Dwight Howard
Xbox looks underwhelming and you know it, this thread confirms you know it
Xbox looks underwhelming and you know it, this thread confirms you know it
What kinda "Durango lookingso I'm gonna take down the Quattro as well" type shyt is this??
the good thing is that the price conscious or fickle customer is irrelevant at launch since early adopters and fanboys buy up all of the hardware inventory for quite a while. i doubt MS and sony can really manufacture enough to meet demand from holiday season to spring. then as the early adopter/fanboy market saturates, they should have something compelling and exclusive coming out (if they are smart)
every start of a generation has been the same, multiplats across gens, and every single time we eventually switched over. i really dont understand these concerns. the only companies that have dead consoles during transition tend to be nintendo because of their terrible 3rd party support. there is nothing new about thisYes they are irrelevant at launch but they are relevant for long term success. As long as they are still releasing the same games on both gens they are giving the fickle buyers an excuse to not need the newer more expensive systems. Think about it, until they stop supporting their older systems there will be 5 different consoles for people to choose from. Plus as long as devs are making games that can be ported on the older systems there won't be a clear distinction between gens and we won't really get the next gen experience.
every start of a generation has been the same, multiplats across gens, and every single time we eventually switched over. i really dont understand these concerns. the only companies that have dead consoles during transition tend to be nintendo because of their terrible 3rd party support. there is nothing new about this
He knows Microsoft does not have shyt behind those curtains
every start of a generation has been the same, multiplats across gens, and every single time we eventually switched over. i really dont understand these concerns. the only companies that have dead consoles during transition tend to be nintendo because of their terrible 3rd party support. there is nothing new about this
Honestly I think Durango will be fine...It just that I don't think MS will completely steamroll Sony in the US like this gen.
This is far from the truth, cross gen is a fairly new concept that started this generation
i remember there was madden on genesis and saturn
so...you're so disappointing in Microsoft and you fear the king taking his throne back that you rather have console gaming fail then to give credit where its due and give the throne to the rightful owner. you disgust me. horrible human being. some of you xbots are just disease-like.
LOL, yeah, the genesis probably looked horrible at that point, but lets look at the PS2 launch, EA and midway (ready 2 rumble) supported cross gen then too.breh we might be in 2013 so its harder to tell, but the game was totally different in better in every imaginable way. 16-32bit was a huge jump, nba live(and madden) was damn near a whole different game on the saturn vs the genesis. the genesis version was awful. Difference between bf4 will be 64 vs 32 and clearer polygons. better framerate depending if they go with 60.
it's totally the opposite, im actually quite confident what MS has, the issue is contraction will happen.