Who do you WANT to win?

  • Total voters


Jun 21, 2015
It was by accident you dumb fukk

Now here take a botched pedigree :pacspit:


Who did he do that pedigree on?:mjlol:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State


Putin Criticizes Joe Biden’s ‘Sharp Anti-Russian Rhetoric’
Georgi Kantchev

5-6 minutes


President Putin’s comments come after U.S. intelligence agencies concluded that Moscow has worked to damage Joe Biden’s bid for the White House.
Photo: Alexei Druzhinin/Kremlin/Reuters

Updated Oct. 7, 2020 10:16 am ET

MOSCOW—Russian President Vladimir Putin offered his first substantive remarks on the U.S. presidential race, noting what he called Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s sharp anti-Russian rhetoric. He praised President Trump for improving relations between the two countries, and said he was reassured by Mr. Biden’s support for extending arms-control agreements.

Mr. Putin’s comments come after the U.S. intelligence community concluded that Moscow has undertaken a broad effort to undermine Mr. Biden’s bid for the presidency through a media disinformation campaign and moves to leak potentially damaging information. Mr. Biden has warned that interfering in the U.S. election would come at a substantial cost and referred to Mr. Trump in last week’s presidential debate as “Putin’s puppy.” As vice president, Mr. Biden frequently spoke out against Russia’s foreign policy.

“As far as the candidate from the Democratic Party is concerned…we also see quite sharp anti-Russian rhetoric,” Mr. Putin said in a televised interview on Wednesday, his 68th birthday. “Unfortunately, we are used to this.”

However, Mr. Putin said he was encouraged by Mr. Biden’s stance on arms control. Moscow and Washington have been at odds about a possible extension of the New START treaty, a nuclear arms-reduction agreement that expires in February. Mr. Biden has said that he would extend it and use it as a foundation for working out other arms-control arrangements.

Mr. Biden’s support for the treaty “is a very serious element of our cooperation in the future,” Mr. Putin said.

In the interview, Mr. Putin rejected allegations that Russia meddles in the U.S. electoral process. Last month, Microsoft Corp.’s threat-intelligence team reported that Russian government hackers have targeted at least 200 organizations tied to the 2020 U.S. election, including national political parties and political consultants working for Republicans and Democrats.

U.S. intelligence officials have said that Kremlin-linked individuals are boosting Mr. Trump’s candidacy. Congressional investigations and a probe overseen by Special Counsel Robert Mueller have confirmed U.S. intelligence findings that Russia engaged in a broad-based effort to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

“We are bystanders, we do not interfere,” Mr. Putin said. “This is still not our business, let them sort it out among themselves as they see fit in the context of the current events. We will work with any future president of the United States.”

Last month, Mr. Putin called for Moscow and Washington to conclude a pact that would guarantee neither nation interferes in the other’s elections.

Putin’s 20 Years in Charge and What Could Be His Biggest Test Yet

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Putin’s 20 Years in Charge and What Could Be His Biggest Test Yet

During more than 20 years in power, Vladimir Putin has faced a number of challenges while pushing to expand Russia’s influence. But the coronavirus pandemic might be the biggest test to his leadership yet, as he moves to possibly extend his presidency until 2036. Photo: Getty Images (Originally published July 2, 2020)
The Kremlin leader said that Moscow appreciates that Mr. Trump has spoken in favor of improving the U.S.-Russia ties.

“From the very beginning, in the first iteration of the struggle for the White House, he talked about this, we, of course, paid attention to this,” Mr. Putin said.

“But of course, the intentions that President Trump spoke about earlier have not been fully realized,” Mr. Putin said, blaming what he described as a “bipartisan consensus on the need to contain Russia,” and noting that Washington had imposed or expanded sanctions on Russia.

The Russian leader noted that Russia-U.S. trade relations have nonetheless grown, while joint efforts to stabilize global energy markets had also been effective.

Write to Georgi Kantchev at georgi.kantchev@wsj.com


Dec 4, 2016
Nate Silver, is literally the only person that gave him a chance of winning and was telling people that Trump had like a 38% chance of winning, while all the other retards were shouting, "99% CHANCE OF HILLARY VICTORY!!!" The fact that he still has to explain that he was actually one of the few who gave him a chance of victory and that Hillary's leads were by low-margins is ridiculous.
I've got friends who are math majors who question the validity of polls after the last election. I made one of them read Nate Silver's often overlooked pre-election tweets/post(s) flashing the warning light about the tightening race. Here is an example of a tweet that Silver threw out there that is always ignored

FiveThirtyEight's podcast are one of my go-to podcasts for political news because they have actual data to back up their opinions.


