Pro Wrestling and the Coronavirus: WWE deemed essential by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis


Compound Kingpin
May 8, 2012
Focusville, USA
Looks like we gonna be enjoying these type of shows for much longer

WWE makes big changes to TV schedule | Wrestling News

Courtesy of the media outlet, here’s the schedule:

– Saturday, April 25; two episodes of SmackDown will be taped (airing May 1 and May 8)

– Monday, April 27; two episodes of Raw will be taped (one for that night and the other will air the following week on May 4)

– Wednesday, April 29; two episodes of NXT will be taped (one is for that night, the other will air on May 6)

– Monday, May 11; one episode of Raw will be taped for that night and one episode of SmackDown will be taped for May 15

– Tuesday, May 12; one episode of Raw will be taped for May 18 and one episode of SmackDown will be taped for May 22

– Wednesday, May 13; two episodes of NXT will be taped (one is for that night, the other will air on May 20)

– Monday, May 25; two episodes of Raw will be taped (one for that night, the other will air on June 1)

– Tuesday, May 26; two episodes of SmackDown will be taped (one will air on May 29, the other will air on June 5)

Wednesday, May 27; two episodes of NXT will be taped (one is for that night, the other will air on June 3)

– Monday, June 8; one episode of Raw taped for that evening and another episode of SmackDown taped for June 12

– Tuesday, June 9; one episode of NXT will be taped for June 10

– Monday, June 15; one episode of Raw taped for that evening and another episode of SmackDown taped for June 19

– Tuesday, June 16; one episode of Raw taped for June 22 and another episode of SmackDown taped for June 26

– Wednesday, June 17; two episodes of NXT will be taped (one is that night, the other will air on June 24)

– Monday, June 29; two episodes of Raw will be taped (one for that night and the other will air on July 6)

– Tuesday, June 30; two episodes of SmackDown will be taped (one for July 3 and one for July 10)

– Wednesday, July 1; two episodes of NXT will be taped (one is for that night, the other will air on July 8)