Wilt Chamberlain
Here is who I PERSONALLY think deserves it out of the nominations only, because in several cases I would say someone who isn't even on the list: (in parenthesies is my prediction on who WILL win, not who should)
Drama Series
Breaking Bad (tough but I think it's between this and Mad Men)
Actor in a Drama Series
Bryan Cranston (I think he got it wrapped up)
Actress in a Drama Series
Claire Danes (No idea, the female from Good Wife maybe?)
Comedy Series
Girls (Modern Family gon' take it)
Actress in a Comedy Series
Zooey Deschanel (No idea)
ACtor in a Comedy Series
Louis C.K. (He deserves it easily if only because he has the best comedy but it didn't even get the nom., Someone from Modern Family will probably win though)
Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series
Ed O'Neill (deserves it and will win it)
Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series
Sofia Vergara (no idea who will win, chose her for my own reasons )
Supporting Actor in a Drama Series
Peter Dinklage (got it underwraps at this point, I think but some great choices here )
Supporting Actress in a Drama Series
Christina Hendricks (Once again just chose her because she has nice eyes )
Mini-Series or Movie
American Horror Story (Didn't watch any other ones besides this one)
My sleeper pick is Downton Abby... I'm not a huge fan but I think it might pull the upset for Best Drama, it's right up the emmy voters alley.
Drama Series
Breaking Bad (tough but I think it's between this and Mad Men)
Actor in a Drama Series
Bryan Cranston (I think he got it wrapped up)
Actress in a Drama Series
Claire Danes (No idea, the female from Good Wife maybe?)
Comedy Series
Girls (Modern Family gon' take it)
Actress in a Comedy Series
Zooey Deschanel (No idea)
ACtor in a Comedy Series
Louis C.K. (He deserves it easily if only because he has the best comedy but it didn't even get the nom., Someone from Modern Family will probably win though)
Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series
Ed O'Neill (deserves it and will win it)
Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series
Sofia Vergara (no idea who will win, chose her for my own reasons )
Supporting Actor in a Drama Series
Peter Dinklage (got it underwraps at this point, I think but some great choices here )
Supporting Actress in a Drama Series
Christina Hendricks (Once again just chose her because she has nice eyes )
Mini-Series or Movie
American Horror Story (Didn't watch any other ones besides this one)
My sleeper pick is Downton Abby... I'm not a huge fan but I think it might pull the upset for Best Drama, it's right up the emmy voters alley.