Putin ain’t that powerful and the list is missing a few women too. Like Merkel, May, and Lagarde
You’re first mistake is believing that one person (human being) controls the world/human affairs.
Various men THROUGHOUT HISTORY have been and are placed in postions of authority throughout the world and are INFLUENCED by the evil one known as “the prince of the power of the air, the god of this world.”
The kingdoms of the world are made up of people and SYSTEMS that are in rebellion to the Most High.
No one man is powerful than another because there are checks and balances in place. However, what these individuals in positions of power have in common is their direct opposition to the Most High.
In that rebellion they seek to influence other human beings to join them in their rebellion to the Most High through the changing of times, laws, currency, religion, ideology etc, etc
Go do some in depth research on the Bilderberg group and their secret meetings that directly affect world affairs.
Are you really going to come up in here and post Bilderberg and start screaming the world is on fire like that means something? The question posed by op was about a person.
probably someone whose name ends in berg, stein, or child the ones who can make the stock market crash or currency implode
Its Lord Evelyn Rothchild. Patriach of the Rothchild family.
Evelyn de Rothschild - Wikipedia
He is the leader of the family that controls all the central banks all over the world and thus control all nations as well.
Rothschilds are just a pawn in the game. They want people to believe they have the power but they don’t.
You could be right. I always suspected there was someone else in the background pulling their strings. You know who it could be?