Man that's crazy haha. because everyone loves Hudson because he was the funny one. I wanted to be like Hicks when I grew up.

Cool and calm under fire and respected without having to say too much
Michael Biehn was dope. I heard the SEALs jokingly refer to him as an honorary member because he played one in Navy SEALs, The Abyss, and The Rock. I saw him in Grindhouse Planet Terror and thought he might make a comeback but nope.
And yeah wasn't he supposed to be the marine villain in Avatar? He did a youtube ad for a rehab clinic. I think he was/is an alcoholic and cokehead. Doesn't look too great in that video.
Sad story. About a year ago there was a little comic-con type thing in my city but on a much smaller scale. I didn't even know about it, but I was just walking down the street on my lunch break and literally ran into him as he was walking out of a bar. I couldn't believe it was him. he had sort of a mean look on his face, and I just said "Michael Biehn?" And he kinda looked at me funny but nodded. I just said I was a huge fan but I didn't ask for a picture because he looked annoyed. He said thanks, and then as he walked away I turned around he was sort of stumbling (not a lot, but not walking straight either) down the sidewalk.
I felt bad for him and for as big a fan I was as a kid I sort of regret not asking for a picture because I doubt I'll ever see him again.