Wholesome Black Man
Predator 2
Alien vs Predator
Predator 2
Alien vs Predator

I tried to watch robocop the other day.This, Terminator 2, and Robocop..
Pinnacle of classic action movies
Predator 2 is a good film, not as great as the first but still enjoyable
Like even in the city the cops drug dealers etc were way outta their depths against this thing. shyt was action packed
It's dope. Always liked it.
Robocop slightly better. One of the best scores I ever heard. Too bad they fukked up the sequel
On the other hand I love the predator sequel with Danny glover.
The 80’s just haD great movie scores
Man, one of the funniest posts ever on BGOL was a discussion between Predator I & II. Dude basically called Dutch (Schwartzenegger) a hoe in comparison to Harrigan (Glover). Straight tears. Poster largebillsonlyplease will have you crying.
You hyped over a patch lmao
Predator 2 was so official the Box Chev became the official car of the motherfukking HOOD cause if you in one predator's know what you about
You got overcharged buying a patch of 2 nikkas shaking hands showing muscles
The Predator 1 purists are like flat eathers to me.
I keep saying show me the lines show me the parts and they be like man they was in the jungle tho!!!
and them nikkas had big guns
and they was skrong as fukk!
Look at this coward
covered himself in mud and lit a fuse screaming cause he know it's almost over
Look at a real one out here MAN TO PREDATOR with the thing in church shoes and dress pants my nikkas
And after he killed him and like 9 predators showed up what he say? Did he cry? Did he tuck and hide or try and get out the ship?
NO! he did not
he dropped their little p*ssy weapon and looked at all of them like a MAN and said "OK Who's next?"
Arnold screaming like a bytch
Danny asking them who next up to get clapped up
they were like nah man you got it. We respect it. You killed him. You win.
it was like 10 of them
Danny killed that man SON
he turned to walk away and then was like I ain't show the PROPER respect.
and TOLD HIM "Take it" Danny is the only human being the predators respected enough to actually SPEAK ENGLISH TO
Nostalgic I understand it. I never want to tread on the memories at all man
Arnold barely escaped with Jess from WWF Bill Duke and fukking Action Jackson.
Danny took him out with a cat that chase hurricanes and a pregnant woman
Your logic is so faulty lol Dutch didn't learn shyt from the predator other than they can camo and you put mud on you to hide LMAO that's all he could tell him
How did Danny get his tech????
predator was like where is my disc?
and he was like WHAT DISC.
Don't forget. The predator was on the roof top trying to make it to the ship to RUN AWAY FROM DANNY BUT DANNY CAUGHT HIM and the predator was like fukk IT and tried to kill himself too
but danny didn't let him take the easy way out he said NO nikka YOU NOT GOING NOWHERE.
Arnold let out the battle cry
The predator had to let out the battle cry in 2.
You cats go to fond memories and such trying to carry it around. Facts are facts
Cat chased him down in a box chev. Scaled a building. stopped him from committing suicide SO HE COULD KILL HIM HIMSELF.
talking about Intel fukk INTEL
if there's a predator invasion they going to come and tell DANNY FIRST and ask him IF IT'S OK
you see they sneaking around in the motherfukking SNOW and snatching cats taking them to other worlds and shyt now cause after What danny did they was like NO MAS we can't handle that cat.
The predator was cleaning up the community and Danny said THAT'S MY JOB LIL nikka I KILL THE DRUG DEALERS AROUND HERE
Cats had hand cannons and gatling guns Danny had 2 45's the gun and the beer and it worked every time
The Predator was hanging out at the graveyard paying tribute to Danny's loved ones. A little kid knew Danny was around and didn't feel fear. Offered the predator some candy like you got no power here. Danny is DA GOD
Look at ya talking about the glory days
you polk high 4 touchdown cats need to give up the ghost
Talking about the experience.
After Dutch on predator yelp they were like planet 10/10 would visit again
after Danny cat was like let's go back to the hood and lead predator was like![]()
Only the strong survive
I see it seeping in everybody responses
Your heroes got merked effortlessly so that must mean the movie was good haha
It has to be classic cause big dudes with big muscles we're in the jungle and y'all absolutely loved to see it - these are the words you guys use to describe the film
Nobody bringing facts are things that happen
"But when they were in the jungle tho"
Guns n roses made welcome to the jungle after watching predator 2 my nikkas
Y'all out here really defending a movie where the best parts were a handshake in the beginning and Arnold in mud at the end
You son of a bytch is a classic lime?