Dec 18, 2017
I've got friends who are math majors who question the validity of polls after the last election. I made one of them read Nate Silver's often overlooked pre-election tweets/post(s) flashing the warning light about the tightening race. Here is an example of a tweet that Silver threw out there that is always ignored

FiveThirtyEight's podcast are one of my go-to podcasts for political news because they have actual data to back up their opinions.

Silver realized his projections were wrong when Trump won the primaries. Then, people really started shyt about him and saying that he only gave Trump a chance against Hilary because his last projection failed. Trump won three battlegrounds within the margin that Silver gave him.

As for now, the margin is just too high. Trump talks like he smoked Hilary, when he barely won and a lot of that wasn’t through his campaigning but rather that Hilary botched hers beyond belief. Looking at how he goes about now, it’s clear that they have no money and no plan to sway the moderates that they lost. People keep looking back to 2016, forgetting the huge loss they took in 2018 after they went full MAGA. There’s a reason that people are beginning to distance themselves from him. You even have the dude in Texas falling back off Trump support. Dude is more detrimental than he is a positive.


Dec 4, 2016
Silver realized his projections were wrong when Trump won the primaries. Then, people really started shyt about him and saying that he only gave Trump a chance against Hilary because his last projection failed. Trump won three battlegrounds within the margin that Silver gave him.

As for now, the margin is just too high. Trump talks like he smoked Hilary, when he barely won and a lot of that wasn’t through his campaigning but rather that Hilary botched hers beyond belief. Looking at how he goes about now, it’s clear that they have no money and no plan to sway the moderates that they lost. People keep looking back to 2016, forgetting the huge loss they took in 2018 after they went full MAGA. There’s a reason that people are beginning to distance themselves from him. You even have the dude in Texas falling back off Trump support. Dude is more detrimental than he is a positive.
Yeah. In the weeks leading up to the elections, Hillary was caught on camera fainting on the way to her car, and Comey reopened the investigation on her. The damage was done and the late polling data showed a race tightening even more.

Currently the polling isn't as close and people have the ability to vote earlier, so even if the race does tighten down the stretch, many people have already weighed in. In retrospect, the 2020 pre-election polling data is much more convincing of a Democratic victory than the 2016 metrics. Of course, anything could happen, but for every recent big news story, it has been beneficial to Democrats (Trump getting covid, Trump tweeting that the stimulus deal is off, Trump's election performance, etc)


May 17, 2012
Trump wants to punk out of the next debate. Biden wants to reschedule?? Wtf? Biden should go ahead with the debate and use the entire time to frame trump as a coward. Gadamn. Why are these Dems fumbling this???

no way trump looks good against Biden at a debate he’s absent from.

Theo Penn

on that Earl Stevens wine
May 21, 2012
Trump wants to punk out of the next debate. Biden wants to reschedule?? Wtf? Biden should go ahead with the debate and use the entire time to frame trump as a coward. Gadamn. Why are these Dems fumbling this???

no way trump looks good against Biden at a debate he’s absent from.

Biden camp has already said that since Trump is backing out, he’s going to use the date next week to hold a virtual event that will be much like a town hall.


Dec 18, 2017
Trump wants to punk out of the next debate. Biden wants to reschedule?? Wtf? Biden should go ahead with the debate and use the entire time to frame trump as a coward. Gadamn. Why are these Dems fumbling this???

no way trump looks good against Biden at a debate he’s absent from.
Biden is doing another town hall, he didn't back out. Trump never wanted the debate, he just wanted Biden to be the one who backed out, but Biden didn't. Trump is just doing his usual Juelzing.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Long story short, in 1982 the GOP signed a consent decree limiting their voter suppression efforts and it expired in 2018. :ohhh:

Ballot Security Task Force - Wikipedia

DNC v. RNC Consent Decree

So basically Trump's GOP can now now attempt to punk minority voters at the polls :wow:


There's nothing stopping the RNC from using voter intimidation tactics in November now that a decades-old agreement has ended, experts warn
Yelena Dzhanova Sep 13, 2020, 3:33 PM

8-11 minutes


People wear masks as they wait in line to vote at a voting center during primary voting in Washington, Tuesday, June 2, 2020. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
Associated Press

  • November will mark the first presidential election that's not bound by the terms of the 1982 consent decree.
  • The decades-old agreement between the Republican and Democratic national committees limits the RNC's participation in voter intimidation and suppression tactics.
  • It was set after the DNC accused the RNC of engaging in voter intimidation when off-duty officers were sent to patrol voting in New Jersey communities of color in 1981.
  • One concern is that the RNC will once again send off-duty officers to the polls in neighborhoods with large populations of people of color, where residents are skeptical of police presence.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.
For nearly 40 years, the Republican National Committee was barred from engaging in voter intimidation tactics and "ballot security" measures like paying law enforcement to appear at polling sites.

