Where's Suikoden VI??????
4. 24(18)-0-0 vs... Diego "Chico" Corrales 33(27)-0-0
January 20th, 2001
This was a mega fight that was years in the making. The classic slick boxer against the heavy puncher match-up was sure to be explosive either way as both were young, strong and champions. Well, Corrales' title was taken away from him due to a misunderstanding between he and his then manager because of weight problems. This was also a bout where Mayweather vowed to punish Corrales for Corrales' domestic violence charge. Corrales would serve his time after the bout pleading guilty for a plea bargin... hey, doesn't this sound familiar?... Either way, one thing to remember when watching this bout is that Corrales was the power puncher who had never been knocked down.January 20th, 2001

Full Fight
2014 Roger Mayweather on the bout
2015 Trainer Miguel Diaz on why he chose to Train Corrales over Mayweather
2016 Diego Corrales' wife on what Floyd did after Corrales' passing