President Biden announces he Won’t Extend Student Loan Relief And Confirms nikkas better pay up

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
“Today, more than 100 times more borrowers are eligible for PSLF than there were at the beginning of the Administration. The Biden Administration is turning a promise broken under our predecessor into a promise kept,” Cardona said.

I don’t get why that article is being posted as literally people who are or should have qualified for the forgiveness in the first place. Literally all the forgiveness he’s doing now is for that exact same thing.

The only thing that will actually be new is if people outside of norm actually forgot their loans forgiveness.

That sounds like huge news to me. Since you often bytch about the government not keeping their word, don't you see it as newsworthy that he's reversing the fukkups of Trump in a way that helps out tens of thousands of real folk?


Aug 26, 2019
The Voiceless Realm
That sounds like huge news to me. Since you often bytch about the government not keeping their word, don't you see it as newsworthy that he's reversing the fukkups of Trump in a way that helps out tens of thousands of real folk?
First off, when do I bytch about the government not keeping their word. You obviously must have me confused with other posters that you beef with daily.

Secondly, the student loan system has been broken for years now even before Trump came into office and you’d be lying if you sat there and argued otherwise. In fact, Biden himself has played a part in it and it’s on public record that it has.

It would actually be huge news if people that don’t normally qualify for loan forgiveness actually got it that the courts couldn’t stop.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
First off, when do I bytch about the government not keeping their word. You obviously must have me confused with other posters that you beef with daily.

My bad, this must have been someone else with the same username as you.

The government and Yellen in particular haven't been exactly forthcoming when it comes to honest lately or in recent years for that matter, so they'll more than likely go back on their word when shyt truly hits the fan.

You hold a politician accountable by speaking up when they don't keep to their words and actions. Once they get your vote and in office, they have no incentive to keep to their word and don't care until they need you again during election time.

You can still take what the government gives you, while also speaking up and saying that they didn't keep to their word. I don't see why some dudes on here think that you cant. Coli logic on here says that you not voting is the wrong thing do, so obviously the only other message is to keep your foot on their neck by speaking up when they don't keep to their word.

A lot of Coli dudes have put themselves in a bind with their rhetoric. According to them, you can't complain or mention about politicians not keeping to their word once they get in office in spite of everything they said they would do once they won. But you also can't hold them accountable by not voting either as that makes you a c00n and/or MAGA.

So how exactly do they expect people to hold politicians accountable?

The same cats that were in those political threads talking about holding politicians accountable after they get in office and not stick to their word are the same ones caping and making excuses for them now. Dudes are hypocrites without even realizing it :mjlol:

I'm more so with the mindset of that you can take what the government gives you, while also still mentioning the fact that they didn't keep to their exact words and promises. People do everyday in their life, so I don't see why take what the government gives us and shut up about it.

Said people wouldn't do that if someone they knew didn't come through with any or what money they promised them they would have, so I don't see why the same logic would apply to politicians. A lot of dudes in this thread and site know damn well they would be pissed and complaining about someone shorting them or not coming through on their word. So there's no reasoning to cape or hold politicians to a different standard.

That said concept doesn't fly in the real world, so I don't understand why people are willing to give politicians any time of leeway when it comes to that. You can take what the government gives you while also still being a Democrat and mentioning that they didn't follow up on their word.