What's the problem now?
The Seattle play and MMSex D-line stunt "nano".
Outlawing both is no problem, but enforcing it is. Cats can cry wolf, etc. So I'm looking for you guys opinion on the issue.
What's the problem now?
The Seattle play and MMSex D-line stunt "nano".
Outlawing both is no problem, but enforcing it is. Cats can cry wolf, etc. So I'm looking for you guys opinion on the issue.
I played @L@CaT, but I didn't have any problems or see any of the same play being ran, I held his O in check somewhat but turnovers killed me that game.
I've never played @MMSex, so I can't really comment on the Nano shyt that's happening.
The only thing I can say really is you can't really ban a play cuz it's too hard to prove if that play is the only thing they run cuz you can change routes up and shyt, so he can run the same play but have different route combos and shyt so you're never really seeing the "Seattle" play unless you know exactly what the shyt looks like.
I gotta look up the nano shyt, cuz I haven't seen it to know what is actually happening
My exact point about the Seattle.
As far as the MMS stunt, I'm not 100% sure it's foolproof. If so, why not use it against @L@CaT . Problem is the he himself said it was a Nano. And just like the Seattle, how do you prove it.
It's gonna be hard to enforce it especially if cats wanna catch feelings and call a dude out on it even if he wasn't doing it.
I think it'll cause problems to outlaw any of the stuff honestly
It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation
I will say this though, chewing clock all game is gay as hell... You should only be chewing clock or running it down in the final 2-3 minutes of a half or game, not an entire game. That can be outlawed and should be a rule. You should be snapping the ball with at least 12-15 seconds on the clock every time. And thats not rushing at all... But if you use chew clock and to just hold the ball all game, you shouldn't be in the league.... Doing what you gotta do to win a game isn't playing sim, it's winning at all costs which is weak.
I will say this though, chewing clock all game is gay as hell... You should only be chewing clock or running it down in the final 2-3 minutes of a half or game, not an entire game. That can be outlawed and should be a rule. You should be snapping the ball with at least 12-15 seconds on the clock every time. And thats not rushing at all... But if you use chew clock and to just hold the ball all game, you shouldn't be in the league.... Doing what you gotta do to win a game isn't playing sim, it's winning at all costs which is weak.
Maybe I just haven't played anyone like that but I have never seen a play where the TE gets open instantly and is never stopped... But then again, I don't normally play on AA with stupid AI defenders who don't cover their man lol... I can't say that I know what you are talking about. There are plays that guys get open pretty easily but each can be stopped when you run the correct defense of that route/play. There is no automatic defense to stop every route on all plays so sometimes you gotta pick your poison, especially when the offense has you off balance.whats different than using plays that get wide open within a second of the snap unless you are manually controlling the defenders
theres only a handful of plays that i cant defend scheme wise and 90% of them involve some free pass to the TE
Yea chewing clock is geh as fuk... Have you ever seen a team IRL work the clock down to 1 second before snapping it all game long just to hold the ball all game? Hell naw!! If you do it, you a bich FLAT!!
Usually when someone loses, they get pissed and want to call someone or their style "cheese." With that said...
I played Don Dada F Poppaand he wasn't cheese at all. I questioned him going for it on 4th and long twice at like the 45 yard line but I stuffed him both times but other than that, he was sim. I didn't necessarily like when he called a pass play and just took off up the middle with the QB but thats not cheese, I gotta get more pressure on him. He played a tough game, he's a good player. I think I did well for that being my first game against another user in a few months. I tried a few new plays which was fun as well. If MMsexthinks that he plays arcade then maybe he just doesn't want to play defense.
On another note, I never knew that the stretch play was broken... I've played people who run the ball (or try to) up and down the field and I have not found any play that is broken or overpowered. Seattle is not unstoppable either... I think it was overpowered in NCAA 11 and 12 but in 13 it isn't as good imo but maybe I need to get back into practice mode and see wassup lol...
You guys play on AA where the defenders are total idiots. It's like playing NBA 2k on Superstar. You need to play on the level that makes it the hardest to move the ball because it can be too easy to move the ball most of the time anyway. I've played in leagues on Heisman and had nice shootout games where we score in the 40s and 50s. Scoring 70 happens only against FCS teams and West Virginia in real life. It really shouldn't happen that much in a league.
MMsex you have never even played me, and if you have, it's been probably at least 4 years. I don't even remember you really but I see you keep bringing me up. I never played anything more than 1 tryout game on MaddenMania and that was played against Realist. I played in an OD on his site for years before I dipped a last year. When I played Don Dada F Poppa the other day we played on AA so don't waste your time talking about how I only play on Heisman. Some think the AI is super-human on Heisman, and others (like me) think the AI is super-stupid on All-American. I want my guys to take good angles and try and make a play. It's not 1 on 1 out there, it's 11 on 11.
And what is "Mossing?" You are calling out others tactics and play styles but you think chucking up deep balls and rocket catching isn't cheese? That's one of the oldest forms of cheese in the book, but whatever I lol... And if you want to know if I'm cheese, check out my game here against Don Dada F Poppa and you be the judge...
Carry on runner ups!
Ohio State (Weigt) at Oregon (Don Dada F Poppa) - YouTube