But in 2018, a federal judge lifted the restriction, ending the 1982 consent decree. This year will be the first time in nearly four decades that a presidential election is held without this agreement in place — an addition to the heap of challenges already influencing voters amid a global health crisis.

The coronavirus pandemic has upended US elections, bringing on postponed primaries, changes to in-person polling sites, and a battle over expanded vote-by-mail.

"We've never seen a presidential election quite like this one because the dynamics of it are just so different," Jon Greenbaum, chief counsel and senior deputy director for the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, told Business Insider.

In 1981, Democrats accused Republican officials of voter suppression after the RNC sent off-duty police officers to patrol polling sites in Black and Latino neighborhoods, Greenbaum said. The DNC and RNC agreed to settle the case rather than go to court, leading to limitations in the ways the RNC can monitor voting. Republicans did not admit to any wrongdoing but agreed to stop policing communities of color.

Since then, DNC officials invoked the agreement multiple times in the course of its near-40-year run, acting as a check on the RNC if it engaged in dubious tactics on or ahead of Election Day.

Voting rights groups are on the lookout for intimidation
"In New Jersey, what you had was you had off duty state and local law enforcement people outside the polls with guns, with walkie-talkies, with armbands, that were identifying themselves as being ballot security. You could have a repeat of that," Greenbaum told Business Insider, adding that such intimidation tactics are likely to happen "particularly in an election that's as charged as this one — and in a country that's charged as it is right now."

While it's a federal violation to participate in voter intimidation of any kind, voter suppression remains a concern for historically disenfranchised communities.

Earlier this month, President Donald Trump said he'd want to police officers stationed at polling sites to prevent alleged voter fraud.

When reached for comment, Trump 2020 General Counsel Matthew Morgan told Business Insider that "Republicans are committed to making sure the polls are being run correctly, securely, and transparently to deliver the free and fair election Americans deserve."

Voting-rights groups remain on alert, watching for threats and actions like sending law enforcement to voting sites that could signal the potential for voter intimidation and suppression.

If officers are placed at polling sites this November, just as they were in 1981, "one of the things that we would do is go to court," Greenbaum said.

There's also concern that the RNC might once again engage in tactics like this. When the decree came to an end in 2018, experts warned that Trump could try to push RNC officials into deploying law enforcement officers to the polls for him.

"If he tries to use the RNC in this activity, there's now nothing under this consent decree that would stop him," said Richard Hasen, an election law expert from the University of California, Irvine, in a 2018 interview with NPR. "And so I do think to the extent that Trump controls the RNC, we may see more activities aimed at so-called ballot security, which could be seen as suppressing the votes of minority voters."

The Trump campaign privately acknowledged in November that the end of the 1982 decree was "a huge, huge, huge, huge deal" for Republicans and for the president.

The RNC has already put together a $20 million plan that pays for up to 50,000 volunteers to surveil voters and polling sites in 15 crucial states. These volunteers are tasked with disputing what they consider suspicious voters or ballots.

Mandi Merritt, national press secretary at the RNC, said in a statement to Business Insider that Republicans are focused on "getting more people to vote, certainly not less."

"Now that the playing field has been leveled, we can do what Democrats and other Republican groups have been able to do for decades: ensure that all votes are counted properly and that more people can vote through our unmatched field program," Merritt said.

When reached for comment, a DNC official detailed to Business Insider various practices the organization has in place to stay on top of voter intimidation tactics. The group will have lawyers and volunteers present at polling sites around the country, for example, who will ensure that everyone who shows up to vote in person counts. The official also directed Business Insider to IWillVote.com, a website set up and paid for by the DNC that provides people in every state with information on how to make sure their vote counts in November.

The DNC will also train and deploy its own poll watchers with the goals of increasing voter turnout for Democratic candidates and keeping an eye out for any improper practices by Republicans.

Several states told Business Insider that there are no plans to deploy local law enforcement to polling sites in November. But at least five states said they have a law in place that allows them to do so.

If voters experience attempts at suppression or fraud, they can contact the Election Protection Hotline by calling 1-866-OUR-VOTE.