President Biden Does A Victory Lap:"America Is Back!"

Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015
Down almost 20pts despite the media running interference for him.
Yeah, you don't play attention to politics. The media has been purposely riding Biden, some of which isn't necessary while not covering his accomplishments the way they covered Trump's, and covering Trump, the former President more than they cover Biden, the sitting President.

They also don't place focus and importance on the extreme shyt that Trump has said this year (suggested over the weekend that the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff should be executed) or his autocratic plans for the federal government if he is re-elected. It just goes by the wayside due to their failure to cover it with seriousness.

The media wants to make 2024 close by creating this narrative of Trump and Biden,, and I've speculated for a long time that they want Trump back for ratings purposes.

If you want receipts I can find them for you. Its been a noticeable discussion in pro-Democracy pundit circles (Dems and Republicans) in the last few months.


May 1, 2012
Yeah, you don't play attention to politics. The media has been purposely riding Biden, some of which isn't necessary while not covering his accomplishments the way they covered Trump's, and covering Trump, the former President more than they cover Biden, the sitting President.

They also don't place focus and importance on the extreme shyt that Trump has said this year (suggested over the weekend that the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff should be executed) or his autocratic plans for the federal government if he is re-elected. It just goes by the wayside due to their failure to cover it with seriousness.

The media wants to make 2024 close by creating this narrative of Trump and Biden,, and I've speculated for a long time that they want Trump back for ratings purposes.

If you want receipts I can find them for you. Its been a noticeable discussion in pro-Democracy pundit circles (Dems and Republicans) in the last few months.

Now the polls are wrong??
His numbers have been trending down with each disasterous decision he makes. From the economy, immigration, foreign policy etc.

Nope doesn't have anything to do with the dumpster fire at the border it's the media's fault.

Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015

Now the polls are wrong??
His numbers have been trending down with each disasterous decision he makes. From the economy, immigration, foreign policy etc.

Nope doesn't have anything to do with the dumpster fire at the border it's the media's fault.
Polls? The same polls that said there would be a red wave in the 2022 midterms? The same polls that said Hilary would win the 2016 election?

The media is doing to Biden what they did to Clinton, Obama and Reagan at this point in the Presidency. Both of them had the media reports of being weak incumbents that would lose re-election. They also directly had reports stating Reagan shouldn't run again similar to what they are saying on Biden. Clinton and Obama won re-election comfortably and Reagan won 49 states in the biggest landslide victory ever.

Polls at this point in time are meaningless. Some of them are outright outliers as the media themselves have pointed out with the most recent one. The election isn't until November 2024. All polls until at least September 2024 are pointless.

Respectfully dude, all I do is listen to political podcasts, watch the media and view political Twitter everyday. I'm not saying shyt just to say it.
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May 1, 2012
Polls? The same polls that said there would be a red wave in the 2022 midterms? The same polls that said Hilary would win the 2016 election?

The media is doing to Biden what they did to Clinton, Obama and Reagan at this point in the Presidency. Both of them had the media reports of being weak incumbents that would lose re-election. They also directly had reports stating Reagan shouldn't run again similar to what they are saying on Biden. Clinton and Obama won re-election comfortably and Reagan won 49 states in the biggest landslide victory ever.

Polls at this point in time are meaningless. Some of them are outright outliers as the media themselves have pointed out with the most recent one. The election isn't until November 2024. All polls until at least September 2024 are pointless.

Respectfully dude, all I do is listen to political podcasts, watch the media and view political Twitter everyday. I'm not saying shyt just to say it.
If a viable third-party candidate runs all bets are off. They would easily siphon off votes from Biden moreso than Trump.
