No, thats the whole bullshyt that been going on this gen.
Microsoft reports systems sold, sony and nintendo report systems shipped
Once this practice was known, Microsoft started reporting shipped as well because shipped will always outnumber sold
Sony was doing this so investors wouldn't leave sony because the ps3 was about to make sony backrupt
There was article after article of ppl saying how sony should abandon the ps3 before its too late
They didn't... MGS4 came out which helped drive up sales
The HD-DVD battle also helped once they finally won there
And the only reason all this even happened is because sony wanted to push a new medium onto the world
Sony gambled on the fact that ppl would adopt the new format, and that alone is the only reason ps3 is even in the conversation still.
Now nobody is buying one for just a game console. They buy it with the thought process of they'll play games on it too
But when sales come out for systems or games, the ps3 is always a joke
Everything I just said is FACT
I could prove it by showing you how much sony loses each year on the ps3
From 2006...
Sony Losing Big Money on PS3 Hardware | PCWorld
To 2012...
The Escapist : News : Sony Losing Money on PSP, PS3
People who are "fans" of ps3 to the point you call them "fanboys"
They are the ones putting up a front like if the ps3 isn't this dead console that can't control its online network. Its top game has been plagued by cheaters for years, nobody talks about it like if its not a big deal
Then they want to kill the messenger...
If you don't care, why are you speaking about it in a thread that you freely choose to enter