People usually get the best resell values during the initial 24 hours of panic on launch day. From there the price usually gradually declines until supply catches up with demand. Sometimes that takes a long time like with the Switch and the Wii and sometimes it doesn't.
Usually doesn't apply here tho

Let's look at the history of PlayStation. PS1 probably not, PS2 went for as high as 20k, PS3's I remember we're going for as high as 5k. PS4 I didn't pay enough attention to but I'm sure it was not as high as pervious years. And now the PS5.
Well, fanboy hype is at an all-time high. Covid is a thing so shortages are a thing because of it, and they had heating issues during development, made a statement claiming that's wasn't true and that the 15 million ps5's they originally claimed they'd have was still on track. A month later that number does to 11 million and a couple weeks ago analyst predicted they'd only have 8 million total by years end (actually by the end of the quarter which is March)
So in conclusion, it's only been 24hrs. I don't understand why ppl don't pay attention.. but just like covid people will recognize the deal AFTER THE FACT, AFTER IT'S TOO LATE. If I'm wrong I'll get my money back, $850 isn't hard to get. If I'm right? I'm thinking 2k+ but I'd be thrilled with 1500. Happy with 1200, but hopefully I won't have to choose because I'll get both
Series S was a failure, I will return on day 29 if no one owe me royalty for such a trash console
I don't know why but they seem to be going for around $500. Sell it for $400 and make that quick hundo