we can get this fukk over with and continue the friendship. But its whatever, I guess we all have a girl like that in our life.
Pull back a little and make yourself less available.

This tactic has worked pretty much every time I've used it. I'm talking even going weeks without hitting them up and keeping shyt short only to smash as soon as we get together. You may not need to take it that far to get what you want in this case

For some reason women can be more attracted to a man that shows he can live his life with or without them in it

Lord Bison

Mar 21, 2017
I have this friend where I got a love/hate relationship for her.
Like the friendship is great, we talk whenever we can, and when both of us are in town-- we hang.
I hate the friendship because she leads me on a lot.
And I don't want to throw the relationship away because we are actually close friends.
I wouldn't mind being friends with benefits :ld:

She be calling me: daddy, sexy, baby, etc. Also, she recently been telling that she a freak.
But when I try to advance shyt between us with the:myman: she be like :whoa:
We already talked about how we both are attracted to each other, but no fukking can happen because she feels like it will damage the friendship:shaq2:
But when I agree, she be flirting still :dahell:

I'm not tripping like that. i be out here slanging that thang to them females:smugdraper:

Just kind of annoying when we can get this fukk over with and continue the friendship. But its whatever, I guess we all have a girl like that in our life.

You gotta be willing to lose the entire "friendship" in order for this to work. But basically you gotta be like, "Look I'm digging you and I wanna take it there, but if you don't that's cool but I'm going to spend my time on someone that's reciprocating my needs and fall off the face of the planet."

Don't get blue balled by a chick that you think is your friend :ufdup:


Jan 1, 2014
The unknown
Oh yea...update on neighbor chick I met a month or two ago:
-been hanging out a good amount

-a few red flags popped up...

1.her not even trying to pay for ANYTHING even if she invited me to the spot
2.some of her expectations of her BF while in a relationship are a lil ridiculous to me. She wants to be pampered. I can see why a lot of these late 20/early 30 women date older cuz them dudes have no problem simping. I'm not with it. Relationships should be mutually beneficial.
3.throwing shade on social media vs being upfront with me
4.her attitude when she's mad.
5.this one is superficial but I never knew how much girls wearing a lot of makeup and weave can turn me off I've kinda been falling back. She def wants me to hit but she also wants a relationship (she doesn't want to go the fwb route cuz of her past). Yesterday morning she tried to throw shade @ me for not making a move and I straight up let her know that I think we're compatible sexually (we've messed around) but possibly not relationship wise. Haven't heard from her since. She's pulled that stunt before, but I refuse to try and check up on her. She can text me or reach out when ready; she's most likely just used to dudes chasing her. Not gonna be me.

:yeshrug: too many other girls where I wont have to deal with some of those, and I have the patience to wait until I find one.

BTW the coffee meets bagel date was really nice, smart, cute, not heavy on social media (!!!), and I can already tell she's more willing to do things I like. She wanted to split the bill too :blessed:

Vinny Lupton

Jan 27, 2014
Oh yea...update on neighbor chick I met a month or two ago:
-been hanging out a good amount

-a few red flags popped up...

1.her not even trying to pay for ANYTHING even if she invited me to the spot
2.some of her expectations of her BF while in a relationship are a lil ridiculous to me. She wants to be pampered. I can see why a lot of these late 20/early 30 women date older cuz them dudes have no problem simping. I'm not with it. Relationships should be mutually beneficial.
3.throwing shade on social media vs being upfront with me
4.her attitude when she's mad.
5.this one is superficial but I never knew how much girls wearing a lot of makeup and weave can turn me off I've kinda been falling back. She def wants me to hit but she also wants a relationship (she doesn't want to go the fwb route cuz of her past). Yesterday morning she tried to throw shade @ me for not making a move and I straight up let her know that I think we're compatible sexually (we've messed around) but possibly not relationship wise. Haven't heard from her since. She's pulled that stunt before, but I refuse to try and check up on her. She can text me or reach out when ready; she's most likely just used to dudes chasing her. Not gonna be me.

:yeshrug: too many other girls where I wont have to deal with some of those, and I have the patience to wait until I find one.

Easy bushes decision. There's so many women out there, no need to be wasting time with this one. Attitude? Where they do that at. B.u.s.h.e.s.


Dec 11, 2012
You wanna live in fear of some girl? That seems dumb. OP take the L and learn not to shyt where you eat

Not about fear, it's about cutting off ties in a manner where you dont gotta dedicate time to her afterwards because she pulling some woman scorned type shyt..

If he fukks her again while not giving into her ultimate goal, he gonna have a real problem...:francis:

According to him, she pulled this before...So the ingredients are in place for shyt to get ugly if he just drops her without going thru some sort of process