Let me get the brehs input on this, I feel confident on how I handled it but I’d like to hear some feedback.
Matched with a girl on Tinder, nice convo for a couple of days, build a good connection. Asked her out for a wednesday, she said she couldnt cuz she was going horseback riding and wouldnt make it home to shower. She could come see me but she said if Inwouldnt mind a little ”horse smell”.
This was a blatant shyt test and I roasted her ass for it and told her hell nah.
Sh came back with thursday, I said cool. Got her number. This was sunday evening.
I was gonna hit her up on wednesday to set up time and place, just a quick coffee nothing fancy. (maybe I fukked up here, too long of a break in contact?)
Im lining my beard up and she hits me up asking what the details are for tomorrow, which I took as a good sign, first time she initiated. We confirm and I keep it brief.
Next day, 3 hours before we’re supposed to meet up she cancels, emergency at work, she works with teens who come from messed up backgrounds. She apologizes and asks me what Im doing next week and can we re-schedule. No concrete proposal of a day, just ”next week”.
Ofcourse Im a little pissed but I respond telling her that its cool, no worries, hope everything works out. I tell her I start working next week but we can get in touch and make it happen. I leave it open, dont plan or commit to anything.
She responds 2 hours later, she’s still with the kid at the police station. She tells me to get back to her with how next week looks.
Maybe I shouldnt have responded but Im out getting lit so I respond back, basically putting the ball in her court, ”Ur cute, u let me know which days work for you, I think that will be easier”
No response
Im thinking Ive done all the initiating and suggesting, the horse shyt (no pun) and her half flaking on me... atleast she should give a concrete date for the run back? I get the feeling this is another test to see If I’ll rattle off all the days Im free next week in hopes of making plans with her way in advance... looking extra bad after she cancels and me complying with making plans right away.
I put the pressure back on her and its a win-win; if here interest is high enough she’ll get back to me and she invests... if not, I dont take a second L and waste time and energy and risk a second flake.
Am I wrong?