Move onwhat do u do if a girl isnt ready for a relationship cause shes just getting out of one and she tells you herself that shes closed off
do u just move on? even if she enjoys talking to u and even initiates conversation?
Move onwhat do u do if a girl isnt ready for a relationship cause shes just getting out of one and she tells you herself that shes closed off
do u just move on? even if she enjoys talking to u and even initiates conversation?
what do u do if a girl isnt ready for a relationship cause shes just getting out of one and she tells you herself that shes closed off
do u just move on? even if she enjoys talking to u and even initiates conversation?
any other general tips homie?It’s up to you because u know what u want
If I’m talking to her because I’m looking to be in a relationship then we’re not in the same page and I’m not going to use my time helping her get through her shyt
If i wana fukk, same thing
If I just wana be friends, thenI’ll talk to her
what u don’t wana do is wait around hoping for her to get over that post break up funk hoping she gets on ur page (for sex or relationship)
It’s just a bad move and you’ll only frustrate yourself. You could keep her around if you’re hell bent on being with her/having sex with her while talking to/dating other girls.
Put urself first. Always look out for urself
any other general tips homie?
i like that ur level headed and not so extreme like the alpha male strategies people
how do u go about asking em out and how do u approach emWhen you respect yourself and know your worth it radiates out and women can sense that the same way they can sense a desperate dude. I’m naturally aloof so girls think I’m trying to be distant and non committal and their reaction is to find out why I’m not sweating them like everyone else. . I guess what this shows them is that I’m not desperate and if you’re talking to a really attractive girl there’s prob a handful of other guys trying their hardest to impress her (sending 8484848 selfies or asking them to dinner or asking to hang out over and over)
I am always busy too, so I don’t have time to be asking girls out to “hang out” there’s usually something I want to do anyway and I ask them to do that with me.
Keep yourself busy, hit the gym, think of approaching girls like a baseball player approaches the game. You’re never gona have 100% success rate, and rejection is meaningless. There’s tons of girls out there.
That’s what I’d tell my younger self, shyt isn’t complicated.
You a virgin breh? Serious questionhow do u go about asking em out and how do u approach em
i like ur style cause its not playing games and its being u
My dumbass somehow has 3 broads on the teamidk wtf happened. I dead ass wasn't trying. It just happened. I was focused on my finances, body and purpose.
I haven't had a rotation since last summer. 2 of them came within the last 4.5 weeks. I seen both of them and fukked both of them twice already. I'm realizing how much time goes into them even if its half of a day. They randomly text you some bs. I'll respond 3 hours later because I'm at work. Sometimes you want some peace of mind without having to entertain or talk to these broads. Especially when you work all week and you dead ass have goals and a purpose...
However I enjoy having the rolodex of p*ssy.
Now I will fake maintain all 3 relationships but also try to forego instant gratification for long term accomplishment.
I know they say balance but I'm an extremist. I know im not the only one headed towards a certain goals. How do you guys do this juggling act of having objectives , meeting your goals and or purpose while working 70+ hours a week?
To be honest, you just do it, and by that I mean you may have to sacrifice time to prioritize. For instance, you may not be able to go to the gym after work because a chick is gonna come through.. or you just go anyway and hang with shorty later. I know you’re looking for checks and balances, but sometimes sacrificing is the easier option.
It’s funny how that works though, that’s why I laughed at your post. Out of nowhere you just got hit with a rotation. Good on you though breh. You’re doing something right.
Currently have less hoes than a monk in the mountains but just reading your post reminded me how much of a hassle it is to actually have hoes. Not making excuses because I ain’t get my willie wet the whole summerJust been working every week and when I wasn’t working I was on my purpose...
The funny part is I’m noticeably more muscular than when the summer started and my income has increased as well. How about that, a dry summer lead to wet results![]()
...for lazy brehs. SO many dope ass women out there to restrict yourself to the women in your social circles just cause they are more accessible. I try to avoid them as much as I can for my peace of mind. Aint nothing quite like bringing an unknown dime to a friend's party and having nikkas like "where you meet her breh?Using social circle game to get women I think is the way.