Never feel uncomfortable or worry what to say with women. Here's some tips to flip the game
1) Congruence. Congruence means to be apologetically yourself. Staying true to your thoughts, words and actions. Women care more about the EMOTION behind what you feeling instead of the words being said.
For example:
Cindy: "Buy me a drink"
Sam: "For what?"
Cindy: "I like you"
Sam: "Get your own drink"
Sam didn't buy Cindy the drink because he noticed that Cindy was looking for a comeup and he rejected the bait. Chicks know that most men want sex, so they'll make the men chase after them, lure them into paying $$$ (simps) or lure them for resources. When she feels that you are a CHALLENGE, the game drastically changes.
2.) Self esteem. Self Esteem is whether or not you feel good
Men are visual creates. They put women on a pedestal. They feel that "pretty" girls/bad bytches are unattainable and not good enough to get them. Instead, FEEL like you're THE MAN!
Non-neediness. Neediness is desperately getting a girl's approval and validation
Women hate neediness in a breh. Instead, feel comfortable within yourself; adopt an abundance mentality (take it or leave it) and not seeking validation.
There's also Machiavellian tactics that Women use to plot against men, I'll address in a future post.