Protodroid DeLTA (PC, Xbox One, Switch, PS4) (3D Megaman-inspired game created by a Black game developer) (May 25, 2023)

May 10, 2012




Inspired by the SNES classic Megaman X, Protodroid: DeLTA is a 3D action-platformer set in a Solarpunk world with a hopeful yet nonutopian vision of the future. The goal of the project is to successfully translate the fast & fluid 2D gameplay of the X series into 3D.

Play as DeLTA, the protodroid

Play levels in any order

Fight enemies while platforming. "Jumpin' & Shootin'!"

Discover hidden upgrades

Defeat bosses & get their weapons

Watch the story unfold

Be the change. Become a hero.


“A story about exceeding expectations realizing one’s potential”

Sometime after the year 2120 in Radia (modern day North America), AI has become ubiquitous and fully integrated within society. Yet while this AI is incredibly advanced by our standards, it is still primarily utilized as fast-access knowledge banks or simple task assistants (transportation, cooking, heavy lifting, etc) due to their still limited decision making abilities, by human standards.

Decade after decade, companies would host over-hyped tech reveals about "the next great AI." Yet time and again they failed to live up to the hype. This cycle has gone on for so long that the general public has become jaded and very skeptical of the reality of a truly human-like AI.

Enter Dr. Shelton

Dr. Shelton, the world renowned roboticist and advanced AI expert, has finally created the first protodroid. Her creation, DeLTA, is the first droid with human levels of intelligence. She was created to be a rational being unencumbered by emotions or bias that would assist humankind with critical thinking and important decision making. As her name implies, DeLTA was created to "be the change" that would alter the public perception of the limits of AI. So Delta's mission is to show the world that's she's more than "just a robot."

However, it's been one year since Dr. Shelton created DeLTA, and yet she still faces great difficulty in overcoming the public pessimism around AI. And so Dr. Shelton exhausts herself everyday thinking of different ways to overcome DeLTA’s barrier to entry & acceptance.

A sudden attack on Dr. Shelton's lab by a drone-gang forces her to enable DeLTA's combat subroutines and weapons systems in self-defense. After DeLTA successfully fends off the attackers, Dr. Shelton realizes that just as DeLTA saved her and the lab she could defend Radia against the rising drone-gang threat that has plagued the region for so long. And by doing this she will finally earn the public's belief in her abilities and potential. She and DeLTA agree that this may be their only hope of convincing the world that she's "more than just a robot." And so, DeLTA sets off on her journey...

What are drone-gangs?


They're the human gang members who remote pilot combat drones. The gang members all meet up at their secret hideouts from which they remote pilot their drones. These drones make up the majority of enemies that DeLTA faces.

Each gang is led by a leader who pilots a powerful mega drone. These are more combat-advanced remote piloted drones that are much larger than standard drones, at roughly 2x-3x size of normal human. The gang leaders earn their position by being far and away the most skilled pilots.

Like today's gangs, their motivations are varied. Yet they cause much destruction and endanger Radia by consequence of their turf wars and cross-fighting. They must be stopped.


What's the difference between a drone and a droid?

Drones are simply remote piloted robots. They possess no AI capabilities.

Droids are robots with AI. They are ubiquitous throughout the world and possess incredible amounts of knowledge and information. They are semi-autonomous but only in the execution of routine tasks.

DeLTA is a "protodroid" which means her AI is so advanced that it's almost indistinguishable from genuine human consviousness. This is what makes DeLTA so special and enables her decision making, communication, mobility, and combat.
Last edited:
May 10, 2012


It’s a Solarpunk world! In this time, solar power technology has become so advanced that it is now the world's primary energy source. The architecture and people's lifestyle are well blended with natural elements, where futuristic structures blend smoothly with trees, gardens, water and the natural landscape. Cities are built with the intention to evoke a sense of natural beauty and renewal.

Radiant Bay - The Arts & Culture District


A life of luxury and high fashion
Radient Bay is known throughout for it's high fashion and the luxurious lifestyles of its residents. Facing the beautiful Pacific coast, this region was one of the earliest adopters and benefactors of the solar tech revolution in 2120.

Durbin - The Solar Shanties


Hard labor and poverty for a town from the Old World
Not all cities have benefited from the solar revolution of 2120. Durbin was once a prosperous and booming town due to its seemingly limitless supply of fossil fuels. However, after 2120 humankind as a whole became immediately less dependent on these fuels, and so Durbin's fortunes dried up. A town unprepared for the revolution, its citizens now find themselves challenged by poverty and a life of difficulty.

Eldinburgh - The Hidden City


A city founded by those who wish not to be found, Eldinburgh is known for its stunning architecture and seamless integration of the solarpunk motif. The city is hidden beneath a canopy of forest and trees continues to be an place of mystery for all but those who reside in it.

Grand Soleil - A Modern Metropolis


The largest metropolis of the Radia, Grand Soleil is a sight to behold. With an incredible population of over 50 million, it is known throughout as the city where dreams are made...or crushed.



