Breh. I used to think that the media was joking when they were talking about Russians meddling in the election, but it's clear as day that they have. I noticed that the whole "Biden's tax plan with affect everyone" started spreading on social media (most likely by Russians). Same with the obsession over Biden's crime bill. I noticed that more black people from the hood were stanning Trump because people on twitter (most likely Russians) started spreading information that Biden is more dangerous for black people than Trump. You can't make this shyt up, and I am legitimetly disgusted with the citizens of America. Shyt like this makes me realize that if a Hitler like despot somehow got a hold of the government, America could easily revert back to how shyt used to be back in the day

. Our citizens are so retarded and misinformed. They would rather listen to a nobody on social media instead of fact checking.