booker t washington's vision was shortsighted and self-destructive. how can we possibly pull ourselves up from bootstraps when we're not even allowed to wear boots?
Before I answer that, let me ask you something. In the last 50 years what have we accomplished as a community besides being able to sit down in a restaurant with next to a white person?
Booker T was ahead of the game and it's sad that he isn't more talked about today. This same guy was going to the richest men of the day (Rockefeller, etc) and getting funding for his school. I remember reading in his book the difference in the kids that went to his school vs a black school in DC I believe it was. The kids at his school had hands on training besides just book knowledge. When he interacted with the kids from DC, they didn't wan't to get their hands dirty with any physical labor. Like today, you have kids that might be book smart but don't want to do shyt. This is true no matter what race a person is.
Booker T was fully aware of discrimination and even was supporting racial equality movements on the low. However, he knew that you still needed to bring your A game to the table. If you become good enough at something, there is little a person can do to stop you even if they don't like you. Malcolm X realized latter in his life that race alone wasn't the only thing holding blacks back. Yes there is always going to be ignorant a$$holes, but they're just time wasters. If you let them waste your time and energy, you have let them win.