Protesters In DC Tell Mexican Workers To Stop Stealing Their Jobs... Getting Lower Wages

2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012
Are you not familiar with how tenders are won? 9 times out of 10 the lowest priced trades wins the job, it's so bad that in the private sector unions help out companies with the fees workers pay so that they can compete against non unionized labor. In other words your union pays a private company to undercut all other companies in order to win the job just so its members are employed. In tough economic times companies underbid heavily just to keep the gears running through the recession.
Interesting. Did not know that.


May 1, 2012
Most these illegals get benefits we can't get, then they get the training to qualified jobs we have to pay for and dudes is capping for them:russ:

I've lost hope in most black people, contemplating deleting my account... too much c00ning on here.

Pure shills who attack black free thinkers all day but got nothing to say to white women, Jews, Asians or any other group.

These dudes got the intellect to open up a Reddit account and spew the COLI talking points to other groups but they won't:francis: Pure shills man... all day and night.
Any so-called Black person who's first instinct is to cape for other groups over their own. Ain't to be trusted.

They'll get their wakeup call soon enough.


All Star
Dec 31, 2014
Boy stupid is as stupid does for a lot of you posters cause you finna be in the same shoes as these folks protesting when creepy joe wins and then wonder why when it gets worse for you than what was in the video. Then got the nerve to walk you knuckle draggin' azz away from posts like this like you wasn't forewarned because DC is a sanctuary and it's ran by raggly democraps. Not only will this hit the areas that you bend-over democraps run, but when crime bill joe gets potus status it could literally be all 50. The "New Way Forward Act" is already being supported and lit up by politicians. No surprise all of the names supporting it are from the same party that you bend over backwards for. As if you can't figure it out......



Mayor Bowser Issues Statement Reaffirming that DC is a Sanctuary City | mayormb

Mayor Bowser Issues Statement Reaffirming that DC is a Sanctuary City

(Washington, DC) Today, Mayor Bowser issued the following statement reaffirming the District’s status as a sanctuary city:

"The values, laws, and policies of Washington, DC did not change on Election Day. We celebrate our diversity and respect all DC residents no matter their immigration status.

SANCTUARY CITY: DC pledging money to help undocumented immigrants

SANCTUARY CITY: DC pledging money to help undocumented immigrants

WASHINGTON - Last year, Mayor Muriel Bowser said Washington D.C. would remain a "sanctuary city" to help protect undocumented immigrants. She is backing up that effort and pledging to spend taxpayer money to help D.C. residents pay for legal fees fighting against deportation

DC To Become Super Sanctuary City For Undocumented Immigrants

DC To Become Super Sanctuary City For Undocumented Immigrants

WASHINGTON, DC — "Sanctuary cities" for illegal immigrants have long been a divisive subject between Republicans and Democrats, but D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser is really going out of her way to stick her thumb in the eye of those on the right: She's promising to create a legal defense fund to help immigrants in the city.

Inslee announces relief funds to help immigrants and agricultural workers | Governor Jay Inslee

Inslee announces relief funds to help immigrants and agricultural workers

The Immigrant Relief Fund will provide $40 million to assist Washington residents who are unable to access federal stimulus programs due to their immigration status, and the Food Production Paid Leave Program will provide $3 million of financial resources to certain food production workers who remain home when ill.