that's wrong my dude. listen, finding a hobby is fine and dandy. stepping up ones conversation game is paramount. however, to say this dude doesn't need someone else to make him happy is utter nonsense.
there's a reason God created Man and Woman. We need each other. Again, we NEED each other. To deny this is detrimental to your growth, regardless of how mature u think u are.
dude is hurting. he needs help with women. he feels and he yearns for a woman. let us at least help him get to a solid starting point so he can increase his chances of success, instead of tossing his feelings into the gutter and basically telling him to man up.
u need to take the right pictures on dating sites.
dress nice but not ostentatious.
if you have facial hair, try shaving it off. this could increase looks u get dramatically.
if u dont have facial hair, try growing it out. different looks works for different people.
on those dating sites, keep the number of pictures u have on there to no more than 2. trust me on that. NO MORE THAN 2.
if a chick likes u, when yall texting, she'll ask for u to text her a picture. in which case, u do just that. only send one more picture. if she's not happy with that. stop respondingto her.
and try (i know its hard) to be patient. dont push it.
and yes, do find a hobby. something to keep u busy. i dont care what it is (as long as its not stalking people's facebook or whatever).