President of NAACP chapter in Spokane is a white woman wearing blackface


Jul 6, 2012
Los Angeles
Any black person who comes to dis bish's defense needs to be flogged. :beli:

Lol But da more I'm readin, da more fukkin absurd dis shyt gets. You've got to be kiddin me. :deadrose:
I'm black and I'm coming to her defense. I'll bet if she went on that Henry Louis Gates roots show her DNA would reveal some African ancestry. If she chooses to identity culturally so be it. Even in that picture as a kid, she could have a drop.


Da Spice...
May 1, 2012
I'm black and I'm coming to her defense. I'll bet if she went on that Henry Louis Gates roots show her DNA would reveal some African ancestry. If she chooses to identity culturally so be it. Even in that picture as a kid, she could have a drop.

Hea, nikka. *throws half eaten churro unda da bridge*



Aug 17, 2012
New York City
This shyt is a REAL LIVE version of "Soul Man', Of course if you grew up in the 80's you've seen this. :



Soul Man is a 1986 comedy film about a man who wears blackface to qualify for a black-only scholarship at Harvard Law School.


Jul 6, 2012
Los Angeles
I was avoiding logging on (I've been honestly waning myself from this site as if it was some drug...not to mention I've been more busy with life thangs and stuff, this site isn't a priority for me anymore) but I was lurking this forum at work today...and saw this thread title...and thought to myself that "this must not be anything too substantial" and just didn't pay attention. Mainly because I thought this was some satirical BS...:yeshrug:

Until...:patrice:I saw some of the people I follow on tumblr talk about this...

Then...I came back to lurking and actually read four pages of this thread as I was taking the J train back from my job. :ohhh:

Only to find out...that this is real.:wow:

So. In order to sum up my thoughts on this as fully as possible without being draining to myself and the people who might be reading this, I've decided to summarize this in 10 points.

1. Any real black person could tell this is a white person trying to pass off as black. There was literally not ONE picture of this woman that I saw that convinced me that she was black at all. NONE.
2. As a full blooded Black African/West Indian man born and raised in America I find this to be completely insulting. So insulting. Not only did she masquerade as a black woman for 15 years, but with all of the stuff she managed to accomplish (receiving scholarships to HBCUs, selling black art, becoming president of an NAACP chapter) while masquerading as a black woman, she managed to take opportunities away from REAL black people who would most definitely benefit more from those than her.
3. All of the "black" posters on here that have said that she's "done more work than most black people" have lost ALL of my respect. So, you berate the efforts of ACTUAL black people just to prop up this woman who has been living a lie and co-opting the black experience as if it's some colorful costume you can take on and off when you're done with it and want to go back to whatever you were?:scust:
4. This is white privilege to the max. Rachel can just put her spray tan garbage on and a frizzy wig on and be "black" to exploit black institutions for her gain and go back to being white and benefitting from the racial privelege her people established from our exploitation.
5. Please do not equate this transracial BS to anything regarding gender. The only difference in humans that is purely biological is gender...GENDER is not a social construct like race is. I can put on a wig, get fake boobs, and chop my dikk off. Still don't make me a woman cause I don't have the genetic makeup...or a vagina, or ovaries, or any other of those important female productive organs. It would be insulting to REAL women.
6. This thread exposed alot of people man...straight up.
7. White people teaching African American studies classes...TBH whatever. Just don't expect me to EVER attend one of your classes or even register for them. I'm happy to say that I learned everything about black and African history in general from actual BLACK people from the internet. I refused to take any of those. Why would I want to learn MY history from the same people who made my people go through hell for their gain and just cause they felt like it? Y'all really act like these people can do this and NOT harbor the same racist feelings of superiority they have for us on the regular.
8. Black people's acceptance of others and being so willing to hand out "honorary black passes" so easily will be our undoing...seriously. This is setting a bad precedent...they making us look like a mothafukking JOKE out here. And some of us are straight up defending this...if the situation was reversed how many of them would defend us? I'm guessing a number between 0-5.
9. :snoop:
10. It's sad how after the McKinney saga, this...habadashery has completely overshadowed it.

I'm exhausted after reading this. So many emotions illicited by myself in just the short span of 48 pages.
Good post but I disagree. First off, if she can cook collard greens, she cool with me. Second, her experiences are authentically black. Not just in adulthood but in childhood. I also don't see anything wrong with a black professor lecturing on European history. My grandma could pass for white. A lot of black people have grandmas who could pass for white


Flat Girther
May 2, 2012
Flint, Michigan
She started passing around '07, in this world of internet technology, how it it take this long for her to be exposed? How long would she have been able to keep the charade up if her parents had not snitched?
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Nov 18, 2013
it doesn't have a scientific basis much like anything else that hasn't been studied scientifically. there have been no brain scans of transracial people to determine if there's anything different from a normal cis-racial brain nor have there been any other scientific studies yet. hopefully now that this has come to light we can begin to better understand transracial people, much like we had to study the biology of transsexual people.

You can keep trying to draw bullshyt equivalencies as a way to demean transgender people all you want :yeshrug: