the strangest thing about all this is people seem to think it just gonna “go away” in a month
shyt is gonna return mutated and kill us all
Yes it will return mutated, in the same way influenza and common cold mutates and comes back every season. This will be just an added thing to be aware of in the fall/winter that you get a shot for hoping doctors predicted the right strain that season. This one is new and scary and it is important to keep it contained as the fatal rate is much more than the normal flu, but I wouldn't expect everywhere to just shut down every fall/winter after this, although it would be kind of rad.
I don't know how these companies are going to go back to pretending they can't give sick days or let people work from home or resume data caps, etc, etc, etc. Or going back to normal healthcare company bullshyt. That's the real silver lining of the whole thing. Things that were broken are forced to be fixed and you can't go back now.