Mister Terrific
It’s in the name
ACA, lowering drug prices, home owner credit, more minority judges confirmed than any administration ever. Student loan forgiveness in the thousands. Not to mention the Supreme CourtYou have to be more than socially progressive. You have to offer something economically, healthcare, electorial material changes as well. Just standing up for minorities rhetorically isn't enough.
Nah. Latinos didnt break for Trump because Kamala wasn’t leftist enough.
This country is Right Wing. They want lower taxes (no matter what that means) and deportation. After that punish women for abortion and crack down on LGBT people.
That’s it.
Ask yourself who would Hungary or Belorussia elect? That’s your answer. That’s who we are culturally now. Stop complicating it.
Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro are the most popular celebs amongst voting males. You think we can push free healthcare in this environment?