so what is ur advice on approaching em
I use cold approaches as practice. I don't really expect great convo or numbers from them. It just helps with the social anxiety you might have.Approach all the time and it becomes passe. Now you might actually get a number, which is nice, but 3.2 billion of em out there, I don't stress it. As for my approach;
I stick with 3 tactics, hard to forget, even easier to jump into;
1.Ask for directions, simple as that, when I'm walking down an avenue I act like I'm a tourist, people tend to open up more to ignorance, even further, foreigners. From there you can work forward.
2.Ask for an opinion on a topic, women love giving their 2 cents toward any conversation and or subject. Use that in your favor. I find this works best in bars, not so much on the street.
3. HoG - Hand of god, after a few seconds/minutes of introducing yourself, grab her hand and direct her outside the bar, I use the excuse of "lets get coffee" or "its boring here, lets get some fresh-non alcoholic air". The trick with HoG is to not be forceful but smooth and attentive. If she doesn't follow or pulls away keep heading for the door, have that smoke or grab that coffee, she's not important, your enjoyment is.