Rather than go player by player, in light of the new coaching I figure I'll talk about what I saw that looked different and how I felt about it...so post game analysis Rambis edition is on...
Iso position shifts: AA's back to basket isolations happened less often, because they only happened when he was closer to the rack (for the most part). KP got touches in post up situations where RoLo had seen more of the looks in the past (that baseline area where he'd be too far for the hook shot to work). Those two variants were nice to me. Both AA and RoLo struggled further from the rack in those iso's. KP did really well near the baseline, including that slam on Dudley. The on problem that arose is that AA saw his looks from those close spots slip as KP took over in the second half and AA seemed to float and disappear even at times. Melo seemed (could be wrong here but it looked to me) to be setting up a bit closer in as well, which had the adverse effect of less cutting options for him because spacing was different but it allowed him to abuse defenders until his gas tank slipped. He was 12-22 in spite of fading late (not shocking with how much time he's had off).
A more varied attack: Galloway, RoLo and Seraphin all had moments where they seemed like they were feature players. Seraphin actually looked solid in this one and with more minutes he forced less and passed more which surprised me. AA was the guy early, KP was the guy in the third. If a player seemed to be on a roll, the Knicks fed that hand for a while.
Chunks of time: Stints on the court ran longer. Melo played into the 2nd to start, the starters were out longer and the bench guys would get longer chunks of time which meant they saw minutes with more mix of starters/bench players. It seemed to bode well for chemistry as the ball moved a bit more quickly.
Sasha got more mins than Lance and D-Will:
I ain't a fan of this one. Sasha started by making a couple of decent plays but quickly devolved to chucking, dribbling too long and just overall being frustrating to watch. That said, the logic seemed to be that we were going small to compete with the floor stretching Wiz line-ups. As the game wore on we saw three guard sets more and more often which meant Lance and D-Will gave up their minutes. That said, Lance had a long stint in the first half to make his stamp and just couldn't get going. D-Will got a similar chunk in the second half and was a bit more effective in the offense but defensively rotations were always better with three guards. Still a thumbs down from me.
Sagging bigs continued: Not sure if by design or not. I say that because RoLo really sagged deep and it led to Wall hitting mid range shots...but that's always been the common strategy for him. You let him shoot and if he makes 'em you shrug because it's better than him driving. KP sagged on Dudley and gave up back to back 3's, then got benched...so sag when Wall drives, cool; sag off your shooter PF opponent, bad. That makes sense, and Rambis immediately talking to KP for a bit was a breath of fresh air. That said, our three point defense suffered with the defenders gravitating to the middle. It could just be the John Wall effect, could have been a scheme gone wrong and could be a bit of both...gotta see more games to take an honest guest.
Staying on guards hips: Our guards were still beat off picks, but it seemed like they made more effort to keep contact and stick to side by side attacks. What that means is instead of falling completely behind and trailing the play, guards were at least able to force a slasher to one side of the court or the other. In theory, this should help a bit, in practice it didn't last night. I'll hold judgement.
Plays were drawn at the end of the game: And they were effective! We came scary close to a five second violation on one of those plays, but it freed up KP for a lay-up. The two drawn up plays both got us buckets and thanks to the Wiz shooting FT's like a Highschool JV squad, it meant we had a wide open three point opportunity to tie the game at the end. It feels like more of the same in that we got down, came back and blew it late...but the play calls and TO use late felt more urgent at least. This is another "may or may not impact things going forward" but I think it has a better chance to be positive than negative.
Rambis all but acknowledged Calderon's a sieve in the post game:
!!! Between this and Jose being moved to off ball floor spacer at the end, I'm optimistic that Galloway will be a starter shortly after the trade deadline. Rambis knows the importance of defense according to most...so his comments may have been spun to a positive for Calderon but his in game decisions and overall mentality give me some hope.
We still go flat: Started the game a bit flat, fourth quarter when Melo couldn't get going we got a bit flat again. That Rambis was able to draw up effective plays at times and make us productive again is promising, but that we need to use TO's because the players just can't seem to make that tipping point play is worrisome and feels like something nobody can fix but the players themselves.