what made the line so effective too is that punk sticked to his guns
he said he was glad rock came back just so cm could kick his ass, for a year punk has said he was the best in the world and was the best champion and yeah it got tired since all he beat besides cena and jericho and dbry were meh competition when it came to taking the belt away from him. Rock is pretty much assumed to be the guy winning at the rumble and was assumed was just gonna go to the ring and kill punk but punk told the truth. Rock comes and goes as he pleases, bruno sammartino only defended his belt like once a month for years, cm punk [barring injuries] was in hell in a cell, elimination chambers, cages, tlc, etc. for a full calender year and faced big short tall etc. competition and had JUST beat ryback earlier. punk saying rock coming back just assuming he'd be champ was a mistake and that punk is basically better than austin, taker, mankind, hhh, etc. guys rock faced in his career
punk basically asked rock what's a people's champ to a god?