DeLTA is friendly, determined, fact-based and rational. She possesses incredible reasoning and problem solving ability and is determined to utilize her incredible cognitive abilities to benefit humankind.

She was created by Dr. Noor Shelton to be a rational being, governed by reason and free of bias, prejudice, or emotionally-clouded judgment. Through her actions, DeLTA aims to demonstrate to the world the promise of AI and to enable humankind to reach its highest potential.


Humorous, light-hearted, yet comfortable with telling it how it is, Dr. Noor Shelton is an optimist. She is a world renowned roboticist, advanced AI expert, and the creator of DeLTA. She's hopeful for what the future of AI can do for humankind.

Dr. Shelton created DeLTA to be a rational being free of bias or prejudice that will show humanity the promise of AI. She believes that droids can be more than just tools and that they possess boundless potential to inspire and benefit humanity. Dr. Shelton's hope is that one day, through DeLTA's example, humanity would reach its highest potential of reasoning, justice, and equality.


Fierce, fast, and confident is what best describes Ann Marie Dorado, or "AnnDROID" as she prefers to be called. She enjoys the thrill of being challenged and a good fight. But, she is deadly. And she carries with her a deep commitment to complete her missions

She is a protodroid created by Dr. Ana Lucia Dorado through her revolutionary Digital Mind Mapping technique. An important feature of this technique is that some of the scanned mind's emotional capacity is carried over. So AnnDROID actually experiences emotion; she has likes, dislikes, excitement, disappointment, and passion etc. However, the result is not an identical copy. And so AnnDROID's mind is unique, much like a child to a parent.

She was created with the intent to take out the drone gangs viciously, often taking their lives, in order to send a message and end their threat as fast as possible. For AnnDROID, the ends justify the means because, In her words, “it is better to save the many at the cost of the few. It is a simple calculus.”



Dr. Dorado is the world's leading roboticist and AI specialist. She is described by those around her as serious, somewhat somber, yet loving and full of concern for the well-being of humanity. She doesn't laugh much, if at all, but conveys a personal warmth through her deep empathy . She was born and raised in the southern Radia (modern day Mexico) and is Dr. Shelton's former graduate school research advisor.

Dr. Dorado believes that humanity’s greatest trait is our "emotional capacity" and so specializes in creating AI that can recreate emotion. In her words, "our greatest achievements as people have come during our moments of deep emotional expression." Using her revolutionary "Digital Mind-Mapping" technique, she mapped her own mind to create the protodroid Ann Marie Dorado, a protodroid with emotion. Because of this inheritance, Dr. Dorado considers Ann to be her daughter.

Her deep concern for humanity is what fuels her desire to end the drone-gang threat at all costs. As such, she has concluded that the best way to minimize the collateral damage they cause is to take their lives swiftly, saying "how many more families must be torn apart before we’ve decided that enough is ENOUGH?"


Dr. V is an entrepreneur and CEO of the world's leading drone design and manufacturing company. Calculating, unflappable, and very charismatic yet impatient with incompetence or under-performance, he was a top graduate of the "Arms and Defense" school at the robotics university where he and Shelton were classmates.

Over time their shared passion for robotics brought them together, but their sharply contrasting visions for the potential of protodroids drove them apart. His belief is that all drones, droids, and protodroids alike, are simply tools. And that any endeavor to develop human-like AI is a fool’s errand. He instead focuses on weapons and combat AI because he sees the results as immediate, measurable, and instantly valuable.

He is accompanied at all times by his personal guard known as VOID, an intimidating and towering droid. Little is known about VOID other than the speculation that it may in fact be a protodroid.


VeGA is a mysterious new protodroid that has appeared in the Radia. Little is known about him other than he is incredibly powerful and is most formidable in combat. But his story will come to light as DeLTA confronts the drone-gang threat across the region.



Evelyn "Eevy" Wang is the heiress of a formerly dominant mafia family in Radiant Bay who gradually fell out of power due to missteps by her father. She is now determined to re-establish her family as the most powerful gang to restore their honor and prestige, whatever the cost. Despite being the youngest of her siblings, Eevy was the natural choice as successor and one that the gang accepted because of her outstanding pilot abilities and strong leadership

Cool, calculating, and a chess Grandmaster, Eevy's intelligence always has her one step ahead of her opponents. She comes off as cold and heartless since she treats most relationships as highly transactional, but she's deeply affectionate to her family, hence her burning desire to restore their honor.

Her gang rules over Radiant Bay and she pilots the mega drone Bao Bao


Loud, happy, yet somewhat lacking situational awareness, Rocky Jones is never one to admit defeat and is the leader of his gang of land pirates known as "The Brigade." His gang is notoriously reckless band of thrill seekers longing for a life pillaging as a means to escape their shared impoverished lives in Durbin.

Always looking to steal tech and loot, they’re so brazen that they blast heavy metal riffs during their raids as a way to announce themselves. As most other members of the gang, Rocky initially joined the simply as a way to survive. Privately, he uses the loot he obtains to help support his 4 younger siblings to offset the continued struggles of his working-class parents. But he was since left his childhood home to go live this life that calls him.