This is your king?
Predator was stalking and killing threats to the community
Danny said that's his job I kill these scumbags
Keys trash ass team in hazmat suits got boomerang killed in the meat locker
Danny came in with no coat on and linen pants and made the predator run back to its parents
Noooooooooo no no no you talking about the jungle and shyt and how it needs to stay there lmao
It made perfect sense to have it in L.A. Spread out, different hunting grounds and can't be boxed in.
Do we live in the zoo my nikka? lmao People live in L.A. All that bs in the jungle for like 20 people wasn't efficient or worth it the predators were like this shyt kinda wack
They came to a place with plenty of people ready to fight for theirs and didn't count on Mr Glover being there doing his got damn thing and sending them back to where they came
Like I said in the end the predator spoke english to this man out of respect for him and his culture and gave him a colonizer's weapon cause nikka you got the juice.
10 predators in a room with him and he said who's next
no war cry
no hopelessness
no omg
it was WHO'S NEXT
That's Danny Glover Grandson. they took him off world and he survived 10 seasons my nikkas. 10
He knows what it is. He went from only in the jungle to well NYC lol
I got you you son of a bytch
See now THAT'S a "son of a bytch" that MEANT something.
nikkas handing out high fives and then crying and shyt
Predator looking shook. Look at that. He was ready to commit suicide at this point
They had to do something they weren't fukking with Danny glover types no more they went back to soilders
they were like soldiers are easier
Predator 2 got out of ghost mode cause you can't hide from the Glover
Danny hunted him DOLO and DIDN'T SLEEP
Exactly Arnold wasn't man enough to stop him from destroying himself we see that it's possible because of Danny. Danny stopped the bomb from going off. Arnold should have done that too. But no, he got the fukk out of there. Turned and ran. Danny was on the edge of the building like Die Hard he had Predators Haans by the arm and cut the arm OFF to save MILLIONS OF PEOPLE. You saw how much jungle it took out? You see how many women and kids would've died if he got that bomb off? HE AIN'T LET IT HAPPEN
Jungle predator was alone cause nobody liked him. His wack ass isn't allowed in city limits. He gotta hunt in the Jungle banished from the real deal shyt that's why he was dolo and nobody came to look for him
The Urban Predator was a prince where he was from that's why the King came down to get his son back nobody cared about Predator 1 NOBODY
Predator 2 they did a New Orleans Chorus Line for him and took him home to glory
You trying so hard to diminish the 2nd predator when the 1st predator didn't do shyt but stand still camo and kill them weaklings. All that macho was DUST fertilizer and food for the jungle cats
Real deal predator was taking out small armies cats with that pcp strength. Went into the subway in closed combat
Killed the government folks in the meat locker noticing a theme here? WHENEVER THE PUSS ASS GOVERNMENT GETS INVOLVED THEY HANDLE THEM LIKE THEY RICE PATTIES.
It took a REAL nikka TO GET THE JOB DONE
The predator's recognized game
Predator 1 was one of them nikkas that saved up for a the cheapest cruise ticket to say he went on a cruise
Cat bought the worldstar planet package and got dropped in the jungle
Predator 2 was an acclaimed warrior with clout they gave him a hotel at the bottom of the building and a Civiche' beef to feed off of when he got bored of hunting and needed a quiet night out on the town
that's why he killed keys and them he was in there trying to eat and you know how we get when you interrupt someone eating
hit them with the boomerang throw
nikka turned into future and TOOK THE MASK OFF and called him UGLY TO HIS FACE
he got choked after that yea he did but he recovered and then had that man on the RUN.
Cops theme song was playing in the predator head the entire time he was on the run
Every time he looked back Danny was like Jason when you hear the little breathing noise instead it was the rasta part where he's like "Tell meeeeeeeeeeeeee what ya gonna doooooo what ya gonna dooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooo"
When he was on the roof and saw the box chev fish tailing under him following him "Tell meeeeeeeeeeeee what ya gonna dooooooooooooooooooo"
Special forces were in the jungle. Got clapped up quickly... and one ESCAPED.
