In your initial line, who are you comparing Hearns to, Sugar or Floyd? Because I don't see him as a better boxer than either. Hearns was TKO'd by Sugar, correct? So where does him being bigger, stronger and a better boxer work for him vs. Sugar? Hearns struggled with Sugar. Anyway, Floyd would seemingly have a hard time boxing Hearns, but what about the hard time Hearns would have boxing Floyd? Yes Floyd will get hit, and? Floyd has show his incredible beard over his whole career and I've yet to see him drop, I've seen Tommy get the daylights beat out of him by Blade and Marvin, I say this because we know Hearns hits like a heavy but let's not act like some boxers didn't eat his punches like Scooby Snacks either. His jab would pose a threat to Floyd, it was long and hard (no
@Tuaminator ) but I think Floyd counters that jab as the fight wears on and as the water gets deeper. In the end I think Floyd's defense is too good for Tommy. Interesting fight nevertheless.