It is really good. As a kid I always watched Arnold movies but I considered it just another one of his movies. Now I think it’s one of his best
The Holy Trinity of 80s action. Although the 80s had many classics but those 3 are my favorites as well.Absolute 80’s classic . Arnold and cast was amazing in this . Many many classic scenes throughout the movie. Top 3 80’s action films for me alongside Aliens and terminator 1.
It always reminded me of The Thing (1982) intro but I still loved it. The movie is perfect.Just wish they didn’t show the alien ship in the beginning
Even the music is the shyt. It always gave me Back To The Future vibes which made sense since Alan Silvestri did both. I know we probably talked about this ad nauseam but @hex can speak on how the movie just turned after they raided the guerilla camp. It just turns into a completely different movie and I love it. Classic through and through. Billy was a real life psychopath.It is. It’s my fav action flick of this ilk. Escape from New York is my fav movie of all time and that’s action too but this one feels different. Predator is also a dope satire of 80s action movies, which is something McTiernan speaks to on the commentary. Almost a warmup to what he and Arnold did with last action hero
Itsss up the treeeess
Was Predator the only one that was any good? I don't remember seeing any of them except the Danny Glover joint
Get outta hereWas Predator the only one that was any good? I don't remember seeing any of them except the Danny Glover joint
Dead seriousyou serious???