They thought it was a piece of cake. They went to the city because the jungle was easy AS fukk they were like well we handled them that easy let's go where there are more of them and get more trophy's
and then
predator 1 was like I can't believe this bytch ass fool got me I can't go back home like this I'd rather KILL MYSELF than let them find out this cac killed me
Predator 2 tried it. he was like man this nikka is just too real for me I'M OUT
and Danny said
look at how scared he was. Look at the fear in the eyes of the predator
What ya gonna dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
didn't hit NOTHING
One man did the job of all your heroes
1 man.
That's Ventura's and Action Jackson's head he's taking an IG pic with
Arnold had government training, special forces experience, tactical gear, weapons and an extract point. After his team got washed like dirty dishes, it became about getting to his supervisors. Everything he did was to make it to the choppa.
Danny had a mustard yellow shirt, 1 gun - no extra clips and no plan b.
Danny said ain't no building high enough. Ain't no basement low enough. To keep me from killing you.
exactly you can't even come to earth and other planets until you kill a xenomorph
grasping at straws I think I proved once and for all that predator 2 is superior in every WAY
they respected Danny so much they invited him to the cook out
To. The. Cookout. He was invited. They had a party. That's peak respect.
The predators probably do the little bro handshake as a joke on their planet.
Welcome home brother
You nikkas will catch up soon.
When they rolled up on him in the ship and they saw the loafers and no socks with dress pants like Rickey Henderson they said oh helllllllllllllllll noooooooooooooooo
Gave him the gun and was like respect
then came back to visit the nikka and he was like man who next yall brought another for me to kill?
we was wondering if you'd come to the cook out
They put on Ice Cube Predator album and had a fukking party
The clip was them dancing to Check Yo Self Remix
It just went off so much shyt I forgot.
When they were on the ledge stuck and the predator had his arm holding on to danny like please don't let me fall
Danny looked him right in the eye and said "It's your move p*ssy face"
who you know talk real rap raw like that to the predator? Not NOBODY.
Predator even had some last words said to him "shyt happens" and set the bomb off
Danny turned into Juve
oh you think we bout to die ha
i wonder why ha
i got your disc ha
you falling out the sky ha
Had Predators running from him twice.
The consistency. They see Harrigan and start running.
Harrigan is so bad, they got a statue of Harrigan on the Predator homeworld. He's the only non-Predator to have a statue there out of all the species and bad asses they've encountered. Momma and Daddy Predators have kid Predators shook with ghost stories of the Harrigan. Dutch, in the Predator language, is the equivalent of "son'd" in Predator slang.
It's still all facts
Predator is classic cinema and the reason there are 10 predator movies.
They keep trying to recreate the magic but it won't be the same until they go back to the hood where the real challenges are.
Have Yaya Abdul-Mateen play Danny Grandson and we got ourselves a fukking future classic on our hands.
Great movie. John Carpenter directed it, and composed the soundtrack as well.
His movies always begin with a really good scene (The Thing, Escape, Big Trouble)
I actually consider robocop more of almost an action/drama with a surprising amount of deeper social commentary. That movie is way deeper than it gets credit for. It’s pretty dark and I don’t tend to think of it as much as a fun action movie, like I do with predator.Robocop slightly better. One of the best scores I ever heard. Too bad they fukked up the sequel
On the other hand I love the predator sequel with Danny glover.
The 80’s just haD great movie scores
Definitely had that dystopian future feel to it.Predator 2 is a good film, not as great as the first but still enjoyable
I'd buy this for my collection. They gotta prove themselves as hunters, then prove themselves again by going out hunting & only get that recognition after that. Few got the honor of hunting Xenomorphs & if they got caught slipping they blew each other up.Th Pred film with Brody was how they should've done it but, instead they should've started from one of the clans. We could follow the life of a specific prrd from his training, the type of weapons and armors he'd master, and the final act his first mission![]()
That assault on precinct 13 theme goes so hard even 36 mafia had to sample itMan its amazing how talented John Carpenter is. Dude made damn near all the music for his movies.
Man the music from assault on precinct 13 and escape from NY...![]()