Protein in Semen Acts On Female Brain to Prompt Ovulation


May 1, 2012
but we go into that "other" realm and create all the time, whether we are conscious of it or not, because that is the nature of our reality. you cannot avoid that "other" realm, you are BASED in that other realm.

we are spiritual beings have a human experience my dude. that "other realm" is not only an intricate part of you, it is the REAL you.

"do you not know that your body is the temple of the holy spirit who is in you..." 1 COR. 6:19

and i dont know what youre saying with the bold. in no way does sex magic have to include manipulation or deception. sure some people have used the energy in that way, but that's an individual choice. it's just energy, you can do with it what you wish.

but to be honest "sex" magic is a little misleading... because the whole truth is that it's actually LOVE magic that we should be aiming for. the power of love is the most powerful force in our universe, and it can be used to create and manifest many things

shyt gets deep

please enlighten us with your extensive knowledge on so-called sex magic :russ:

in your mind you still associate "magic" with harry potter and spells and witches and the like.

but in reality what you think of as "magic" is simply the manipulation of natural law to manifest a particular outcome. but its power lies in a world that science refuses to acknowledge, which is why that power is lost on you. just like this conversation is lost on you.

you admittedly do not study metaphysics so i dont know why you have made such a definitive judgement on something you know nothing about.


You poor little fella. You unknowing little guy. The devil can only use what god has already created to do his work. You are using techniques that are by Gods law lawful but instead are magic workarounds designed by the devil to ensnare you into the ignorance of demonry. I hope you really arent using this trash to make woman fall for you. Its so demonic, friend :sitdown:

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
from the wiki article:
"One practice of sex magic is using the energy of sexual arousal or orgasm with visualization of a desired result."

thats the fundamentals of it. simple.

same as this:

Taoist sexual practices - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and this:

Tantra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

but im sure all of these people who practice this dont know what they're talking about, and im sure all them are wrong and youre right :russ:

damn vic when will you learn :snoop:
lol@posting an entire wiki article then quoting one sentence in the first paragraph and saying "that's it, it's that simple." :aicmon:

Someone would have to be a little off or a few brain cells away from a functional retard to believe in bullshyt like this...

According to Samael Aun Weor, Arnold Krumm-Heller taught sexual magic without ejaculation.[10]

The crux of Samael Aun Weor's teachings is what he calls "white sexual magic", the paramount tenet of which is to conclude the act without orgasm or ejaculation from either the man or woman.[11] Thus, instead of the sexual energy being released in a spasm, this energy undergoes sexual transmutation via willpower and the sacrifice of desire.[12] According to Weor, the magnetic induction produced by crossing the active (phallus) and passive (uterus) creative organs causes lunar, solar and akashic currents to flow through the Brahmanic cord (the ida, pingala and sushumna nadis respectively) of the couple.[13][14] Weor says that this current then provides an active connection between the center at the root of the nose (the Ajna chakra) and the solar and lunar principles located within the seminal system at the muladhara chakra.[12] The transmuted energy, through willpower, is populated by what Weor says are "billions of christic atoms"[12] that when rising meet the pure akasa of the triune Brahmanic cord, igniting it, and through many years of work this causes the ascent of the kundalini through the thirty-three chambers or degrees of the spinal medulla.[

lol...are you EVER going to step out of this coc00n of quasi-religious pseudoscientific quackery bullshyt you have enveloped yourself in and re-join the rest of us in reality?

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Victor Von Dooms mother must have given his dad a lot of blow jobs while she was pregnant. Its the only explanation i can come up with. :manny:

You are an expectant father in his mid-30's typing shyt like this to people on message boards.


May 6, 2012
lol@posting an entire wiki article then quoting one sentence in the first paragraph and saying "that's it, it's that simple." :aicmon:

thats what one does when they teach, they keep it simple for those who dont understand :shaq:

Someone would have to be a little off or a few brain cells away from a functional retard to believe in bullshyt like this...

According to Samael Aun Weor, Arnold Krumm-Heller taught sexual magic without ejaculation.[10]

The crux of Samael Aun Weor's teachings is what he calls "white sexual magic", the paramount tenet of which is to conclude the act without orgasm or ejaculation from either the man or woman.[11] Thus, instead of the sexual energy being released in a spasm, this energy undergoes sexual transmutation via willpower and the sacrifice of desire.[12] According to Weor, the magnetic induction produced by crossing the active (phallus) and passive (uterus) creative organs causes lunar, solar and akashic currents to flow through the Brahmanic cord (the ida, pingala and sushumna nadis respectively) of the couple.[13][14] Weor says that this current then provides an active connection between the center at the root of the nose (the Ajna chakra) and the solar and lunar principles located within the seminal system at the muladhara chakra.[12] The transmuted energy, through willpower, is populated by what Weor says are "billions of christic atoms"[12] that when rising meet the pure akasa of the triune Brahmanic cord, igniting it, and through many years of work this causes the ascent of the kundalini through the thirty-three chambers or degrees of the spinal medulla.

again, how can you make a judgement on something you dont understand? i can guarantee you dont have any clue what any of the bold words mean... you might as well have been reading aramaic because that post you quoted went completely over your head

its not wise to quote a passage you dont understand, to disprove a topic you dont understand.

lol...are you EVER going to step out of this coc00n of quasi-religious pseudoscientific quackery bullshyt you have enveloped yourself in and re-join the rest of us in reality?

dumb ass... the concept of "sex magic" has been around for THOUSANDS of years and has been practiced all around the world across multiple cultures. so wtf are you even talking about?! PLEASE stop sayin obviously dumb shyt :ohlawd:

do you realize how stupid you sound when you say something isnt real, and its been in practice all across the world for thousands of years? lol think about that

this is just as ignorant as when you were co-signing that herbs couldnt heal the human body... WHEN PEOPLE HAVE BEEN DOING IT FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS.

now, is everything that everyone has written on sex magic true? of course not. but that does not discount the entire practice.

youre way outta your league on this... i think paul ryan is holding a press conference in a couple hours why dont you go take some notes on that and report back lol

just fukkin wit you vic :lolbron:

but for real, you dont know wtf youre talking about


Jun 21, 2012
and leyet why do you believe this stuff?

What things have you "created" using sex magic?

Could it have been accomplished without its practice?

I understand the concept of taming ones sexual drive into productive means (boxers and elite athletes do it all the time), but visualizing a million dollars while busting a nut, and having it come to fruition?



May 6, 2012
but visualizing a million dollars while busting a nut, and having it come to fruition?


1) thats not how it works


2) you dont bust the nut

here is another way to think about it... everything in the universe is energy, so anything you potentially desire is simply an arrangement of atoms that we call energy.

in sex, an IMMENSE amount of energy is generated between the two people and this energy can be used to create things in the physical universe. for example, if one were to let the typical sex act come to its natural conclusion with the man ejaculating inside the woman, the energy created is so strong it has the potential to CREATE A NEW HUMAN LIFE... thats the potency of the energy we are dealing with, in that it actually has the power to create physical life. sex energy=life in every species.

but one does not HAVE to use the sexual energy to create a new life. once the energy has been generated it can be used for any purpose your mind can imagine. and so what you do is focus the creative energy of the sexual act in a desired direction or on a desired outcome, and with you and your partners' power of manifestation (manifestation=intention + attention), you WILL your desire into your reality.

but it does not manifest in the manner you suggested (although it may, but not likely). its not "think about a million dollars and a million dollars pops up in a briefcase the next day." thats not how the universe works most of the time. its more like the universe will increase the frequency of syncronicities in your life and increase your opportunities to engage in an experience that will lead you to your desired outcome.

but if you want to try it, just try healing your physical body through sex, its simple and anyone can do it their first time. healing yourself is the easiest thing to accomplish with "sex magic" and thats what most traditions use the sex energy for, to heal the body and replenish vitality.

the key to harnessing sex energy is really about the woman. it is within her mind and with her energy that physical things manifest. the man obviously plays an important role too but its the woman who is the key. a woman who is experienced in sex magic will be far more powerful with an ignorant male partner, than a male who is experienced in sex magic will have with an ignorant female partner.

because typically in sex it is the woman who receives the energy while the man gives it. which is why in 99% of cases the woman (if she is emotionally invested in the man) can always continue having sex, while the man has to stop.

nagas bust that nut and be like :dead: while the female is like :usure: because the woman receives the male energy. the entire act of sex is the man giving/losing his energy to the woman. and the practice of sex magic deals with balancing these polarities so that there is an energetic GIVE AND TAKE between the man and woman, as opposed to the norm of the woman taking energy while the man gives it.

so sexual energy is going to be created in every sexual act regardless, and its just a matter of what you want to do with the energy. you can manifest healing, you can manifest an abundance in your opportunity for cash flow, you can manifest a human life, or you can manifest any number of things... or, as in most cases, you cant do nothing and simply let the energy return to the ether.

it may sound crazy but trust me just read up on it. but first things first you gotta eliminate all preconceived notions about sex magic from your mind, because that will only inhibit your progress.

here are some good places to start:

Neotantra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kama Sutra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Taoist sexual practices - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sex magic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

another good resource is this guy: Mantak Chia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

he has written several books from beginner to advanced on cultivating sexual energy. very easy to read