Is all that worth it?You must not get around to bar's, clubs and general meets up, much. It's always been like this, since the 90's. Plenty of pick up artists have dived into this for decades. It just got more complicated due to the different types of social media now. So instead of ignoring your text on one platform, shes ignoring your text on multiple media. This is the general mentality of women. They have the abundance factor of having any swinging pair of nuts, hollering at them on the daily. Just check any chick's IG, plenty of fukkboys spewing the same filth over and over. Hence women ignoring/playing a game of "who's ideal vs who's important". Also, we're not 15 anymore, you can't just hit up a thot and get your dikk sucked for half a Snickers bar.
I'm at work on break... brehs it teenage girls out here doing cold approaches lol... ain't no excuses
nikka!!!!!! im going through this exact same shyt right now.Idk how many of y'all said it but, I want to reiterate do NOT feel bad for these women. Literally last week, I was messing with some ratchet Mexican chick (I got a soft spot for hood hoes) anyways she was gassing me up saying, you're good looking, guys like you don't exist anymore etc, got me feeling myself right. So then she was like imma call you,I don't do calls at all but, I really had nothing else going on so I was like
. Here's where shyt turns upside down
She hung up on me strike 1, strike 2,she was acting hella mf funny exactly after she hung up saying she's going thru some things in her life I'm like damn that sucks as I'm not interested in hearing her problems. Next day I tried to get at her and she was on her I ain't trippin steez, I peeped what was going on so I said imma just leave you alone, her ass didn't know what to do. Then today I hop on Facebook to see what my family got going on then I see all these posts talking about I'm his queen or whatever, and it was yours truly
, this the same female who said she's been hurt, same female who said she's loyal. I'm not mad that she had a nikka this whole time, I'm mad that females play the victim and never see themselves as the problem
Is all that worth it?
Women been pissing me off so much latelyI totally see why Patrice O' Neal felt the way he did before he went out.
But before I start my rant about the last few situations I have dealt with, I have to give notice to something.
Brehs don't EVER be mad at a female if she leaves you on read or refuses to go back to your crib.
We seen that thread about the tinder killer. nikka killed about 6 girls.
This is something that men rarely have to worry about and women have to consider at all times.
And you never think about the situation of having a few drinks and your like the only female around some dude you just met and his boys there too.
Those situations have to be uncomfortable
Just be careful with your actions brehs and just think sometimes how women feel. You might not be perverted or creepy or anything but you know the levels men can truly reach.
Also if you not her type you not her type. Don't be out here reading books or finding ways to trick her into getting with you.
Be yourself, respect women, stand your ground, and be a god damn man-- the result will be beautiful.
Now on to my rants![]()
Lemme just talk about one story now.
First of all, I am in young bachelor mode, which means no relationships, I fukk who I want, party whenever, and only accept hookups or friendships.
This hot ass female with a banging body adds me on FB. The next day she messages me talking about I seem cool and we should start snapping each other.
I tell her cool, but then I check her FB. She's my age (23) with 4 children. I tell myself right off the bat she can get it but I'm not going to make any advancements.
Two days later she messages me asking why didn't I message her at all.
I ask her why didn't she message me and her response was a man should always approach her first. She then asks when are we gonna hang. I respond with Im going out of town this weekend and when I get back I move away for college, which I proceed into telling her if we become cool enough she should come down some time to party and experience the college life. She hits me with the, "oh I always gotta come to others first," and then she sneak dissing on social media talking about people be full of stories.
like bytch you add and messaged me and I don't even know you.
Yesterday I see she posts some fire ass food on snap and I asks what type of food that was. She responded with something about hanging out and I straight up told her there that I do not want any type of relationship other than friendship.
She replies with we haven't hung out yet so I'm not trying to have a friendship.bytch I just told you I'm off to college.
Where is your listening skills
Stunting on me just because she look good and she most likely got 50 nikkas in her dms
like she didnt start this all by coming to me
trying to mind fukk me and spin it in my direction like I added her, hit her up, and started to waste her time with no real intentions
just the whole situation got me![]()
I keep a simple method, a formula if you will. Time = Love/proximity or T=LP. You don't have to worry much about the math, simply that they're all interchangeable. If you love something, you'll spend the most time in its proximity. This is basically how that average looking fat fukk gets that 6 who works at the mall. Human beings are simple, they're lonely, its the human condition, spend enough time with anyone (even someone you consider out of your league) and they'll return the kindness with sex and or attention. The problem most men face, is that they want the quick pay off. Even in cold approach, no one is getting numbers 10 minutes in. It requires hours for the formula to work out.
Most men I talk to, want some; get p*ssy quick scheme, when in reality, they need lessons in mid-tier level patience. I would disagree however, you can trick plenty of women into being with you; gold diggers, high maintenance girls, etc. However it won't ever turn out good if you're looking for a long term thing. Manipulation is a major aspect in the game, however, this is only for one night stands/booty calls. I learned a long time ago, women have no "type", they have "accommodations".
Yeah thats what pissing me off. Im clearly not trying to do what she wants from me but shes still making me qualify.Shes a single mom. The good; she'll be down to fukk whenever. The bad; she still thinks she can still have men qualify for her. More than likely some thirsty fukkboy(s) is keeping this warped mentality going for her. So she's still in "dutchess mode". Some negging from you and she'll be wrapped around your finger. I had almost the same encounter with a single mom, however, I just ignore her for a few days/weeks and hit her up for pics and vids. All single moms are delusional, they think they're in the same bracket as women without children. As if any dude wants to jump into a long term relationship with the baggage of a baby that isn't there's.
SwearStory should have ended at "4 kids"![]()
Before the PC/Fake Outrage age straight fire from the survivor scrolls
So Many Gemsyou can tell from the thumbnail he wasnt fukking around.