Drake’s “red button” was “Family Matters” and “Meet The Grahams” extinguished that like crazy. The whole “not the best diss but the best song” in regards to Family Matters was just a charade. Drake was flowing like crazy on that second part when he was dissing Rocky, Ross, and the Weekend, but it was all for naught. “Meet The Grahams” erased everything in that song, and the most hilarious thing was if you run “Family Matters” back, you’ll realize how many bars were pure Hail Mary lies. In real time I was thinking Drake went in on Rocky, but when you take a step back and realize Drake is STILL obsessed with Rihanna and wants to be in Rocky’s position knocking her up with kids that are at least 50% Black instead of 1/4.
LMAO at any adult male that thinks “false info” being “fed” was a real thing. That theory was blown apart immediately.