PRVLG Sound Studios
PRVLG Sound Studios
did you get my email i sent days ago?
My bad i've been working on finishing this big project,What's up?
did you get my email i sent days ago?
i have a song you mixed "It's like that" that i'm gonna be putting on iTunes and sending to radio stations and shyt.My bad i've been working on finishing this big project,What's up?
We can make that happen...i emailed you back the price and the time frame.i have a song you mixed "It's like that" that i'm gonna be putting on iTunes and sending to radio stations and shyt.
i need clean versions,versions i can perform too,and instrumental mixed and mastered
i'd still give you the discounted rates! Even a package deal.You lock something in today (cause i have all my engineers here this weekend),Some of my beats got like. 30-40 tracks in em. Would that change the rate?
if you don't have the sounds tracked out,you can still get it mastered,and 2-track mixed.Question since almost all my beats are not tracked out. Should i even bother on mixing my beats?
special still running?
yessir...up til saturday..half off for my coli fam
Yes, it's in your email! text me if you need me.My itunes connect says i need a 16bit .wav file? could you send me the song in that format.
Good looking out