His gang dominates Durbin and he pilots the mega drone Rumble


Immediately after meeting Sasha Shelton you'll know why she's called “the coolest girl in the room.” Engaging and charismatic despite her somewhat soft-spoken nature, her circumstance is one of complication and compromise.

Both of her parents are successful business owners who have provided their children the best in schooling, lifestyle, and opportunities. She loves her parents for all they've done, but can’t shake the feeling that her life is still missing something more. What that “more” turns out to be is a sense of purpose. A feeling that her life has impact on those around her. And it's a feeling she has only found fulfilled in her position as the leader of a drone gang. Her piloting skills and leadership are so strong that they're renamed themselves “Sasha’s Shredders” in her honor. However, she must maintain this secret to avoid the destructive impact on her parent's reputation and life’s work business were it discovered that their daughter is a gang leader.

Her gang controls Eldinburgh and she pilots the mega drone Superstar


Rey Alebrije is obsessed with becoming the world's greatest influencer on Tracer, the de facto social media platform of the future. An aggressive, energetic, and excitable personality, he speaks in a grandiose and theatrical way and broadcasts his every move via the Tail model-type drone seen accompanying him.

He is obsessively driven to grow his follower count (called "traces") by any means for fear of losing his power to influence the world’s population. After a sudden drop in Traces, he turned to performing risky and outlawed behavior on Tracer in a desperate attempt to recapture his audience. After seeing spikes in followers and views with each act he decided to commit to this new persona, formed the gang “Los Alebrijes Nuevos" and donned his now-infamous mask. But this obsession with his follower count has also fed his paranoia of losing that enormous following.

His gang patrols Grand Soleil and he pilots the mega drone Mecha Caballero
May 10, 2012


Protodroid DeLTA sets out to make the dream of translating the fantastic 2D gameplay of the Megaman X series faithfully into 3D. True to the inspiration, the player can:

  • Experience a beautiful and futuristic Solarpunk world
  • Play levels in any order
  • Overcome platforming challenges while battling foes
  • Discover hidden upgrades and power ups
  • Learn new blade techniques by seeking AnnDROID within each stage
  • Battle powerful bosses and obtain their weapons
  • Learn the backgrounds and motivations of everyone you meet




Adam Kareem - I'm a solo dev that's motivated by my love for Megaman and desire to see my dream game come true. I'm also occasionally funny but usually irrelevant on Twitter

While I am doing the programming, game design, level design, story and script solo, this is not a 100% solo project. I've contracted and continue to work with 3D modelers, Deftjuzz the incredible 2D illustrator (Instagram | Twitter), musicians, and voice actors (see "Meet the Cast" below) to help me bring this project to life.

My Previous Projects

I got my game dev start in December 2017 making a Sonic fan game, "Sonic Explorers," and entering into the Sonic Amateur Game Expo (SAGE). That game was the first of 4 small games I've made. Mostly proof-of-concept fan games to try and modernize beloved characters and series in 3D with great controls. "Tuff Stuff" is an Ape Escape inspired game and was my first original IP.

Sonic Explorers (fan game)

Megaman Legends 1.5 (fan game)

Megaman X & Zero: Training Missions (fan game)

Tuff Stuff

An "Ape Escape" inspired magical adventure



Feb 19, 2014
Salute to homie. Don't like that the main character is an esse but other than that great.
May 17, 2015
I'm sick of black cyborgs, the shyt is more overdone then black electricity characters at this point.

I respect Responsible Iverson's promotions, But i can't support black feminists products, them nikkas cause division among black people for lgbt/white approval.

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
The art direction looks so generic. You like black people right? How bout anime black people.

You got 4 different groups but they all dress the same.

Ehh considering he could have just made the cast completely white...

and shyt would probably do better if he had...

I'm not gonna down the brotha over the art direction.


The Lion Choker
Mar 11, 2013
Ehh considering he could have just made the cast completely white...

and shyt would probably do better if he had...

I'm not gonna down the brotha over the art direction.

Art Direction is everything, especially a AA title. It’s why KoF XIV, No.9, and FEXL didn’t sell. Yea he’ll get black dollars because we need to support our own but if you want your game to pop you need mass appeal. Nothing about this pops.

It’s not about black or white characters it about making them stand out. It’s combat core all over.


Nov 19, 2016
Art Direction is everything, especially a AA title. It’s why KoF XIV, No.9, and FEXL didn’t sell. Yea he’ll get black dollars because we need to support our own but if you want your game to pop you need mass appeal. Nothing about this pops.

It’s not about black or white characters it about making them stand out. It’s combat core all over.

I'll support breh but I hear what you're saying about the characters not standing out. They all look a bit generic, I do like how colorful the world looks though.

Girl on the left reminds me of Soifon from Bleach and breh on the right reminds me of Tousen for some reason.
