Who do you WANT to win?

  • Total voters


Jun 22, 2012
Watching this introduction to Biden’s cabinet full of accomplished and intelligent individuals :mjcry:

thinking about all the sycophants and imbeciles in Trump’s cabinet :aicmon:
night and day..a bunch of white racists trying to run a country vs competent individuals...glad they are back on climate change that trump and co ignored for the greed and $$ I cannot stand the trump racist/liars of administration


May 7, 2012
Republicans are gonna try to distance themselves from Trump, and act like they never sat by and let him turn the Republican Party into a QAnon cult, but you can clean it up for IG, but the stench is still on you. Mitt Romney probably the only Republican politician that’s gonna make it out of this with his hands clean. Any Republican moving forward, people are simply gonna comb through their history to see where they were during Trump.
Cocaine Mitch about to die so that won’t matter but if the GOP wants any semblance of a soul they need to look at Mitch as their leader again after he was the RNC choice for President not long ago. It’s hilarious R money of of people would try to talk sense after his crazy shyt earlier but he seems to be the only G up in that party willing to not take Trumps shyt
nah you guys are probably wrong . The GOP are not going to learn their lessons until they lose the senate and lose a Bunch of seats . They have been running as obstructionists since they took the senate . A bunch of Trump loving Qanon conservatives just got elected into the house and they kept seats seemingly just by Trump worshipping . They may not all be acting like Lindsay graham but some mild mannered mayo personality senators gotta still toe the trump line for now


May 7, 2012
There were a couple of things that Trump did well. Marketing and controlling his own narrative. And I like how Biden is adopting that for his administration.

Having these members of his cabinet come on stage like this is a big move. A very good look
Yup . I think someone like Buttieg is a useful advocate to continue going on fox to maybe reach the more rationale people who watch the news portions and not just tucker and them .


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Fam this ain't some "predict the future" shyt. Literally at every turn Trump was getting shut down. I gave several examples of that. People held onto the belief that Trump was somehow gonna pull this off....well beyond the point of "things don't go how you expect, let's see." That should've ended around the time Trump lost court case #15. Let alone 30+.

What is getting shut down?

Attempts. :stopitslime:


African original
Jul 12, 2014
One Africa
Reagan Presidency[edit]
Clinton Presidency[edit]
  • 1999: "Harry the Turkey" is the first in the record of the formal pardon process to have been given an official name.[24]
  • 2000: "Jerry the Turkey", a 45-pounder (20 kg) from Barron, Wisconsin. The pardoned turkey (the eighth in Clinton's presidency) and its unnamed alternate were both sent to Kidwell Farm's petting zoo in Herndon, Virginia.[25]
George W. Bush Presidency[edit]
  • 2001: Liberty and his back-up Freedom, so named in the wake of 9/11 attacks. They weighed 48 and 52 pounds (22 and 24 kg), respectively.[26]
  • 2002: Katie, the first-ever female turkey pardoned. The 30-pound (14 kg) bird bred by Ron Prestage, chairman of the National Turkey Federation, as well as alternate bird Zack. The turkeys were named after Prestage's children.[27]
  • 2003: Stars and backup Stripes.[28]
  • 2004: Biscuits and backup Gravy.
  • 2005: Marshmallow and alternate bird Yam, raised in Henning, Minnesota. Beginning in 2005 pardoned birds were sent to Disneyland to live, and serve as the "honorary grand marshal" of that year's thanksgiving day parade, following concerns raised by animal rights groups that the birds had not survived for long. For the previous 15 years they had been sent to Frying Pan Farm Park near Herndon, Virginia.[29] Names were generally chosen in online votes taken at the White House website.
  • 2006: Flyer and alternate bird Fryer, raised in Missouri.[30]
  • 2007: 45-pound (20 kg) May and backup Flower, raised in Indiana.[31]
  • 2008: 45-pound backup "vice" turkey named Pumpkin, after the number one turkey Pecan fell ill the night before the ceremony. Both turkeys were allowed to live.[32][33]
Obama Presidency[edit]
  • 2009: Courage, a 45-pound turkey provided by the National Turkey Federation, and alternate bird Carolina, raised in North Carolina.[34]
  • 2010: Apple, a 45-pound turkey from Foster Farms in Modesto, California; and alternate bird Cider.[35] Both had died of natural causes by Thanksgiving 2011.[21]
  • 2011: A 45-pound turkey named Liberty and an alternate bird named Peace, both of which were raised in Willmar, Minnesota.[36] Peace survived until shortly before Thanksgiving 2012, when he was euthanized.[37] Liberty survived until being euthanized April 26, 2013 at the age of 2.[38]
  • 2012: Cobbler and Gobbler, both 40-pound (18 kg) turkeys from Rockingham County, Virginia.[39][40] Gobbler died suddenly in February 2013; Cobbler was euthanized on August 22 of that year.[6][38]
  • 2013: Popcorn, a 38-pound (17 kg) turkey from Badger, Minnesota. Popcorn won an online contest over its identically sized stablemate Caramel, which was also spared.[41] Popcorn died of heatstroke in summer 2014. Caramel survived much longer; it outlived one of the next year's turkeys and did not die until October 2015, spending most of its two years of life at Morven Park as the companion of a brown heritage turkey named Franklin.[42][43]
  • 2014: Cheese and alternate bird Mac, both of which were 48-pound (22 kg) turkeys from Fort Recovery, Ohio.[44][45] Mac died of suspected heatstroke in July 2015; Cheese remained alive as of November 2015, with the surviving Franklin as its companion.[43] Cheese was implied dead some time before November 2017, as the Morven Park Web site mentioned only housing the 2015 turkeys by that time.[46]
  • 2015: Abe, a 43 pounds (20 kg) turkey again presented by Foster Farms. The alternate was 42 pounds (19 kg) Honest.[47][48] Morven Park reported that both were still alive as of November 2016[49] and were still listed as alive on Morven Park's Web site in November 2017.[46]
  • 2016: Tater and Tot, 40-pound and 39½-pound (18 kg respectively) turkeys from Storm Lake, Iowa.[50][51] Both were reported as still alive and healthy but showing signs of old age as of November 2017.[52] The birds died some time before November 2018.[53]
Trump Presidency[edit]
  • 2017: Drumstick, a 36-pound (16 kg) turkey,[54] who was chosen over alternate Wishbone, a 47-pound (21 kg) turkey;[55] both were from Alexandria, Minnesota.[52] There are conflicting reports regarding the fate of the turkeys: Fox News claimed both turkeys were still alive and living a "lavish life" as of November 2018,[56] while The Guardian claimed that both were dead.[57] CNN confirmed that both had died by November 2019.[53] Two pre-slaughtered turkeys from Orefield, Pennsylvania were also presented, with those turkeys being donated to Martha's Table.[58]
  • 2018: Peas, a 39-pound (18 kg) turkey with a height of 30", chosen over Carrots, a 41-pound (19 kg) turkey with a height of 32", both from Huron, South Dakota were pardoned in 2018. Both were hatched on June 28, 2018.[56][59] Both Peas and Carrots were implied to be still alive as of November 2019.[53]
  • 2019: Butter, a 47-pound (21 kg) turkey with a height of 31", chosen over Bread, a 45-pound (20 kg) turkey with a height of 32". Both were from Butterball contract farmer Wellie Jackson of Clinton, North Carolina.[60] The pre-slaughtered turkeys again came from Orefield, Pennsylvania.[61]
  • 2020: Corn and Cob, owned by Ron and Susie Kardel of West Liberty Foods in West Liberty, Iowa.[17]
CNN said Trumps about to use the pardon on himself, fk the turkey :mjlol:
and according to wiki trump during his presidency was presented with the smallest birds compared to Obeezy and others before him:troll: